
Chapter 21

Ichiro put on his gloves, and stared at his father questioningly.

- Come over here and punch that pear. - Kenshin commanded.

Ichiro went to the pear, and hit it with his fist without shaking it much.

- It's no good. - Said Kenshin, and punched the bag himself, making it sway sensibly to the side. Then he went over to his son and showed him a boxing stance.

- Here, stand in this position, and make a punch not only with your hand, but with your whole body. First, learn how to put the power of your body into the punch. Go ahead, try it. - Kenshin taught his son, and stood behind him, directing the movements.

Ichiro tried a few times, and he started to get something right, so Kenshin ordered him to practice this punch for half an hour while he went to check on Aya himself.

As soon as Kenshin entered the bedroom, Aya asked: - Where's Ichiro?

- Practicing. Besides, he's not allowed to come into our bedroom uninvited anymore. - Kenshin replied in a calm tone.

- What? Why not? He's our son... Besides, he could have just knocked, in case we weren't dressed..." Aya said in an exasperated tone. Like any mother, she loved her son immensely, and felt pity for him.

- That was out of the question. I take care of the children I raise, and they need discipline above all else. - Kenshin stated harshly, not wanting to change his mind.

He walked over to his pregnant wife, sat on the edge of the bed, and stroked her big belly.

- How's our second baby doing, not asking to come out yet? - Kenshin asked with a smile as he leaned over to the girl and kissed her sweet cherry lips.

- Mmm, not yet, but I have a feeling he'll ask for it tomorrow. - Aya murmured. Having given birth once, she could feel the changes in her body, and she could guess quite accurately when the birth would happen.

After a while, Kenshin "heard" Ichiro's voice in his mind, and after kissing his wife, he left the bedroom and headed for the gym.

- Finished? - Asked Kenshin, and getting an affirmative answer, he said: - Hit the punching bag.

Ichiro hit the punching bag, and it swung about the same as Kenshin's punch, though the technique limped on both legs. Kenshin was a little surprised, but he didn't show it. He pulled out his helmet and slightly different boxing gloves, and tossed them to Ichiro.

- Put them on, and go to the tatami. - Ichiro obeyed, and a few minutes later, father and son were facing each other in gloves and helmets.

- You need to consolidate all your knowledge with practical experience before you finish your training, so you and I will spar every night. We don't hit at full strength. No hitting below the waist, understand?

- Yes, father.

- All right, let's do it!

The next few minutes were a one-way game, with Kenshin chasing his son all over the tatami with his experience and long training, throwing unexpected punches, and dodging Ichiro's highly anticipated and straightforward blows. Kenshin was surprised to note that Ichiro's strength, speed, and stamina were slightly higher than Kenshin himself, and the young father could only win through sheer experience, and by the end of their sparring Kenshin was slightly more tired than Ichiro, and still missed one punch to the face. He recoiled, stopped sparring, and, breathing heavily, said:

- Not bad. Not bad at all. Your physique is at the level of a professional athlete. I'll be no match for you now, if I sharpen my skills.

- Don't say that, Father. I could never beat you. - Ichiro is indignant.

- You have already won. You have completely outclassed me in stamina, and now I am nothing more than a punching bag, while you can still fight.

- But my stamina wouldn't help me withstand even ten of your blows if you were focused on winning!

Kenshin smiled, but said nothing. He liked this guy. Ichiro had grown up to be a respectful and obedient son, and Kenshin wanted to stroke the little beard he didn't have, then fold his arms behind his back, and gait lightly through the clouds like a true wise master. Instead he laughed, and said:

- Come, help me carry the fish and hares. We'll bathe and wash off the fatigue.

Ichiro smiled, and nodded, following his father.


The next morning, Ichiro began following a six-hour workout plan that included warming up, running, push-ups, squats, lifting weights, and practicing punching the punching bag. Kenshin told his son to stretch out all his workouts throughout the day, but Ichiro was surprisingly slower to tire, and recovered faster. Kenshin noticed a small correlation, between his second level "Talented Offspring" ability, which enhanced the children's talent by 10%, and Ichiro's roughly ten percent superiority in speed, strength, and stamina. Kenshin decided not to jump to conclusions, and to watch his next children.

By evening, Kenshin was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding his wife's hand, waiting for the contractions that would herald the birth of the second child to begin any minute now. He did not have to wait long, and at seven o'clock in the evening, Aya gave birth to her second baby, named Keiji.

- My God, honey, look at the beautiful babies you're giving birth to me! - Kenshin said with a laugh as he gently handed the baby over.

- You are right! He is so cute! My little Keiji..." murmured Aya, and held him to her chest.

The baby just clapped his eyes in surprise, and didn't cry at all, looking at his mother with interest. Aya couldn't help herself, and kissed him on the forehead, and Keiji suddenly cried.

- Shh, Keiji, don't cry, listen to your mother. - Kenshin whispered, and stroked his other son lightly.

"Ichiro, come here!" - Kenshin commanded mentally.

Ichiro sneaked carefully into the bedroom, feeling uncomfortable, but immediately froze when he saw a small bald lump in his mother's hands.

- Meet Ichiro, this is your little brother, Keiji. - Kenshin declared, and took the baby in his arms. - Here, hold this.

Ichiro was frightened, and refused to pick up such a fragile creature for fear of hurting his little brother, but after a few seconds, he gently took the bundle.

Keiji stared silently with his blue eyes at the equally blue eyes of his older brother, and he mumbled something unintelligible, and then his lips parted into some sort of smile.

- Keiji..." Ichiro muttered, and smiled broadly, pleased to meet such a small and defenseless brother.

- Don't be fooled. He'll grow up soon, and surpass you if you don't train harder! - Kenshin said with a laugh, picking up the bundle with the baby, and handing it to Aya.

- I'll be glad if little Keiji gets really strong, because then he can protect you and mom! - Ichiro declared.

- Ha ha ha, that's the right attitude, but don't you dare pass the responsibility onto others! Practice hard, and be an example to all your future brothers! - Kenshin declared, and patted his eldest son on the shoulder.

- Yes, father! - Ichiro stated decisively.

- Now let's go and let mom rest for a while. - Said Kenshin, and father and son walked out the door, letting the girl who had just given birth get some sleep.