
I am the most Talented Devourer

Yang Kai gets transmigrated to the cultivation world after creating a game character for [Immortal Cultivation]

MadDemonVenerable · Huyền huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Transmigrated

In a neat and tidy but plain room, a man was sitting, looking intently at a computer screen. The blue light from the monitor showed his handsome face as he continue to look at the screen


On the screen was a loading bar

91% .. 96% .. 99% ..... 100%

"Finally, it finished downloading, this took longer than that time I tried to download Elden Ring on bad hotspot"

"If it took any longer I would have gone insane"

I looked at the loaded up computer screen as it booted up the game

[Welcome to 'Immortal Cultivation' ]

This is a new game that has taken the world by storm, everyone including mothers and fathers to brothers and sisters are playing this game; And I am no different than the rest

I clicked enter and the game brought me to the customization screen and I was ready to make the most Broken and OP charcter ever, well at least as Broken as I could make it, considering how most games are

First, the most important thing was to select the gender, and of course that would be male

Second, it was time for proportions, I gave my character the best looks possible along with the basics such as black hair, black eyes and pale skin not that there's anything wrong with, you know darker skin ,

along with height to 5'11" and of course I couldn't forget about turning my little brother into a big brother

Third, was to select the age, of course, I had to select 18 years old

I looked at my character and felt immensely satisfied, it couldn't be more perfect,

And finally, for the finishing touches; What to name my character? "Yang Kai", that's good enough

Finishing my character creation after many grueling hours, I clicked confirmed and hit next

Now it was time to get a talent

What I mean by talent is cultivation talent, this, this is the deciding factor, I could either soar to heaven or fall down to earth, this will be the difference between genius and waste or like immortal to mortal

I clicked the button to receive my talent, very solemnly I might add, and with sweaty palms, knitted brows and clenched hands, I sat there in anticipation and anxiousness

"Congratulations! You have obtained peak-grade talent"

I sat there dumbfoundedly starting at the single message that has shaken my heart, I was ecstatic,

I received the best talent possible afterall the grades are: low, mid, high and peak; that's all the talents there are, but the difference between them is heaven and earth. It would be like trying to compare a mob character to the final boss or in better terms trying to compare Fang Yuan to, well, any other Mc

I was ready to get into the gameplay and clicked next,

"Please roll for unique talent….."

Oh, I almost forgot about the most important thing, the unique talent

I clicked the glowingbutton and watched it spin impatiently ready to dive into this new game

The talents spun faster than light, not giving me a chance to see what each was, then it stopped

"Congratulations! You have obtained the unique talent, devour"

I still impatient, just clicked next not bothering to give it a thought

"Do you want to initiate, Immortal Cultivation, Yes or No"

I hovered over the yes button that was so enchantingly glowing just begging to be pushed, I clicked yes

As I did so my computer fucking, excuse my language, my computer fucking blew up and killed me


The End


Just Kidding, he's the MC he can't die even if he wants to


My closed eyelids fluttered open, albeit, with some difficulty as my mind was still blurry and me dying a second ago didn't help,

I got my eyes to open as I squinted at the harsh sunlight burning their might into my eyes

I sat up, albeit, with much difficulty

I glanced around taking in what I saw

This was not my room, most definitely not

I could confirm this much because when I was looking around, I saw clothes thrown randomly about, just laying on the floor; And the really dead give away, I wasn't fucking braindead, of course I could tell if I was in my room

"Sigh, what happened"

"Who was that, I'm not going insane am I"



My iq must have declined a little bit as I only realized the truth after making a fool of myself

That voice was mine, that clear and high pitch voice was mine, which is much different than my usual slightly deep and honestly kinda ugly voice

Now that my mind is starting to adapt, I got a good look at my body, my hair was black and long, my skin my pale and my little brother evolved into a big brother like some type of Pokémon

I must be dreaming I thought, so I pinched my check, but The scenery didn't change, only now my check kinda hurt

I saw a window and took a little peak outside, afraid of what I might see


Unfamiliar, truly unfamiliar, the street were bustling with people going to and fro, and they all wore ancient Chinese clothes like robes, and another thing, nobody looked ugly

Where am I? This place is not what I know

I was slightly panicking inside, but I consider myself a very steady and unfettered person so I quickly got rid of that festering feeling,

I looked for something that could explain this situation within the confines of this room, there was a bed, a table with chairs, a drawer and a mirror, thinking quickly, I dashed to the mirror

The person reflected was not me, that much I knew, I also knew that this reflection was perfect, the figure was of my creation, yes it was my character from the game

Well, I comforted myself now knowing what place I was in and who I was

I also comforted myself with the fact that I had the best talents and the best looks to go with

Now, it was time to search for information desperately needed

I looked in the only place I could, the drawer, seeing some books inside I thanked the heavens

I grabbed one

"101 on Immortal Cultivation"

Useful but not right now

"101 on Dual Cultivation"

Such A thing, only a scum would keep this(The Mc put it in his robes)

"101 on XiaoMu World"

This seems like what I need

I took the book and started to skim the pages. I don't mean to toot my own horn but my reading speed has reached a divine level as a result of frequent reaching and The Great Dao of MTL, resulting in me reading the book, front to back in little time

Finishing the book, I let out a much needed sigh,

What I learned, was that this world was called XiaoMu, the cultivation levels and the great powers


Cultivation Levels: Body Tempering, Qi condensing, Foundation Establishing, Gold Core, Nascent Soul, Tribulation, Ascension, Divine, Divine Lord


Great Powers: Yang Clan, Song Clan, Xia Clan, Dong Clan, Heaven Sect, Demon Sect, Dao Sect, Seven Sin Sect


Exhausted with all the surprises for today, I laid in bed and fell asleep like a true expert


I'm probably just gonna drop this