
I Am the King of the Gloom

Gloom Dwellers. Evil spirits that devour souls and are invisible to the human eye. Only members of the Order of the Light can fight back against their might. These exorcists hail from ancient blessed bloodlines which confer upon each of them individual spirit powers they use to fight Gloom Dwellers. Caden McLaren is a 'tainted blood' - the product of a pairing between the most powerful exorcist to ever grace the Order and a plain human. Due to his tainted blood, he bears no spirit powers except the ability to perceive Gloom Dwellers. His mother's death in childbirth made him her only heir, and so Caden is adopted by the Order and trained to be an exorcist regardless of his inability to do so. And his disinterest in doing so. While it seems the Gloom Dwellers have nearly been wiped from the world entirely, a new and staggeringly powerful Gloom Dweller has formed, possessing both genius intellect and sharp cunning. Caught unaware, the Order is thoroughly devastated in a sudden massive attack orchestrated by this new leader, and only Caden and a few of his friends survive the purge. In the process of escaping, Caden discovers he is the first tainted blood to somehow have a spirit power after all: he controls the Gloom - a cursed and malleable goo that Gloom Dwellers naturally create and wave to their purposes. Caden is the ultimate King of the Gloom, and the last dying ember of the Order of Light.

Amesaya · Thành thị
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13 Chs


We make it back to base camp empty handed.

Nothing seems to have changed by the time we return. It's the dead of night and no one has even bothered to try to find shelter. 

I imagine this is because Nicole can just create spirit structures on a whim by manipulating ether, so it's not particularly necessary. But currently the only structures she's made are gazebos for the students milling about fooling around.

Flynn takes stock of the situation, then turns to Amelia and me. "...Are we missing something? Are we idiots? How are we not seeing anything? Where are the Gloom Dwellers?"

She shakes her head.

"We only searched one section of the island. It could be the new Gloom Dwellers hatched on this island haven't really explored far. That's a good thing. We'll be able to wipe them out more quickly and easily when we do find them."

"...Or." Flynn scratches his cheek. "Did the Order somehow put us on an island without any Gloom Dwellers to make our last mission super easy?"

"...That's pretty hard to believe, Flynn." Amelia folds her arms.

"It makes more sense to me that there aren't any here. It's possible they're even hiding inside of the villages that exist here."

She waves her hand as she speaks. "These are still only baby Dwellers. It's more likely they're young and too frightened to show up even if we go looking. They're probably hiding somewhere in the villages right now."

Flynn strokes his chin, but eventually his grin returns.

"Great! Then tomorrow we'll go to the nearest village!" He claps his hands together in excitement.

Amelia rolls her eyes a little.

"You sound like it's some kind of field trip. Don't get too carried away. Remember, this is still our responsibility and honor to eradicate Gloom Dwellers in our path to become full Exorcists."

Flynn laughs at that. "Come on. It's a huge accomplishment for us to reach this point, isn't it? Besides, Caden is here! Do you think he cares?"

...Why are they suddenly talking to me? I just wanted to go to sleep.

"Of course he cares. Caden is here and wants to graduate just like everyone else. I can't believe you sometimes."

"Whatever," Flynn says. "Let's go back and rest. Tomorrow, we can head to the closest village and make sure it's clear."

"Sounds good. Then let's do that."

The three of us trudge across the beach from the tree line all the way to the group of students, occasionally talking about strategy as we go.

That is to say Flynn and Amelia talk about strategy.

I just think about how comfortable it will be to lie down.

The other students are noisy as they celebrate the night away, using their spirit powers for various party tricks and comparing the flame size of their Exorcist Candles.

Amelia's eyes sharpen as we return and she watches the scene unfold before us.

"Are they really just wasting the whole first night...?"

Nicole laughs and waves a hand dismissively. "Amelia, this is the smallest island. There's eighteen of us. We can afford to enjoy one night without worrying about a bunch of baby Gloom Dwellers~!"

There are nineteen of us.

But one of them is me, so I suppose she's not wrong.

"Also," she adds with a bright smile, "Aren't you hungry? Look, they made food~!"

I glance back at the tables that have been set up. Did someone collect this, or was someone's spirit power somehow connected to making food...?

Oh, right.

I don't care.

I'm too hungry to care about where the food came from.

...Even if I feel a chill creeping over the back of my neck.

There's a shift in the air.

For a second I think it might be something dangerous...

But there's nothing but a bunch of irresponsible teenagers dancing around to music someone is making.

And I have no spirit powers, so it's not like I could sense Gloom Dwellers anyway. I can see them, but sensing is another matter entirely.

I guess I'm just imagining it, then.

If Amelia and Flynn don't notice anything, then it's probably not real.

Amelia glares at Nicole. "There are nineteen of us. And we're given a week for a reason."

"Does it matter? One of those is Caden, he doesn't count."

Yeah. I don't count.

I just rub my forehead in response to Nicole's blunt dismissal of me.

It's not like I need any of these jerks to like or accept me. So long as they eventually get all the Gloom Dwellers.

My stomach rumbles again, louder this time.


Come to me.


My thoughts are interrupted by yet another, more prominent chill.

I stop and scan the area despite myself.

...There's nothing.

This is ridiculous.

But...I don't feel good.

I really, really don't feel good.

"Hey, Amelia..."

She looks in my direction, expression surprised that I'd speak to her. "Caden?"

"Can we check the woods again one more time? Just to be sure."

Something feels wrong. I don't know why. I just want to know everything is okay.

Amelia stares at me like I've just suggested eating Gloom for dessert.


I know.

It's unlike me.

I sigh.

"Never mind. It's probably nothing."

What I'm feeling is probably hunger. Hunger and exhaustion because I haven't trained my body to go this long without naps.

I grab some food and wander away from the revelry to somewhere quiet and dark. A little overhang of rock shielded from the elements.

It's not so far away that I'll be prey to the Gloom Dwellers - and it's close to the sea, where no Gloom Dwellers are known to come from, rather than the forest. But it is quiet and secluded enough that I can eat and sleep in peace.

I settle in my seat and get peace for...

All of five seconds before Amelia joins me.

I stare at her.

"Why are you here?"

"Why shouldn't I be? You know it isn't safe to wander off on your own around known Gloom Dweller locations." She shrugs. "I was surprised by your behavior just now, is all."

I pointedly eat a bite of food before I respond. 

"...Before they can come eat me they'd have to go through all of you. They don't swim."

"No..." She nods. "But they do skitter around beaches to avoid big groups to eat a tasty soul."

...I suppose that is true.

"Well, this is the only place to go and hide and not be disturbed." I point out.

Amelia doesn't leave, instead she just gets more comfortable sitting next to me. "True, but if there's any out there they'd love to target you more than anyone else."

"Oh joy, someone will finally want me."

That's a joke.

Apparently I say it too blandly, though, as pity flashes in Amelia's eyes.

"...I'm sorry you've struggled so much with fitting in."

What a strange response.

"I'm not struggling." Struggling implies trying.

I've never tried to fit in with this group of people.

I don't have the energy for that.

She sighs and opens her mouth to speak.

But something wrong.

I can feel it.

I can feel it more than I've felt anything. 

A screaming alarm in my head that something is wrong.

...The noisy students are silent.