
I Am the King of the Gloom

Gloom Dwellers. Evil spirits that devour souls and are invisible to the human eye. Only members of the Order of the Light can fight back against their might. These exorcists hail from ancient blessed bloodlines which confer upon each of them individual spirit powers they use to fight Gloom Dwellers. Caden McLaren is a 'tainted blood' - the product of a pairing between the most powerful exorcist to ever grace the Order and a plain human. Due to his tainted blood, he bears no spirit powers except the ability to perceive Gloom Dwellers. His mother's death in childbirth made him her only heir, and so Caden is adopted by the Order and trained to be an exorcist regardless of his inability to do so. And his disinterest in doing so. While it seems the Gloom Dwellers have nearly been wiped from the world entirely, a new and staggeringly powerful Gloom Dweller has formed, possessing both genius intellect and sharp cunning. Caught unaware, the Order is thoroughly devastated in a sudden massive attack orchestrated by this new leader, and only Caden and a few of his friends survive the purge. In the process of escaping, Caden discovers he is the first tainted blood to somehow have a spirit power after all: he controls the Gloom - a cursed and malleable goo that Gloom Dwellers naturally create and wave to their purposes. Caden is the ultimate King of the Gloom, and the last dying ember of the Order of Light.

Amesaya · Thành thị
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13 Chs


As we walk, the halls shift. They become smaller, less grand, until the rooms around us begin to transition from larger gathering spaces to narrower corridors.

They become darker. The air becomes more damp and more stifling, and the halls grow colder.

I am led into a new area I've never seen before, and the floor immediately begins to sway beneath my feet. I can taste salt on the air, even in this muggy, claustrophobic corridor.

What's going on?

We're aboard a ship?

...No. Not a ship. I definitely didn't board a ship.

But it is some kind of a...boarding hall. Perhaps a hall leading to a ship.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

If I sound annoyed it's because I could be sleeping right now.

"You'll understand when you arrive."

Oh great. That's so helpful. Thanks.

I have no idea where we are, or where I'm being led to. I've never been in this part of the Order monastery before, and all that Master Thomson has told me is that this is important and something special.

So. Yeah.

Not getting any more answers until I actually get where I'm being led. Sure. Why not.

I guess it wouldn't matter even if I did know.

...I was right to guess we were headed to a boat.

I shield my hand and squint at the sun in the sky like a Gloom Dweller myself.



I could be asleep.

Other members of my class mill about on the dock of this boat. When I see that, I realize this is just another weird Order training function.

Flynn sees me, and like a heat seeking missile he makes a beeline for me.

"Caden! I didn't expect to see you here! Isn't this great?!" Flynn practically dances in place, gesturing wide around himself.

Amelia lingers nearby. I look at her mostly because looking at Flynn's endless energy leaves me exhausted.

"Hello, Caden. This is truly remarkable, isn't it?" She puts her hand on her chin. "I heard whispers of this, but I didn't know we were already so close to graduation!"

"...What." I say. As flat as can be.

She sighs at me.

"Isn't it obvious? This is our survival trip." Amelia gesticulates, and it's far too similar to Flynn.

I glance at my blonde haired friend, then back to the red haired woman in front of me.

Survival trip? What does she mean by that?

Amelia frowns slightly. "Caden. Did you forget what our final examination will be? The one that is set at a random time specifically to test our preparedness? Did you not pay attention when they described it?"

Of course I didn't pay attention.

I never.

Pay attention.


Flynn smirks a little. "So you didn't know! That's hilarious! You're just the most useless person I know."

I don't know how this man can say things that are so insulting with so little malice.

Perhaps because what he says is true.

Amelia shoots him a quick glare, then shakes her head at me.

"This is the Order's annual voyage to the Hovel Isles, where they allow the graduating class to practice their skills on real Gloom Dwellers." She explains.

"We'll be taken out to a random isle and left there for a week, with only our own abilities to fend for ourselves. If all the Gloom Dwellers on the island are eradicated by the end of the week, then the entire class graduates. If any are left, then those with low points have to retake the class."

I stare at her.


It's less a question than a statement about our society and-

She rattles off a complicated explanation about how doing exorcist tricks and dispelling Gloom Dwellers gain points and what point rankings do and...

I listen to none of it.

It's unnecessary: my points will be zero no matter what I do.

So I may as well sleep.

Except it seems like that isn't even a possibility.

We're gathered for an orientation session that involves a lecture about how the point system works - the very one Amelia just finished - what we'll be expected to do, and various other details that are meaningless to me.

When that is over, we're handed supplies and tents for camping.

In theory, there are empty villages scattered all over the islands we can get supplies from. In practice, they're typically Gloom Dweller breeding grounds.

Breeding grounds is the key phrase.

The Gloom Dwellers on the isle are likely to be infants - or near as exist for Gloom Dwellers. Weak little things who have never tasted human souls and should be little threat even to a bunch of idiot teenagers on their first trip without supervision.

I mean...

Still deadly to me.

But I'm not going to be hunting them. So it doesn't matter.

Our classmaster briefs us in more detail, including providing each of us with an Exorcist Candle if we weren't in possession of one already. The candle in his hand lights up with brilliant power, and he tosses it to Flynn. The rest of the class also receives their candles from a chest nearby.

Flynn grins, holding the candle aloft with a glimmer in his eyes. "How incredible. Our very first Exorcist Tool!"

"Correct, Mr. Jasdevi." The classmaster nods approvingly.

"Although the Exorcist Candle is a basic tool, it will also be one of your most important as an Exorcist. You'll find your ability to focus greatly enhanced with a Candle. With these and your training, I have full faith you'll succeed even without my supervision."

...So the important thing is, after this week we won't be going to more training after all. We'll be free to leave and start our exorcist lives.

Or, for me, I'll be free to spend a peaceful life secluded away in my room, never bothered by anyone again, until I'm forced to marry someone.

Assuming all the Gloom Dwellers are eradicated, anyway.

I have a lot riding on this.

I look to Amelia.

"...Don't let Flynn screw it up."

"Wh--" Flynn starts.

Amelia just laughs.

"...Understood, Caden." Her green eyes meet my silver ones for a moment, but she gives no indication about anything deeper than that.

The journey will last the night - and I don't imagine there's anything much for us to see between the mainland and the islands anyway. Therefore, the most important thing to do...is find my bed. Or rather, find the one I can claim.

As if the Order planned it just to mess with me, the room I claim quickly becomes shared with Amelia and Flynn when it turns out there's not enough rooms for everyone.

I sigh.