
I am the future CEO. What's wrong with being able to read minds?

This book is for female readers!!! [A story about a seemingly aloof gentleman and a seemingly expressionless but funny female lead] While others either become malicious supporting characters or beautiful cannon fodder when transmigrating into books, Shi Lele transmigrates as the male protagonist's personal male servant. 'It's been a long time since the young master smiled so happily.' 'It's the first time the young master has brought a woman home.' 'I've never seen the young master so concerned about a woman before.' As long as she says these three shocking quotes in front of the male lead after meeting the female lead, she can successfully complete her mission. Until Shi Lele realizes that the female lead she has been waiting for all these years is herself... Lu Yanzhou has never paid attention to his mute little male servant who is like an NPC until one day, a white lotus flower comes to visit his home... ...

DaoistZGd2nj · Thành thị
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48 Chs

Chapter 8

A pure white envelope fluttered down accompanied by a soul-piercing scream.

Shi Liao Liao, with a look of disdain, casually tossed aside the stick and stood up to pick up the object.

It was indeed her own admission notice.

Liu Ren, clutching his buttocks, squatted on the ground in a sorry state, his expression twisted in pain.

He had really suffered a dumb loss this time.

Even if someone asked him what happened, Liu Ren couldn't bring himself to say it.

What would he say?

That he got his butt poked by Shi Liao Liao, who seemed as effeminate as a male fox spirit?!

Shi Liao Liao, who had poked someone's buttocks, put away the admission notice carefully, her gaze indifferent and her tone so calm it was as if she hadn't just caused the explosive incident.

"Do you need me to call someone to take you to the proctology department?"

Liu Ren was so angry he almost crushed his back teeth: "Get lost!!!"

Shi Liao Liao immediately turned and walked away.

Maru Maru hopped out, covering his little butt with both paws, and said with deep meaning: "You've really ruined both grandfather and grandson."

Meanwhile, Lu Yanzhou, who was originally about to leave but stumbled upon this tragic scene, stood still. He watched Liu Ren howling and cursing in pain, with no intention of stepping forward to help.

The male voice in his earphones noticed his sudden silence and called out several times: "Hey? Lu Yanzhou, are you listening to me?"

"I just heard a really tragic scream; are you watching some kind of movie?"

"Damn it, my cousin is also watching a movie. His friend ordered him some fried chicken; the little brat has made me crave it several times."

Lu Yanzhou snapped back to reality, slightly reining in the smile on the corners of his mouth, and replied in a nonchalant tone to the person on the other end, "Oh? I won't allow my friends to go without fried chicken. I'll send you some money."

The person on the other end was first dumbfounded, then excited.

Oh my god! Has Lu Yanzhou been possessed by someone else??

Just as they were thinking this, the transfer came through.

[You have received a $1.00 transfer]

Lu Yanzhou: "Go buy some disposable gloves to eat your cousin's."

Someone: "..."

"Lu, Yan, Zhou!!"

Ignoring the other person's frustration, Lu Yanzhou said, "Hanging up."

The person on the other end hurriedly called out to him, "Wait wait wait! I haven't finished speaking."

"What are you really thinking? You're the only one in the A-level without your own subordinate. Do you know how many new students enrolled this year just because of you?"

It all started with lower-grade students willing to become 'servants' to higher-grade students to avoid being bullied.

St. Dunstan's Academy does not allow students to bring non-student staff like housekeepers or maids into the residence. The pampered young masters couldn't get used to that, so they naturally took people in.

Originally, it was a mutually beneficial relationship, but as time went on, things got out of hand and the atmosphere gradually deteriorated.

Subordinates who were initially just doing menial chores now had completely changed roles.

A few people might find it troublesome and symbolically take in a few, but Lu Yanzhou was unique in his ways. The door to his independent dormitory never opened for anyone.

Hearing this, Lu Yanzhou shifted his gaze towards the spot where Shi Liao had left.

"I already have one."

The person on the other end of the phone: ????

Before he could ask for clarification, Lu Yanzhou had already hung up the phone.

If he weren't someone sent by his father, perhaps he would have become friends with Shi Liao Liao.

The aversion brought on by yesterday's phone call had subsided somewhat, and a faint regret surfaced in Lu Yanzhou's heart, but it was fleeting.

Shi Liao Liao, who was completely unaware that Lu Yanzhou had taken all her out-of-character actions into account, was packing up her things.

Although she entered Shengdon Academy as an honor student with a scholarship, Shi Liao hadn't forgotten her identity as Lu Yanzhou's personal manservant.

Shengdon Academy was an all-boys school, and the risk of exposing her gender was very high, so Shi Liao had to bring extra items.

Looking at the box of sanitary pads hidden under the bed, she sighed.

Maru Maru also empathized: [Host, you really have it tough.]

Shi Liao Liao waved it off: "It's nothing."

"Life is about being happy. If I'm not happy, I have hands and feet—I can survive on my own."

Maru Maru: [ ...]

Lu Yanzhou had an early routine; he got up at five in the morning, went for a run, and then took a shower and had breakfast.

After getting everything ready and about to get into the car, he saw Shi Liao checking her luggage.

She was dressed in the Shengdon Academy uniform; the dark green Western-style school uniform was neatly worn on her body, with a very slim waistline.

The first time he saw her, Lu Yanzhou noticed that her waist was very slim, almost too slender for a man.

Having moved Lu Yanzhou's last box of luggage, Shi Liao liao finally felt his gaze upon her.

She calmly met his eyes: "Young Master, good morning."

Her tone was neither fawning nor overly distant, perfectly balanced, and with her beautiful yet expressionless face, anyone could tell that the only heir of the Lu family had acquired a competent little male servant.

[What are you looking at?]

[Do you have a tiny waist like mine, or muscular arms like these?]

Lu Yanzhou: "..."

Sometimes, one really feels helpless in such situations.

"Let's go."

He withdrew his gaze and elegantly bent down to get into the car, seemingly having anticipated Shi Liao liao's appearance in their academy uniform at this place.

Shi Liao liao followed closely behind him.

Watching Shi Liao liao skillfully get into the car, the driver who closed the trunk was speechless: 

Who told you to get in too? Didn't you see there's plenty of room in the passenger seat?

Lu Yanzhou apparently hadn't expected Shi Leliao to follow him into the car either.

The little male servant sat quietly to one side, eyes modestly downcast, not looking around much, almost as if he had no presence at all.

[Wow, a starry sky roof, when will such extravagant luxury ever come my way?]

[Forget it, I'll never be rich in this lifetime.]

[Splurge when rich, pray when broke; lighting a few dollars' worth of incense for millions in wishes isn't putting myself in a difficult spot, but it sure is for the Buddha.]

Lu Yanzhou: "..."

Enough, I feel sorry for the Buddha.

"After the orientation for new students at school, come find me at Building A, Room 13."

Hearing Lu Yanzhou's words, Shi Leliao nodded: "Yes, Young Master."

[What did he just say?? Which building's Room 14???]

Maru: [How did you even become a manservant...]

After repeating what the male lead had said, Shi Leliao finally remembered it.

The Lu family car only dropped Shi Leliao off at the entrance, then continued driving inside with Lu Yanzhou.

Shi Liao Liao, pushing his two suitcases, walked to the most conspicuous new student reception area.

There were already a few boys waiting there.

When Shi Liao Liao arrived, everyone's gaze was unconsciously drawn to him; he calmly walked up to the senior in charge of new student reception with an impassive face.

"My name is Shi Liao Liao, I'm a new student."

Looking at the boy in front of him who was prettier than most girls, the senior was startled for a moment, then looked down at the list.

"You are a specially recruited student this year."

As soon as the words "specially recruited student" were spoken, those curious gazes that had been on Shi Liao Liao instantly changed.

Even the senior's gaze became somewhat meaningful.

A specially recruited student with such a face, entering the strictly hierarchical Saint Dun Academy, if those high-level students with special preferences saw him, this boy was probably destined to be divided up...