
I am the future CEO. What's wrong with being able to read minds?

This book is for female readers!!! [A story about a seemingly aloof gentleman and a seemingly expressionless but funny female lead] While others either become malicious supporting characters or beautiful cannon fodder when transmigrating into books, Shi Lele transmigrates as the male protagonist's personal male servant. 'It's been a long time since the young master smiled so happily.' 'It's the first time the young master has brought a woman home.' 'I've never seen the young master so concerned about a woman before.' As long as she says these three shocking quotes in front of the male lead after meeting the female lead, she can successfully complete her mission. Until Shi Lele realizes that the female lead she has been waiting for all these years is herself... Lu Yanzhou has never paid attention to his mute little male servant who is like an NPC until one day, a white lotus flower comes to visit his home... ...

DaoistZGd2nj · Thành thị
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48 Chs

Chapter 6

In the moment when Shi Liao Liao felt her world falling apart over the words "salary gone," only Maru Maru poked its wet head out of her raincoat pocket:

"Ah! Host! Doesn't the male lead mean that you can stay now?!"

He just mentioned the 'duty of a personal manservant,' doesn't that mean Shi Liao Liao can continue to serve in that role!

Holding a basket of leeks, Shi Liao Liao felt a phantom ache where her non-existent eggs would be.

Somebody, hold me, I'm falling to pieces.

"I'd rather be fired."

Maru Maru ruthlessly exposed her: "If you're fired, you'll have no job, no salary, and then what will you do without money?"

Shi Liao Liao stood up with her basket, a faint smile playing on her lips, her expression inscrutable: "Who says I have no money? The truly wealthy never show off their wealth,

like me."

Maru Maru was stunned.

Thinking about it, the previous head butler was at least a blood relative; having worked for the Lu family for so many years, it's possible he really did leave Shi Liao Liao a substantial inheritance.

"Two kidneys start at 1.8 million, when have I ever flaunted that?"

Maru Maru: "Better keep hiding it then."

Shi Liao Liao took the leeks back, and while taking off her raincoat under the eaves, she encountered the gardener who had shown her the way earlier.

The gardener glanced at the leeks at her feet, his old face showing obvious scorn.

"Picking leeks, little one?"

Shi Liao Liao seemed to only then notice him, slowly casting him a look.


Glancing at the leeks in her hand, the old gardener looked puzzled.

Shi Liao Liao: "I'm digging your grave for you."

Old Gardener: "..."

His face turned from green to white, he was so angry that he almost couldn't catch his breath.

"Pah, you little white-faced gigolo, don't think you can step on our heads just because you've climbed into the master's bed; you must have some filthy disease."

The previously kind-faced old gardener's expression twisted as he began to curse, taking advantage of the absence of others to point at Shi Liao Liao's nose and start swearing.

Pay attention to the keywords.

'Taking advantage of the absence of others'

Shi Liao Liao sighed: "It's like being Empress Wu Zetian without a husband, making me lose Li Zhi."

Ever since she came to this world, she has been suppressing her true nature, playing the role of a stoic cross-dressing boss according to the original host's personality.


Shi Liao Liao slapped the gardener's old face!

The slap sent the old man's dentures flying out, landing in the wet mud outside.

The old man looked up slowly, his face full of disbelief.

"I'm out of money, blow some gold coins, Old Deng."

Flexing her wrist, Shi Liao Liao bared her teeth at him.

She bared her lower teeth.

Gardener: ".…"

"Have you... gone mad!!?"

The old gardener, having lost his dentures, mumbled in shock; he was completely taken aback, never having expected this person whom he treated like a nobody to actually dare to hit him.

As soon as the words were spoken, another crisp slap was delivered.

This time, it successfully flung the old gardener's toupee away.

Maru Maru's sharp comment: [Equipment is scattered all over the place, but no gold coins are dropped]

Looking at the old man with swollen cheeks on both sides, kneeling on the ground, Shi Liao Liao showed a smile in front of others for the first time.

"Don't talk to me about respecting the elderly."

"When I go crazy, I don't spare even the old men."

The little male servant, already beautiful in appearance, now looked like a demon in the eyes of the old gardener.

"You, you."

His face full of fear, he dragged his body backward.

Shi Liao Liao raised an eyebrow: "Looking down on someone?"

"Kawaii is one."

Then, with impatience, she extended her hand.

"Come on, either drop gold coins or... you know."

The old gardener's lips trembled as he clenched his buttocks.

Beast! Beast!

Watching the old fellow hobble away quickly from the scene, Shi Liao Liao looked at the wallet in her hand and smiled contentedly.

[Look, Maru Maru, I have money now]

Maru Maru: [If I remember correctly, I think my name is Maru Maru]

Taking out all the cash inside and tossing the wallet aside, Shi Liao Liao shrugged indifferently: [Your surname is Testicle]

Maru Maru: [...]

Is it still possible to switch to a different host now?

Clearly, it's too late.

Rubbing her face, Shi Liao Liao restored her expressionless demeanor, slung her small basket over her arm, and prepared to head to the servant's kitchen to make buns.

Maru Maru couldn't help but ask: [Do we not need to worry about that old man anymore? What if he tattles on us?]

Shi Liao Liao shook her head: [He won't. The old man thought I would definitely be fired, so he fearlessly pulled out all the flowers planted by Lu Yanzhou. Now that he knows I'm fine, this incident has become leverage against him. After all, he was the one who pulled out the flowers, not me.]

Maru Maru was then reassured.

A personal male servant typically has a higher status and can have a room to himself, which includes a shower area. Although the space is not large and he still needs to use the public restroom, Shi Liao Liao was quite satisfied.

After taking a bath and changing into clean clothes, she planned to use the restroom before going to knead the already risen dough.

The floor where the male servants lived had a small kitchen where they could cook separately. However, since the chefs of the Lu family were quite skilled, the men usually did not like to enter the kitchen.

Now that it had started raining and Lu Yanzhou had returned, most of the servants were busy, leaving Shi Liao Liao as the only idle person.

Unexpectedly, shortly after she entered the restroom, she encountered someone she didn't anticipate.

The young man, who had changed into a light coffee-colored wool sweater, stood outside the door. His presence seemed to brighten the dimly lit surroundings.

As Shi Liao Liao looked on in astonishment, Lu Yanzhou stepped inside.

Shi Liao Liao: ?

[What are you doing here?????]

Lu Yan Zhou looked calmly into the eyes of the young servant boy.

He just couldn't understand.

How could the boy, with his delicate and dog-like appearance, say that he was small?

So he decided to come and see for himself.

Walking over to the toilet, Lu Yan Zhou turned his gaze to Shi Liao Liao, who was still standing there in a daze.

"Aren't you coming?"

Shi Liao Liao replied, "I'm taking a dump."

After saying that, she headed towards one of the stalls.

[She's politely refusing, huh? Who would want to pee with you?]

[Looking at that dog-like human appearance, why does it feel a bit perverted? What normal person specifically comes down to the servants' floor to pee?]

Lu Yan Zhou, who just wanted to restore his male dignity but was misunderstood as a pervert: "..."

When Shi Liao Liao came out and didn't see Lu Yan Zhou, she thought he had left and contentedly walked towards the kitchen.


she saw Lu Yan Zhou again.

Lu Yan Zhou was sitting on a high stool, looking down at the basin where Shi Liao Liao was preparing dough. He seemed curious, but restrained himself from touching other people's things due to his upbringing, merely watching quietly.

Shi Liao Liao couldn't hold back any longer.

"Young Master... Aren't you busy?"

[Isn't the academic pressure at Sheng Dun Academy really high!? What are you doing here!? How can I eat my chive-stuffed buns now!!!]

Lu Yanzhou seemed to be in a good mood.

His slender fingers poked at the iron basin as he spoke in a gentle voice, "No rush, the paper assigned by the teacher is very simple."

Shi Liao Liao couldn't help herself, "May I test you?"

Seeing her serious expression, Lu Yanzhou couldn't help but become interested and nodded slightly.

"Please make a sentence using the words 'eldest, second eldest, third eldest, fourth eldest, fifth eldest'."

Lu Yanzhou slowly blinked.

Before he could speak, Shi Liao Liao quickly said, "Time's up."

"The correct answer is—"

"The fifth eldest said to the fourth eldest that the third eldest's second eldest has become the eldest."

Lu Yanzhou: "...?"