
I am the future CEO. What's wrong with being able to read minds?

This book is for female readers!!! [A story about a seemingly aloof gentleman and a seemingly expressionless but funny female lead] While others either become malicious supporting characters or beautiful cannon fodder when transmigrating into books, Shi Lele transmigrates as the male protagonist's personal male servant. 'It's been a long time since the young master smiled so happily.' 'It's the first time the young master has brought a woman home.' 'I've never seen the young master so concerned about a woman before.' As long as she says these three shocking quotes in front of the male lead after meeting the female lead, she can successfully complete her mission. Until Shi Lele realizes that the female lead she has been waiting for all these years is herself... Lu Yanzhou has never paid attention to his mute little male servant who is like an NPC until one day, a white lotus flower comes to visit his home... ...

DaoistZGd2nj · Thành thị
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48 Chs

Chapter 40

Shi Liao Liao was on the verge of kneeling down to Lu Yanzhou. 

It's hard to say how long the two had been arguing about seeing a urologist. 

In the end, it was Shi Liao Liao's firm attitude, repeatedly asserting that there was no issue, that finally persuaded Young Master Lu to give up on taking her to the hospital. 

Eventually, she even forgot about the awkwardness between them, and in her heart, she cursed Young Master Lu countless times for being inflexible and stubborn.

Was Lu Yanzhou doing it on purpose?

Yes, he was.

Because he couldn't accept the fact that his little male servant had avoided him after what had just happened.

In the long run, after all, the person was right by his side. 

Regardless of the unspoken reasons or any other issues, Lu Yanzhou would find a way to help his little male servant resolve them.

In the library, after sending Yang Qingzhou and others away, Lu Yanzhou found someone sitting across from him again. 

Without looking up, he said, "Change seats."

It was not a request.

The person opposite him had intended to say something, but swallowed his words due to Lu Yanzhou's distant attitude. 

Yet, he didn't move either.

Lu Yanzhou was busy. 

In the past, he might have changed seats. 

But today, the library was crowded, and there were no other available seats besides the one he was in. It would be troublesome to move, and he didn't want any involvement with people who had their eyes glued to him, especially now that he had someone he liked. 

He didn't want any rumors spreading.

"Gu Xuezha, do you want me to repeat myself?" 

Lu Yanzhou looked across at the person, his tone clearly displeased. 

Under his gaze, Gu Xuezha's face turned red.

"I... I..." She stood up, feeling awkward as she fidgeted with her clothes, and said softly, "I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for not reporting me working to the school."

Lu Yanzhou lowered his head wearily, "You should go talk to Shi Liao Liao."

He had already talked to Shi Liao Liao about the matter before. 

Shi Liao Liao didn't react much, indicating that he didn't need to pay attention to Gu Xuezha.

Hearing Shi Liao Liao's name, Gu Xuezha bit her lip. "You know, Shi Liao Liao is actually..."

Meeting the hazel eyes that were raised again, Gu Xuezha understood the unmasked impatience and paled. 

"It's nothing." She gathered her books, lowered her head, and walked away quickly.

Unaware that her secret had almost been revealed by Gu Xuezha, Shi Liao Liao was sitting in the car, waiting to pick up Lu Yanzhou.

Their relationship had returned to its original state. 

Besides attending classes separately, they spent most of their time together, with Shi Liao Liao as the personal male servant and Lu Yanzhou as the employer. 

However, some details had changed. 

For example, Lu Yanzhou rarely gave her orders, and Shi Liao Liao spent most of her time daydreaming. 

She even received gifts from Lu Yanzhou.

Sometimes it's a men's brooch, sometimes it's a pen, and Shi Liao Liao couldn't refuse it because the person said it was an employee benefit. 

Jokingly, which part-time worker could refuse an employee benefit!

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting," Yang Qingzhou said, playfully looking at Shi Liao Liao.

Xi Yan just gave him a look.

"Take it easy, don't scare people. It's hard to come by from our little Lu," he said.

Shi Liao Liao's goosebumps appeared.

As the familiar scent wafted in and the figure wrapped in the cold air sat down, facing the teasing from the back seat, Lu Yanzhou didn't show any sign of anger. 

Instead, he seemed quite indulgent?

Xi Yan smiled and looked at Shi Liao Liao through the rearview mirror.

"Have you not been sleeping well these days? You have dark circles. Qingzhou, hurry up and take out your magical eye cream for Shi Liao Liao."

Lu Yanzhou's eyelids twitched.

Yang Qingzhou chuckled and asked Shi Liao Liao to stop driving, then tossed something over. 

"Try this. It's better than my mom's expensive eye cream. It's an old brand, domestic products are not easy, show some support."

Shi Liao Liao nodded in a very formulaic manner, "Thank you, Young Master Yang."

["Domestic products are not easy?"]

["Does that mean imported products are easy? Who cares about us!"]

Lu Yanzhou: "..."

Sometimes he really couldn't understand what exactly attracted him to Shi Liao Liao.

Seeing the familiar packaging and brand, Shi Leliao subconsciously looked at Lu Yanzhou beside her.

["You gave them the hemorrhoid cream I gave you?"]

["You really gave them the hemorrhoid cream I gave you??"]

["Alright, Yanzhi, you can't ask for my things again tomorrow"]

Lu Yanzhou threw the item back, narrowly missing Yang Qingzhou's head. 

He looked at Shi Liao Liao. 

"This is new, the old one is still there."

Shi Liao Liao withdrew her gaze.

["It's almost the same."]

Lu Yanzhou's lips curved slightly. 

"So, how are you two spending the long holiday?"

When it came to the holiday, Shi Liao Liao remembered Lu Yanzhou mentioning giving her a break last night. 

Just as she was about to answer, she felt the not overly intense but quite palpable gaze from Lu Yanzhou next to her, and her scalp tingled.

"Driving a waste truck to pick up passengers."

The three in the car: "...."

How did "driving a waste truck" and "picking up passengers" end up in the same sentence?

Lu Yanzhou glanced over, propping his chin and looking at the person next to him through the reflection in the car window. 

In the moment his gaze shifted away, the previously tense young servant's back relaxed, as if a dog being petted.

Lu Yanzhou found it somewhat amusing. 

The reason being that he suddenly remembered a saying he had heard somewhere: "When you like someone, you'll feel like they're a little dog."

Even if the little dog wanted to drive a waste truck, he would probably just sigh and buy one.

Of course, Shi Liao Liao didn't really plan to drive a waste truck, it was just a random excuse to make herself look busy. 

She had borrowed a game from Yang Qingcheng and planned to spend the holiday indulging in it under the covers.

As she was walking back after getting the item from Yang Qingcheng, Shi Liao Liao ran into Gu Xuezhao. 

It seemed like she was waiting there on purpose.

"Shi Liao Liao, does Lu Yanzhou know you're a girl?" 

She asked directly, probably afraid that Shi Liao Liao would ignore her.

Shi Liao Liao's pupils contracted. 

["Gu Xuezhao really knows!"]

Just as she was about to speak, she suddenly caught sight of something from the corner of her eye and then froze. 

When did Lu Yanzhou start standing there!?