
I am the future CEO. What's wrong with being able to read minds?

This book is for female readers!!! [A story about a seemingly aloof gentleman and a seemingly expressionless but funny female lead] While others either become malicious supporting characters or beautiful cannon fodder when transmigrating into books, Shi Lele transmigrates as the male protagonist's personal male servant. 'It's been a long time since the young master smiled so happily.' 'It's the first time the young master has brought a woman home.' 'I've never seen the young master so concerned about a woman before.' As long as she says these three shocking quotes in front of the male lead after meeting the female lead, she can successfully complete her mission. Until Shi Lele realizes that the female lead she has been waiting for all these years is herself... Lu Yanzhou has never paid attention to his mute little male servant who is like an NPC until one day, a white lotus flower comes to visit his home... ...

DaoistZGd2nj · Thành thị
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48 Chs

chapter 3

Bai Lili's gaze swept over Shi Liao and Lu Yanzhou.

What's with this atmosphere between you two big men?

Why do I suddenly feel like an outsider? Did something happen that I don't know about???

"Why aren't you eating? Is it not delicious because I made it?"

Bai Lili sat down not far from Lu Yanzhou, her eyes pitiful like dewy autumn leaves.

Lu Yanzhou: "Hmm."

Bai Lili: "...." Blind man.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Shi Liao, who seemed unbothered, and her voice lost its softness, now laced with evident annoyance: "I've been here for so long, and there's not even a drink for me?"

After a moment, realizing she was speaking to him, Shi Liao asked: "What would Miss Bai like to drink?"

Lu Yanzhou glanced at her.

Despite his inner rebellion, given his job... what could he do when faced with difficulties?

"Something with class, suitable for my status..."

"From the year '82?"

Bai Lili's eyes lit up.

The '82 Lafite!?!

Shi Liao looked towards Lu Yanzhou, who was playing with a dog. Without even lifting his eyelids, Lu Yanzhou gave a slight nod.

With the go-ahead, she turned to prepare it.

Left alone with Bai Lili, Lu Yanzhou clearly lost his patience.

The only reason he stayed was due to an accident.

Thinking of the voice that suddenly invaded his mind, his fingers curled slightly, ready to look up some information.

Half an hour later...

A servant knocked on his door.

"What is it?"

Diverting his attention from the computer screen, Lu Yanzhou's tea-brown eyes returned to their usual indifference.

The servant's expression was complex: "Miss Bai... has been taken away."

Lu Yanzhou withdrew his gaze.

"Hmm, I know."

"She was taken away by the emergency services," the servant added.

Lu Yanzhou paused.

Suddenly thinking of something, he looked at the servant by the door with surprise.

"What did Shi Liao give her to drink?"

The servant's expression was almost tearful: "She... she... she gave Miss Bai..."

"A laxative from '82."

Lu Yanzhou: "........"

As the word "laxative" was spoken, his brain seemed to shrink.


Holding his forehead and chuckling softly, Lu Yanzhou's shoulders shook slightly.

Servant: "...."

How am I supposed to bring up firing Shi Liao now?

The servant felt determined to carry out the mission and drive out Shi Liao, who looked as frail as ever but didn't forget to stuff money into her pockets!

"Master... Young Master, there's one more thing."


His voice still carried the remnants of laughter.

"I think you should take a look at your own backyard."

At the same time...

After sending Bai Lili away, Shi Liao returned to her room, hesitating whether or not to pack her bags.

She felt that Lu Yanzhou... had suddenly become strange.

Although Lu Yanzhou was the sole heir of the Lu family, his relationship with the current patriarch was not harmonious.

The previous butler had been sent by him to monitor Lu Yanzhou. Just as Lu Yanzhou had come of age and had not yet filled the position, the old patriarch hastily pushed Shi Liao into it.

As a result, including Lu Yanzhou himself, none of the servants serving him were particularly fond of her.

But Shi Liao was helpless.

She woke up to find herself transformed into a male tycoon. The original owner left only a note reminding her never to reveal her gender or face mortal danger.

Shi Liao, bewildered and terrified, relied on the original owner's memory to maintain her persona and had to pretend to be a man.

She had had enough of this life where she couldn't enjoy stinky tofu or snail noodle box yet still had to serve others!

At this thought, Shi Liao, who always appeared expressionless to others, wailed and rolled on the bed in frustration.

"When is that brat Lu Yanzhou going to notify me that I'm fired?!"

As soon as she finished speaking...

Something suddenly fell out of nowhere onto Shi Liao's forehead, accompanied by a mechanical sound that left her stunned.

[Congratulations to the host for achieving the "Expel the White Lotus" achievement. The system has been activated. Please continue your efforts to complete the "Wait for the Female Lead" task in order to return to your original world.]

Shi Liao sat up holding the thing that had landed on her face.

A fluffy little hamster with a round body sat in her palm, looking at her with eyes as black as beans.

[Hi~ darling]

Shi Liao poked its butt, looking surprised: "You're the system?"

I've been here for two years, and you only show up now!?

Sensing her implied complaint, the little hamster scratched its ear apologetically.

[It's like this; after screening many transmigrators, we found you most suitable. That's why I'm appearing before our dear host now.]

Shi Liao caught onto a keyword.

"A book?"

Knowing its purpose has come, the little hamster sat down in her palm and began to explain: [The full name of this system is "I am a brick in the world of romance novels; wherever I'm needed, I'll be moved there". You are currently in one of many thousands of novel worlds.]

[The previous butler due to an accident did not last until the male lead came of age to meet the female lead at a critical plot point. Therefore, those key lines were not triggered. Hence you need to fill his position.]

Shi Liao raised an eyebrow.

"What lines?"

[I haven't seen the young master so happy in a long time.]

[It's the first time the young master has brought a woman home.]

[I've never seen the young master care so much about a woman.]

Shi Liao: "..."

Feels like any second now a doctor friend will start shouting "Why did you call me over in the middle of the night".

"Wait... are you saying I have to stay here now? I can't leave??"

She suddenly realized what this meant.

The little hamster nodded: [Yeah, yeah.]

Shi Liao recalled everything that had happened to her.

Her heart skipped a beat.

That's it then.

Watching Shi Liao become visibly distraught, the little hamster squirmed uncomfortably and couldn't help but remind her.

[Host, as per tradition, shouldn't you give me a name?]

Shi Leliao, with a face full of resignation and a hollow gaze, said: "Marbles."

The little hamster clapped its paws excitedly.

So cute!?

Defeating 99% of the systems worldwide!

The little hamster, now content with its cute name, asked: [Which "marbles"?]

Shi Leliao: "Testicles marbles."

Marbles: "...."

Someone call the police.

Just as it was about to protest, Shi Leliao's room door was suddenly knocked on.

She sprang up with a carp's flip—

Meanwhile, Bai Lili was lying on an ambulance stretcher, her face the picture of defeat.

It's over, I missed the splendor of wealth, but the splendor of poop has surged ahead. I can't even imagine what kind of nickname the Lu family will come up with for me behind my back.

Shi Leliao got up to open the door, and the moment she met the gaze of the person outside, she took the initiative to say: "Are you here for me because of 'Diarrhea Sister'?"