
I am the future CEO. What's wrong with being able to read minds?

This book is for female readers!!! [A story about a seemingly aloof gentleman and a seemingly expressionless but funny female lead] While others either become malicious supporting characters or beautiful cannon fodder when transmigrating into books, Shi Lele transmigrates as the male protagonist's personal male servant. 'It's been a long time since the young master smiled so happily.' 'It's the first time the young master has brought a woman home.' 'I've never seen the young master so concerned about a woman before.' As long as she says these three shocking quotes in front of the male lead after meeting the female lead, she can successfully complete her mission. Until Shi Lele realizes that the female lead she has been waiting for all these years is herself... Lu Yanzhou has never paid attention to his mute little male servant who is like an NPC until one day, a white lotus flower comes to visit his home... ...

DaoistZGd2nj · Thành thị
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48 Chs

Chapter 16

Maru: Don't worry, nothing will happen, just touching the leg.

Shi Liao Liao usually avoids going to the doctor and thought she could handle it with the first aid kit, but unexpectedly, Lu Yanzhou called a doctor without saying a word.

The scene of the CEO rushing over to take care of the female lead in the novel made her, an NPC, feel a moment of enjoyment.

"It's just a simple flesh wound. Rest for a few days and you'll be fine. Don't touch water these days and avoid spicy food."

After cleaning it with saline solution, he applied a dressing to Shi Liao Liao.


Shi Liao Liao whispered, "Thank you."

The doctor glanced at Shi Liao Liao, who looked a bit embarrassed, silently packed his things and suddenly said, "Remember to report tonight's events to the head of the family."

Then he turned and left.

Shi Liao Liao's eyes widened.

Is this also one of Lu Tingfeng's people??

To be honest, she felt relieved for Lu Yanzhou.

Maru jumped onto her lap and asked anxiously: "Host, do you want to report to Lu Tingfeng's secretary?"

Shi Liao Liao thought for a moment.

"I'll go ask Lu Yanzhou later. He's the male lead and must be more capable than his father. It seems that I will have to stay by his side for a long time in the future, so I need to show my sincerity."

Maru raised a finger: "Good idea."

After changing into a fresh set of clothes and cleaning herself with a towel, Shi Lele knocked on Lu Yanzhou's door. 

She had timed it perfectly, but she didn't expect Lu Yanzhou, this big man, to take even longer than her to shower. 

When he opened the door, he was only wearing a towel around his lower body, with his upper body bare and wet hair.

"Wow, Yanzhi! You're quite a sight!" she exclaimed.

Today, she finally understood the saying "clothes make you look thin, while undressing reveals your true form."

Lu Yanzhou's skin was almost pale, but his muscles were impressive. 

His bare chest was well-defined and his waist was slim, with clearly visible abs. 

Even the parts covered by the towel...

Lu Yanzhou used one hand to towel dry his hair, still emitting heat and the scent of shower gel. 

His tea-brown eyes landed on Shi Liao Liao's legs as he asked, "What did the doctor say?"

She met his gaze directly and replied, "The doctor said it's just a superficial injury and will heal quickly."

"The doctor said I'm destined to have insomnia tonight and suggested that I sleep on his eight-pack abs," she added.

Lu Yanzhou paused in his drying motion. 

A droplet of water from his forehead fell onto the mole at the corner of his eye and slid down his cheek. 

After a moment, he nodded as if nothing had happened.

Little did Shi Liao Liao expect that at this very moment, her employer, Young Master Lu, would officially be diagnosed as gay.

She stood in the corridor, puzzled, and turned her head to look at Lu Yanzhou's room, wondering why he locked the door. 

She had no intention of sneaking in at midnight and farting next to his bed.

Maru: [...]

Host, it seems that you can never escape from bodily functions.

After Shi Liao Liao left, Lu Yanzhou opened his closet to get his pajamas and realized that several sets were missing. 

It then occurred to him that Yang Qingzhou had taken them from him to give to his clueless cousin.

Lu Yanzhou sent a message to Shi Liao Liao, asking her to order a few more sets for him tomorrow and forward the number of the store he often goes to. 

Just after sending the message, Yang Qingzhou, whose nickname had been changed to "Kuzi Ge" (Brother Pants), called immediately.


Yang Qingzhou's voice came through loudly, "I just remembered, I haven't asked why your butler calls me 'Pants'!"

Lu Yanzhou walked to the rocking chair by the window, raised his hand to push back his hair, revealing his full forehead, and then draped a towel over it.

"Did you call just to ask about this?"

Yang Qingzhou replied, "Of course not. Well, actually, I wanted to say that it probably wasn't those three idiots who did this. They wouldn't dare to offend you."

Supporting his head with his hand, Lu Yanzhou's face was half-lit by the small lamp on the table, giving it a dim yellow hue.

 "I know."

Knowing that Lu Yanzhou was aware, Yang Qingzhou felt relieved and his voice quickly turned worried. 

"What about those people your father left around you? Don't you plan to deal with them?"

"Of course, including Shi Liao Liao."

Lu Yanzhou also said, "No rush."

He still needed an opportunity.

It's true that the emperor doesn't worry, but the eunuch dies in a hurry.

Yang Qingzhou, who didn't want to be a eunuch, didn't ask further.

"So! Why do you call me 'Pants'! If you don't tell me tonight, I'll make your little butler stand by your bed and scare you all night!"

Lu Yanzhou, who usually found rude people annoying, suddenly decided to be a little nicer to him in the future.

After all, his mind could only be malicious to this extent.

If it were Shi Liao instead, it would probably turn into something like "stand by your bed in the middle of the night and fart at you."

"Because you have a big face."

Thinking of Shi Liao Liao, Lu Yanzhou's tone became obviously perfunctory towards Yang Qingzhou.

The latter: ???

What does my face have to do with this!?

"You don't understand! How can that be called a big face? My mom said it's called being tolerant!"

Lu Yanzhou teased him, "Your mom lied to you."

On the other side, Shi Liao Liao received the message and replied with "Okay." After hesitating for a while at the window, she edited a long paragraph and sent it.

"Stealing your underwear to sell: Young Master, do I need to report tonight's matter to the master in detail?"

After waiting for a long time without receiving a reply from him, Shi Liao Liao added, "The doctor just now seemed to be sent by the master."

Lu Yanzhou still remained silent.

Is he asleep?

Impossible, his hair hasn't even dried yet. What brand of hairdryer is so fast?

Maru: [Off-topic, my friend]

Shi Liao Liao felt a bit uneasy and wondered if Lu Yanzhou didn't believe her.

She stood up, made sure her chest binder was fine, looked at herself in the mirror, and quietly opened the door, barefoot, walking towards Lu Yanzhou's room.

Standing outside the door, she leaned against the door panel with her butt and listened carefully.

St. Dunton Academy has a history of several hundred years, and even though the dormitory building has been renovated several times, the soundproofing is still not good.

Therefore, she easily heard the sound of a man crying in the room????

Unable to win against Lu Yanzhou, Yang Qingzhou began to perform a dramatic manly cry, "Wuwuwu, you can't treat me like this, wuwuwuwuwu."

"When you were younger, where did that person who used to sit on the bed and say that even my nostrils are attractive go?"

Lu Yanzhou's eyes were filled with helplessness, but his voice was cold and merciless, "You know what you did."

"What I'm saying is, if you dare to pee on my bed again, I'll stuff you into a horse's nostrils."

Shi Liao Liao, who was eavesdropping outside the door, was shocked by the intermittent words she heard! 

What bed, what happened, who peed????

Maru: [...] Do you have to break the sentence like this?

Although, however...

[On the other side, it seems to be a man.] Wanwan's tone was complicated.

Shi Liao Liao was frightened by the information conveyed in these few words. She took a small step back.

Whether it was because of wiping her body or not, the glow stick that she had re-tied suddenly slipped off her leg and fell down along her pants.

With a "clatter," it landed on the floor of the corridor, and the sound was very clear in the silent hallway.

Lu Yanzhou in the room immediately stopped crying and quickly walked towards the door. He forcefully pushed it open--