
I Am The Flash

A New Flash, A New Barry Allen

Adams2004 · Ti vi
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42 Chs

Level 5

Joe West sat at his kitchen table, sipping his coffee while reading the morning paper. It had become a rare moment of quiet in his otherwise hectic life. Suddenly, Iris walked in, her face a mask of concern.

"Dad, can we talk?" Iris asked, her tone serious.

Joe put down his paper and gestured for her to sit. "Of course, honey. What's on your mind?"

"It's Barry. He's been acting so strange lately," Iris began. "Ever since he woke up from the coma, he's been forgetting things, and he's become distant. I feel like he's hiding something."

Joe sighed, leaning back in his chair. He had noticed Barry's increased focus and determination, but he hadn't seen anything alarming. "Iris, Barry's been through a lot. Waking up from a coma, discovering he has these... new changes around him. It's a lot to process."

"But it's more than that, Dad," Iris insisted. "He's not just distracted or preoccupied. It's like he's a different person sometimes. I know he's tired and stressed, but it feels like he's keeping something from us."

Joe shook his head gently. "I don't know, Iris. Maybe he's just trying to figure things out on his own. You know Barry, he's always been the type to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders."

Iris frowned, unsatisfied with the explanation. "I just wish he would talk to me. We used to be so close, and now I feel like I'm losing him."

Joe reached across the table, taking her hand in his. "Give him some time. Barry's been through a lot of changes, and he's trying to find his way. Just be there for him when he's ready to open up."

Iris nodded, though her worry remained evident. "Okay, Dad. I'll try. But I hope he knows he doesn't have to go through this alone."

As they finished their conversation, the sound of a beeping computer echoed from Joe's office. He got up to check it, leaving Iris deep in thought. In the back of his mind, Joe couldn't shake a lingering suspicion that something bigger was at play, something Barry wasn't ready to share.

**Three Weeks Later**

The last three weeks had been a whirlwind for Barry Allen. Balancing his double life as Central City's beloved CSI and its new mysterious hero, The Streak, was no small feat. Yet, he had managed to do just that, often with remarkable finesse. The city was buzzing with talk of "The Streak," the elusive figure who appeared out of nowhere, saved lives, and vanished just as quickly. The nickname had gained traction in the media, and Barry couldn't help but smile every time he heard it.

Every day was a test of his abilities and resolve. At CCPD, Barry maintained his usual workload, analyzing crime scenes with a meticulousness that belied his superhuman abilities. His colleagues noticed his newfound energy and efficiency but chalked it up to his passion for his work. They had no idea that when Barry finished his shifts, he was donning the red suit and racing through the city at lightning speeds.

During these weeks, Barry's training sessions at STAR Labs had become more intense. Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow, his steadfast allies, worked tirelessly to push Barry's limits, ensuring he was prepared for whatever threats might arise. Harrison Wells, the enigmatic founder of STAR Labs, continued to observe Barry's progress with a mix of pride and hidden motives.

Barry's first week after the conversation with Joe and Iris was a period of adjustment. The city seemed to be testing its new hero constantly. Fires broke out, bank robberies were foiled, and Barry even stopped a runaway bus from crashing into a crowded street. His abilities were being honed with each challenge.

In the lab, Cisco marveled at the data pouring in. Barry's speed was increasing at a remarkable rate. The treadmill readings showed speeds that defied even Cisco's wildest predictions. Caitlin, on the other hand, focused on Barry's health. His accelerated healing was extraordinary, allowing him to recover from minor injuries within minutes.

One evening, Barry returned home after a particularly grueling day. He had apprehended a group of armed robbers who had taken hostages in a downtown bank. The situation had been delicate, but Barry's enhanced perception and speed allowed him to neutralize the threat without a single casualty.

"Another day saved by The Streak," he muttered to himself as he collapsed onto his bed. His phone buzzed with a message from Iris, asking if he was okay. He replied quickly, reassuring her that everything was fine. The truth was, he missed the simplicity of his life before the lightning strike, but he couldn't deny the thrill that came with being a hero.

As the second week began, Barry found himself facing new challenges. Meta-human activity in Central City was on the rise. Cisco's computer beeped constantly with alerts about new incidents. One particular meta, Kyle Nimbus, also known as The Mist, had resurfaced. Nimbus had the ability to transform into a toxic gas, making him a formidable foe.

Barry knew this would be a tough battle. Nimbus had evaded capture once before, and his gaseous form made him nearly invincible. Cisco and Caitlin worked on a containment strategy, devising a plan to trap Nimbus in a vacuum-sealed container.

The encounter with Nimbus was tense. Barry tracked him down to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. As he entered, the air grew thick and toxic. Nimbus materialized in front of him, smirking.

"You think you can stop me, Flash?" Nimbus taunted.

Barry didn't respond. Instead, he moved at lightning speed, using his enhanced perception to anticipate Nimbus's movements. The battle was intense, but Barry's agility and quick thinking eventually led to Nimbus being trapped in the containment device Cisco had provided.

Back at STAR Labs, Cisco and Caitlin celebrated the victory. Barry was exhausted but exhilarated. Each victory brought him closer to understanding his true potential. Harrison Wells, watching from the shadows, made a note of Barry's progress. The young speedster was proving to be everything he had hoped for and more.

During these three weeks, Barry has also been secretly training in his warehouse which was at the outskirt of the city.

**Week One: Refining Speed and Perception**

On the first day, Barry focused on his Enhanced Speed. He sprinted around the track, pushing himself to run faster and faster. His goal was to match, and eventually surpass, the speed of the original Barry Allen in Season 1 of "The Flash." Each lap saw him shave milliseconds off his time, and his muscles burned with the effort.

After an hour of intense running, Barry shifted his focus to Enhanced Perception. He set up a series of holographic drones programmed to move unpredictably. The drones fired harmless energy beams that Barry had to dodge while maintaining his speed. This exercise sharpened his reaction time and information processing, allowing him to anticipate and evade threats with greater efficiency.

Barry's routine also included exercises to enhance his Temporal Awareness. He practiced detecting subtle fluctuations in time, a skill that was vital for anticipating future events and navigating the complexities of time travel. This ability, though still developing, provided Barry with an edge in critical situations, allowing him to sense and respond to temporal anomalies.


**Week Two: Building Strength and Durability**

The second week of training was dedicated to enhancing Barry's physical strength and durability, tapping into the Strength Force. The warehouse was equipped with various weightlifting and resistance training machines that could be adjusted to far exceed normal human limits.

Barry began with Enhanced Strength exercises. He lifted weights that would be impossible for any ordinary human, pushing his muscles to their limits. The advanced equipment allowed him to train safely, even as the weights grew heavier. Barry's strength increased steadily, enabling him to handle greater physical challenges during his missions.

To build his Durability, Barry underwent a series of controlled impact tests. The warehouse's automated systems launched projectiles of varying sizes and speeds at him, simulating the types of physical damage he might encounter in the field. Each session left Barry bruised and battered, but his Accelerated Healing ensured that he recovered quickly, ready for the next challenge.

Barry also incorporated combat training into his regimen, using his Enhanced Strength and Durability to improve his hand-to-hand combat skills. He sparred with holographic opponents, each programmed with different fighting styles and tactics. This training enhanced his reflexes and combat proficiency, preparing him for any adversary he might face.


**Week Three: Mastering the Sage and Still Forces**

The third week was perhaps the most mentally demanding. Barry turned his attention to the Sage Force and Still Force, two abilities that required immense concentration and mental fortitude.

For Enhanced Intellect, Barry engaged in complex puzzles and mental exercises designed by Cisco and Caitlin. These tasks ranged from solving intricate mathematical equations to strategizing simulated battles. The mental workouts expanded Barry's knowledge and learning capabilities, allowing him to think and react faster in high-pressure situations.

Mental Fortitude training involved resisting various forms of mental attacks. Barry practiced with simulations that mimicked the effects of psychic assaults, strengthening his resistance to mind control and influence. This training was crucial for maintaining his focus and clarity during confrontations with enemies possessing mental powers.

The Still Force training was perhaps the most challenging. Barry practiced Time Manipulation by attempting to slow down or temporarily stop time in localized areas within the warehouse. This ability required immense concentration and precise control. Barry focused on small objects at first, such as stopping a falling pencil or slowing the movement of a swinging pendulum. As his skill improved, he attempted larger and more complex targets, increasing his mastery over kinetic energy and motion.


**The Night of the Big Breakthrough**

Three weeks had passed, and Barry had made incredible progress. His abilities had grown exponentially, and he had become a more effective and formidable hero. One quiet evening, as Barry patrolled the city, his communicator buzzed with an urgent message from Cisco.

"Barry, we've got a situation. Multiple reports of a disturbance downtown. It looks like another meta-human. Be careful."

Barry's heart raced as he sped towards the location. As he arrived, he saw chaos. Cars were overturned, and people were fleeing in terror. In the center of it all was a man with glowing hands, hurling energy blasts at everything in sight.

"Hey!" Barry called out, trying to draw the meta-human's attention away from the civilians. "Let's talk about this!"

The man turned, his eyes blazing with fury. "You're The Streak? I've been waiting for a chance to take you down!"

Barry moved with incredible speed, dodging the energy blasts and closing the distance between them. His Enhanced Perception allowed him to see the trajectory of each blast, giving him the edge he needed to avoid them. As he reached the meta-human, Barry delivered a powerful punch, utilizing his Enhanced Strength.

The impact sent the meta-human sprawling, but he quickly recovered, launching another barrage of energy blasts. Barry activated his Temporal Awareness, sensing a slight shift in the timeline. He dodged just in time, the blasts missing him by mere inches.

The battle was intense, but Barry's training paid off. He used his Enhanced Speed to move faster than the meta-human could react, landing blow after blow. His Durability allowed him to withstand the few hits he couldn't avoid, and his Accelerated Healing quickly mended any injuries.

Finally, Barry saw an opening. He concentrated, tapping into the Still Force. Time seemed to slow around him as he moved towards the meta-human. With precise control, Barry manipulated the kinetic energy, freezing the meta-human in place.

"Got you," Barry muttered, panting from the effort. He quickly subdued the meta-human, ensuring he couldn't cause any more harm.

As Barry caught his breath, his communicator buzzed again. "Barry, that was incredible!" Cisco's voice was filled with excitement.

While Cisco was busy talking over the comm, Barry was busy looking at another thing.

**Current Stats:**

- **Level:** 5

- **Experience Points (XP):** 0/600

- **Health:** 100%

- **Currency:** 100 Credits


**Speed Force:**

- **Enhanced Speed (Level 5):** Speed comparable to Barry Allen in Season 3 of "The Flash."

**XP Required to Level Up:** 400

- **Accelerated Healing (Level 5):** Near-instant recovery from injuries.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 400

- **Enhanced Perception (Level 5):** Superhuman reaction time and information processing.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 400

- **Speed Force Knowledge (Level 5):** Comprehensive understanding of the Speed Force and its capabilities.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 400

- **Temporal Awareness (Level 5):** Advanced awareness of time fluctuations and potential future events.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 400

**Strength Force:**

- **Enhanced Strength (Level 5):** Superhuman physical strength beyond most meta-humans.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 300

- **Durability (Level 5):** Extraordinary resistance to physical damage and environmental extremes.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 300

- **Force Projection (New Ability):** Ability to create powerful force fields and energy blasts.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 500

**Sage Force:**

- **Enhanced Intellect (Level 5):** Genius-level intellect and rapid learning capabilities.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 400

- **Mental Fortitude (Level 5):** Exceptional resistance to mental attacks and influence.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 400

- **Telepathy (New Ability):** Ability to read minds and communicate mentally with others.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 500

**Still Force:**

- **Time Manipulation (Level 5):** Advanced ability to slow down or temporarily stop time in a localized area.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 600

- **Inertia Control (Level 5):** Superior control over kinetic energy, allowing for precise manipulation of motion.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 600

- **Time Travel (New Ability):** Ability to travel through time with greater precision and control. (Since you are a speedster, it will be more easier now to travel through time with this ability)

**XP Required to Level Up:** 700

**Deadpool's Abilities:**

- **Regenerative Healing Factor (Level 5):** Near-instant healing from injuries, effectively granting near-immortality.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 500

- **Enhanced Reflexes (Level 5):** Superhuman reflexes and agility.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 400

- **Pain Suppression (Level 5):** Nearly complete suppression of pain, allowing for extremely high pain tolerance.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 400

- **Combat Skills (Level 5):** Master-level proficiency in hand-to-hand combat and weapons use.

**XP Required to Level Up:** 400

Barry couldn't help but smile. He had finally reached Level 5, unlocking the shop and gaining access to new resources and abilities. The journey had been arduous, but every challenge had made him stronger.