
I Am The Flash

A New Flash, A New Barry Allen

Adams2004 · Ti vi
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48 Chs

I Am The Flash

**S.T.A.R. Labs - Main Lab**

Barry entered S.T.A.R. Labs, determination etched on his face. He found Harrison Wells in the main lab, surrounded by advanced equipment and the hum of technology.

"Dr. Wells," Barry began, his voice steady, "I've made a decision. I'm going to help protect the citizens of Central City from people with powers like mine who intend to harm others."

Wells looked up from his work, concern flashing across his face. "Barry, you are the key to many future ailments due to your healing factor. You must understand how vital your safety is to the future."

Barry shook his head, his resolve unwavering. "I can't just stand by and do nothing. People are getting hurt, and I have the ability to stop it. I won't take no for an answer."

Wells sighed, frustration mingling with concern. "This path you're choosing is dangerous, Barry. But I understand your conviction."

Barry remained firm. "I have to do this, Dr. Wells. I can't ignore my responsibility."

Wells' expression hardened. "You don't understand the ramifications, Barry. Playing hero could jeopardize everything we've worked for. Your safety is paramount."

Barry's jaw tightened. "I understand the risks, but I can't stand by while people suffer. If I have the power to help, I have to use it."

Wells, seeing Barry's determination, turned away in frustration. "You're making a mistake, Barry. A costly one."

Without another word, Wells wheeled out of the control center, leaving Barry standing there, the tension in the room palpable. Barry turned to Cisco and Caitlin, a plea for support in his eyes.


Barry turned to look at Cisco and Caitlin for help. He approached them, his expression earnest.

"Cisco, Caitlin, I need your help. I'm going to protect Central City, and I need a suit that can keep up with my abilities."

Cisco grinned, excited by the challenge. "You've come to the right place, Barry. I've been working on something that might just do the trick."

He led Barry and Caitlin to a nearby room and unveiled a sleek, red suit displayed on a mannequin.

"This is it," Cisco said proudly. "The suit is made of a reinforced tri-polymer, designed to withstand high-speed impacts and extreme conditions. It's also heat resistant and aerodynamic, which should help with your super speed."


Barry's eyes widened in appreciation as he gazed at the suit. "It's incredible, Cisco. Thank you."

Cisco grinned, clearly pleased with Barry's reaction. "No problem, Barry. Just make sure you bring it back in one piece."

Barry chuckled, "I'll do my best." He turned to Caitlin, who was watching him with a mix of concern and pride. "Thank you, Caitlin. Your support means everything."

Caitlin smiled warmly. "Just be careful out there, Barry."

Barry nodded, then turned back to the suit, running his fingers over the sleek material. "You know," he said thoughtfully, "this is great, but I'm going to make the next one."

Cisco raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh really? And how are you going to do that?"

Barry smirked, a confident glint in his eyes. "You'll see."

Before Cisco could respond, Barry suited up and gave them a final nod. Then, in a blur of red lightning, he zoomed out of the lab, leaving Cisco and Caitlin standing there, astonished.


**Central City Streets**

Barry raced through the streets of Central City, the world around him a blur of colors and lights. The exhilaration of running at superhuman speeds was unparalleled, a feeling of absolute freedom and power.

As he ran, Barry couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought him to this moment. "My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. When I was a child, I saw my mother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for her murder. Then an accident made me the impossible."

The cityscape whizzed by, each stride taking him further and faster. "To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist. But secretly, with the help of my friends at S.T.A.R. Labs, I fight crime and find other meta-humans like me."

Barry weaved through traffic, his movements fluid and precise. "I am the only one fast enough to stop them. I am the Flash."

"Damn I have been wanting to say that ever since I arrive"

With newfound determination, Barry pushed himself even harder, feeling the electric energy coursing through his veins. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, to protect his city and bring justice to those who sought to harm it.

As he continued his run, he felt a surge of hope and purpose. This was his destiny, and he was ready to embrace it with everything he had.


Barry's journey as the Flash had just begun, but he knew that with the support of his friends and the strength of his resolve, there was nothing he couldn't overcome. Central City was safe, and the Flash was on the case.


As Barry continued his run, feeling the wind rush past him and the pavement blur beneath his feet, a sudden ping interrupted his thoughts. He slowed to a stop, his surroundings gradually coming into focus.

A holographic screen appeared before him, displaying a message from the system:

**Mission: Debut as a Hero**

- Objective: Assist Joe and Eddie in confronting the meta-human Mardon at the warehouse.

- Reward: Enhanced Speed Ability and Advanced Combat Training Program.

Barry's eyes lit up with determination. This was his chance to make a difference, to prove that he could protect Central City.


Okay, for those of you who are wondering why the Main Character is not acting like a transmigrator or why is he still acting like Barry, well that's because he is Barry.

Much will be explained in the later chapters, so just sit tight and enjoy.

May the Forces be with you..