
I Am The Flash

A New Flash, A New Barry Allen

Adams2004 · Ti vi
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48 Chs

"Time For You To Suit"

Lois Lane's eyes widened in disbelief. "Bruce Wayne... is Batman?" she repeated, looking between Barry and Bruce, trying to reconcile the image of the suave billionaire with the infamous vigilante.

Bruce's expression tightened, his jaw clenching slightly. He shot Barry a questioning look, clearly displeased. "Barry, was that really necessary?"

Barry met Bruce's gaze calmly. "Look, Bruce, we're trying to gain her trust and Kal-El's. Keeping secrets isn't going to help us. We need to be transparent if we want her to help us reach him."

Bruce sighed, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. He turned back to Lois, his expression more composed. "Miss Lane, I apologize for the abrupt reveal. But Barry is right. We're in a precarious situation, and we need your help."

Lois shook her head slightly, still processing. "This is... a lot to take in," she admitted. "But if we're being honest, why exactly do you need my help to reach Kal-El?"

Bruce pointed out the window at the spaceship hovering ominously over Metropolis. "To stop them," he said grimly, "and since we know Kal-El is eventually going to reveal himself and confront them, we figured, why don't we do it together? Saving the world is not a one-man job."

Lois looked at the spaceship, then back at Bruce and Barry. "You're saying we need to form some sort of... alliance?"

Barry nodded. "Exactly. Kal-El respects you, Lois. Your voice can reach him in a way ours can't. If we can unite our strengths, we stand a better chance against whatever threat is coming."

Bruce continued, "We've gathered intelligence suggesting this spaceship is only the beginning. There are larger forces at play, and we need to be ready. Kal-El's involvement is crucial, but it has to be on the right terms."

Lois took a deep breath, nodding slowly. "Alright. I'll do it. But we need a solid plan."

Bruce and Barry exchanged relieved glances. "We've been working on one," Bruce said. "Follow me."

He led them to a large table covered in blueprints, maps, and various documents. Bruce pointed to a detailed layout of Metropolis. "Our first priority is ensuring the safety of the city. We'll establish secure zones and coordinate with local authorities to minimize civilian casualties."

Barry added, "Meanwhile, we'll work on creating a communication channel with Kal-El. Lois, that's where you come in. Your presence and your voice could be the key to persuading him to join us."

Lois nodded, her journalist instincts kicking in. "I can do that. But I will not guarantee anything"

"Fair enough," said Barry.

Bruce finished equipping the kryptonite gauntlet to his suit. The dull green glow from the embedded mineral contrasted sharply with the dark, high-tech armor he wore. Barry, now in his Flash suit, looked at Lois and asked, "Ready?"

Lois took a deep breath and nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be."

With that, Barry grabbed both Batman and Lois, and in an instant, they were zooming through the city at superhuman speed. The world around them became a blur until they reached the quiet, serene landscape of the Kent farm.

As they arrived and the world came back into focus, Lois noticed the green glow emanating from Bruce's suit. "What's that green thing in your hand?" she asked, curiosity and concern in her voice.

Bruce glanced at the kryptonite gauntlet. "This is kryptonite. It's a weakness against Kryptonians. The Flash acquired it from... well, let's just say from a place only he could reach."

Barry smirked from the corner, clearly amused. "Let's just say it's a useful piece of insurance."

Lois frowned, her concern deepening. "You're going to use that against Clark?"

Bruce shook his head. "No, this is for General Zod and his army. We need something that can level the playing field. The kryptonite is just a precaution."

Lois nodded, though she still seemed uneasy. "Alright. Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

The trio approached the Kent farmhouse, its rustic charm standing in stark contrast to the high-stakes mission they were on. As they got closer, Barry slowed down, allowing them to approach the front door at a normal pace.

Bruce knocked on the door, and after a few moments, it opened to reveal Martha Kent. She looked at the three unexpected visitors with a mixture of surprise and wariness. "Can I help you?"

Lois stepped forward. "Mrs. Kent, we need to speak with Clark. It's urgent."

Martha's eyes narrowed slightly, her protective instincts kicking in. "What is this about?"

"It's about the spaceship hovering over Metropolis," Bruce said, his voice calm and authoritative. "We believe Clark can help us, but we need to speak with him first."

Martha hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Come in. I'll get him."

As Martha led them into the house, Lois couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She hoped they could convince Clark without needing to resort to the kryptonite. She knew the stakes were high, but she also knew that the path they were on was fraught with uncertainty and potential danger.

A few moments later, Clark Kent entered the room, his expression serious and concerned. "What's going on?" he asked, looking between Lois, Bruce, and Barry.

Clark's presence was commanding yet humble. Standing at an impressive height with a muscular build, he moved with quiet confidence. His dark hair was neatly combed, and his piercing blue eyes reflected both intelligence and concern. The strong, chiseled features of his face were familiar to Lois, but they now carried a weight of responsibility that went beyond his usual demeanor.

Lois stepped forward, her voice steady despite the tension in the room. "Clark, this is the Flash," she said, gesturing to the man in the red suit. "And this," she indicated Bruce, "is Batman."

Clark's eyes widened slightly as he glanced at Bruce and Barry, "Batman and the Flash," he said, a hint of astonishment in his voice. "What are you doing here?"

Bruce stepped forward, his tone serious. "We're here because of the spaceship hovering over Metropolis. General Zod and his army are planning something, and we need your help to stop them."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Time for you to suit up, Clark, no more dulling"