
I Am The First Inheritor

From a young age, Nich had a headache, any Doctor world not be able to discern the cause of his headache, and he lost his hope as well. All he wanted was for the uncanny headache to vanish and for him to live a quite life himself. But one day, he woke up from a strange dream after which his world began to turn around. Through an incident he found out that he now had prowess which were not explainable to through common sense, or any sense for the matter. He was the first inheritor, which meant that there would be more people like him who would awaken superhuman abilities making the change inevitable. Now he was faced with two choices, either he continues his life, or explore his newfound prowess to topple over the world But as there is price to pay for everything, Nich had to pay the price for his abilities as well. Will he be able to pay the price? Or will he loose all he had gain and live like a nobody?

i_love_sleep · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

4. Weird Gaze.

"Perfect day to be alive."

Nich muttered as he walked towards his destination.

He usually walked to his school, the distance between his house and his school was around 200 meter, so it was rather pleasant to walk in winters.

The area he lived in did get rather cold, but it was just the beginning of winter, so there was no snow.

One could even call it the "perfect weather".

Nich liked winters, and he liked the pleasant breezes of wind as well.

He did not like one thing though, and that was people staring at him.

And people were staring at him.

Their gazes were not so intense as to galre holes through him, yet it was noticeable.

Nich thought that maybe, there was something on his face, or maybe he was caught in some kind of prank.

A hateful prank.

But for the sake of not looking awkward, decided to continue his march in full glory,

And not look at passerbies.

'I will count the number of times i see green.'

Nich decided, this was the most reliable solution for this situation.

Unfortunately, he didn't take into consideration that, there was a girl school near his school, and thier uniforms were green.

But the rules shall be obliged.

No personal feelings included.


Nich counted, as he arrived at his school.

The gazes were still there.

There was no green color in his school though.

As he was sitting in his chair, Aisha shot a glance at him, Then went about her business, as if never she looked away.

The rest of the school day was fine, today Nich tried to pay more attention in his class, sometimes he would understand, sometimes he would not, but he can tell there was progress.

Math was no longer complex enough to be considered language of gods.

And soon, the bell rang, and he was free from the strains placed upon him by the world!

the week passed, and the weekend was upon him, again.


"Well, it is what it is."

Nich said to himself while taking a shower, looking at the mirror that was placed in his bathroom.

Right now, he was a little distressed.

To think that he had to live alone at home.

It happened yesterday, and caught him off gaurd.


Nich was at home, reading novels as usual.

He just came back from school and changed, he didn't saw his mother, but he figured she would have had something come up.

Thats when it happend.


There was a knock on his door, usually around this time of the day, no one visites his abode, yet there was a visitor.

Nich oppened the door, and looked at the figure standing outside his door. Only to Alice.

Alice, was looking at him with a grumpy expression, as if he locked her in a room and turned the light off, And threw the key away.

"What do you want?"

Nich asked.

"Read this."

Alice handed him a letter.

The letter was written in beautiful handwriting, his mother wrote it.

[ Dear Alice and Nich, i am sorry to inform you that your grandpa's health has been declining nowadays, he only has grandma to look after him, as you know, your uncle was unfilial to the end, and now that he has abandoned them, only granny is here to look after him. His condition worsend last night, so he had to be rushed to the hospital, I am afraid that your dad and I will have to go visit them, and possibly stay for awhile, till then take care of each other.]


Nich thought, he also wanted to meet his grandparents, but alas he won't be able to for the time being.

"Mom left it, when i called her she told me that me to take care of you"

Alice said.

"So you better listen to me and don't go around making trouble"

She said, pointing her finger to his nose.



And that was how, he will have to live together with his sister for awhile.

Actually you can say that he basically has to live alone.

His sister was out and about till 8:00, and when she came back she will just hand him some fast food.

She was truly living an adventurous life.

Nich could have called his mom and complained, but his sister somehow knew all his favorite dishes.

So, as long as he was left unbothered and kept well fed, he would not retaliate.

Nich rinsed in water, and then dried his head, it was about 7:00 pm, so his sister was still out, so there was no competition for the remote.

He sat down on the couch, today the second season of his favorite anime will air.

The default news channel was set on news, as his dad had set it, and there seem to be some kind of big news on the television.

[Breaking news, there is a serial killer on lose at 56 street of Carvas district. ]

[All citizens are advised to keep their doors and windows shut, and not let any strangers come inside their house, if someone suspicious is spotted, report to the police immediately]

"Whoa what the heck?"

[Fear not, the police will caputre that wretched fiend—]

Before the officer's speech ended, Nich shot up in action.

Nich exclaimed, surprised by the sudden revelation, this was close to his neighborhood, the serial killer in question had already killed 3 people.

Nich got up from his couch, checked all the locks around his house, and windows as well.

Oh and he also looked in the cobards, nothing was to fear.

The whole process took about 7 minutes, though Nich finished fairly fast, he was not out of breath.

Nich breathed a sight of relief, now he can relax a little...

... No he was forgetting about something.

That feeling you get when you know you don't remember something but feel like maybe you didn't forget? Yes that one.

Nich was perplexed, but then his phone vibrated, and the number on his screen reminded him.

His sister was out standing in front of their door and calling him.