
I Am The First Inheritor

From a young age, Nich had a headache, any Doctor world not be able to discern the cause of his headache, and he lost his hope as well. All he wanted was for the uncanny headache to vanish and for him to live a quite life himself. But one day, he woke up from a strange dream after which his world began to turn around. Through an incident he found out that he now had prowess which were not explainable to through common sense, or any sense for the matter. He was the first inheritor, which meant that there would be more people like him who would awaken superhuman abilities making the change inevitable. Now he was faced with two choices, either he continues his life, or explore his newfound prowess to topple over the world But as there is price to pay for everything, Nich had to pay the price for his abilities as well. Will he be able to pay the price? Or will he loose all he had gain and live like a nobody?

i_love_sleep · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

1.A Sharp Pain


Thought the boy, laying on his bed.

His expression was one of discomfort and pain, and his thoughts were all muddled.

The pain was not of the kind that will make one go insane or scream in agony, but it was really persistent and annoying

His attention was soley focused on the clock that hung infornt of his bed.

The whole room was dimly lit by the moonlight that had managed to fight its way through the glass and half closed curtains of window besides the boy's bed.

For as long as he remembered, he always had a headache while the clock struck midnight, and the pain would persist for 2 hours, after which it will mysteriously disappear.

Before, it was like a slight headache, and all it could do was sometimes stop him from sleeping peacefully.

But now, the intensity of the pain he faced every night only seemed to increase.

The doctors all said that there was nothing wrong with his head, and that there should not be any pain caused to him.

Hence, the reason for his loss of faith on health care of this country!

They can't even fix an annoying headache!

Aside from that , his family also tired some other way's.

They really shouldn't have.

He appreciated thier concers, he really did with all his heart.

But that did not mean he was willing to sleep with vegetables around his bed.

They called it natural, he liked to call it witch craft.

And yet, every night he was assaulted by the sharp pain.

As time gradually passed, the clock neared 2:00 am, and soon it struck two o' clock.


the boy breathed a sigh of relief, the pain that was so persistent that it felt like it will never disappear was gone, leaving him wondering about the same thing.

'When will it end'

The answer, was evident to him, yet he can't bear to come terms with his thoughts.

The boy, who looked around 16 years of age, had a tired, worn out appearance on his face, the vigor of youth nowhere to be seen.

His skin had a plae complexion, there were dark bags under his eye.

Soon, he fell asleep.

Everytime he fell asleep, he never once had a dream, which he believed to be related to the headache.

And in the blink of an eye, the Sun was upon the world, casting its radiance to all it's inhabitants.

The alarm rang, but soon it was oppressed by the hand that seemed to move on instinct.

But of course, when you use force, you should be prepared to be forced.

Oppressers are the first to be oppressed.

Soon came a voice from down stairs, one that can't be rejected nor be ignored.

"Wake up Nich, it's time for breakfast."

Nich heard the voice, but like a dead log, didn't respond.

This was only his sister, she dare not have enough authority to make Nich cower!

And yet, he had to wake up and go downstairs before the one with enough authority calls.

He was a filial son and would not trouble his mother on such minsiclue affairs.

The breakfast like always, tasted delicious, his mother made the best food.

Soon time came for him to depart for school.

Like always, he seldom paid attention to the lectures, most of the time he had trouble focusing, sometimes he even falls asleep in class.

But no one pays attention to him.

Absolutely no one.

He didn't had any friends, he used to have plenty, before the headache began seriously affecting his sleep, due to which there were changes in his behavior, some friends still talked to him after that, gradually he lost touch with all of them but now he was like a Scarecrow standing in a field.

Alone, messy looking and silent.

He blamed no one, he rarely had interesting things to say, and seldom people listened to him when he did.

The school ended, and he returned home soon, not staying out for long.

His room was on the second floor, along side his older sister Alice and both his parents lived in the lower floor.

His father was a manager in a well to do company, he was hardworking but kind hearted, he blanced spending time with his family and work.

His mother was a housewife, she made really delicious food but she was quite scary when enraged.

The room was neat and tidy, there was a bookshelf which had many mangas and a desk where he would usually sit and watch anime.

And this was about his daily routine everyday, he was born weak, and the uncanny headache took away from his sleep so he spent his afternoons sleeping and evenings doing homework.

He wasn't able to play sports, so he played games instead.

After eating and taking a shower he went to bed.

And soon as the clock struck 12, the pain returned in its full glory.

He could do nothing but endure it, just wishing for the time to pass.

Time seemed to slow, but the clock never stopped, reaching 2.

He was relived but just when he was about to realx, he felt something was wrong.

Every time, the pain would subsidie after two hours, and did not last a minute longer.

'The pain'

'... Its not going'

This had never happened before, but now the pain was continuing even after the time limit was up.

The clock stopped moving, his body becamed tensed and his breathing was rough.

'Can't move!'

He was unable to move his body, and soon he felt a chill down his spine.

His heart was thumping like crazy, and he tried to remain calm, control his breathing and move his fingers.

But to no avail, soon his mind went blank and he fell unconscious.

And then he had a dream.