
Theo's Music Class

While the candidates spent half of the day working hard to finish their projects.

Theo spent it working hard to finish recording all sections of the song that he chose to produce.

He didn't manage to finish yesterday, so after he did his morning routine Theo immediately went to his studio to continue working on it.

After working for a couple of hours, Theo just needed to record the last vocal section.

Theo entered the recording room and stopped in front of the microphone.

He motioned to Sylph to start recording as he tried to find the emotion that this song needed to sing.

Shortly after, Theo's voice came out of his mouth.

Theo didn't notice yet, but with all this singing, his singing proficiency was increasing.

When Theo finished recording and was walking out of the recording room, he saw Aurora looking at him with shining eyes.

"Good morning, cupcake!" He smiled at her.