
The Bear and the Maiden Fair

The Far Away Ship Tavern, Musdurn Town, Musdurn Mountain Valley.

On that cold night of Saturday, the dark clouds in the sky covered the moon and made the mountains completely dark. But Musdurn Town seemed like a bright torch as it shone through the darkness of the mountain valley.

As it was getting late, the tourists who visited the town started to leave for their accommodations. But a group of tourists gathered at the tavern still persisted.

Theo and his friends were having the time of their lives as they drank and ate delicious things served to them. Some of them even started getting drunk as they consumed the strong homemade alcohol served in the tavern. Theo was only drinking butterbeer as he would drive later, but he had lots of fun watching his friends get drunk.

They talked loudly about random things when they suddenly heard the bard say, "Is there anyone who wants to sing a song?"