
I am the Archmage

He was struck by lightning inexplicably, and he was transported to a world full of magic.

Clark_Jiang · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

Great mental strength

Shannon's hard thinking lasted unexpectedly long. There was no movement in the barrier for three whole days and nights. The girls were worried and wanted to enter the barrier to check the situation, but Clark didn't know what he had done to the barrier. Even Hagoromo can't easily walk in .

Because of their worries, the girls set up tents outside the barrier to stay temporarily, hoping that Clark would show up soon, and all matters in the demon camp were left to the "Three Demon Generals" to handle.

"PuXi, have you rested enough? Come and continue training!" Rowe's low, elegant voice full of masculine magnetism reached the ears of Puxi, who was lying on his back and breathing heavily, but he sounded like Hearing the ghost's howl, his handsome face suddenly turned pale.

The past few days of being trained by Rowe were like living in hell for PuXi. He had always had smooth sailing and had never experienced this kind of life: four hours of sleep every day, and a fifty-kilometer load as soon as he woke up. Long-distance running, after a simple breakfast (if you run slowly, you are not allowed to eat breakfast), there will be three hours of Luo Wei's mandatory mental strength stimulation training (directly targeting the brain nerves for mental stimulation, and the person who is stimulated during the process will The cranial nerves will produce unbearable pain like being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts, but after stimulation, their mental strength will increase by leaps and bounds). After undergoing this kind of training, the trainees will suffer from severe pain for a period of time. His limbs were twitching in a daze, but if the situation improved a little, he would have to undergo swordsmanship training from Rowe (Pixicould be exempted from this. He went to Lahart to learn spearmanship, but Lahart was very weak in this aspect. The requirements are even stricter than those of Luo Wei) and they can only rest until late at night, and then repeat yesterday's procedure four hours later.

After only a few days of torture from this hellish training, Puxi seemed to be a different person. He lost more than ten kilograms in weight, his formerly fair skin turned brown, and his hands were covered with calluses.

However, he did not retreat but gritted his teeth and persisted. He did not want to lose to Abao who were training with him.

Puxi stood up and walked to Luo Wei with great reluctance. Abao and Lulin were looking at him with a look of gloating and pity. Although they were used to Luo Wei's torture now, they still shudder these days.

PuXi, Abao, and Lu Lin sat together tremblingly. Luo Wei chanted a mantra softly, and a black energy band suddenly extended from the center of his eyebrows and divided into three strands in the air. When it reached the eyebrows of Puxi and the other three, Rowe's huge spiritual power poured into the bodies of the three of them like a tide along the energy light belt, strongly stimulating their brain nerves.

The shrill screams and wails rang out from Pu Xi's mouth. The muscles all over his body twitched violently, and tears, saliva, and sweat flowed out uncontrollably. The situation was extremely miserable.

Although Abao and Lu Lin have become accustomed to the severe pain caused by this strong mental stimulation and their own mental strength has also grown significantly, they still can't help but twitch lightly at this time, and their faces are as pale as paper. .

The soldiers in the military camp have long been accustomed to the daily screams of slaughtering pigs, and they are secretly glad that they have no chance to enjoy this kind of hospitality.

Dili, who was sewing clothes for Lahart like an ordinary woman in the tent, couldn't help but frowned when she heard the screams and said to her husband: "Are the methods you use to teach students in the devil world so intense? At this time every day Their screams will resound throughout the military camp, and you are so tolerant."

Lahart smiled bitterly and said: "There is nothing we can do about this. These guys have such a poor foundation, so if you want to achieve success quickly, you can only do this.

Dili, what would your heavenly realm do when encountering this situation? Dili hesitated for a moment and said: "We have a complete crash training system. Every once in a while, elite warriors will be selected for special training. If they pass the training completely, they can join the 'Bright War Angel' force, but Although our training program is extremely strict, it is by no means as cruel as yours. Now that the 'Bright War Angels' have been wiped out, it is meaningless to say this. "

Lahart said: "It turns out that this is how the 'Light War Angel' was born. Our 'Dark Dragoons' are not trained. They are all dead warriors from the demon world, a world where the strong are respected. , every member has gone through the baptism of blood and fire, the test of life and death, and has rich experience in hundreds of battles. My current status is also based on the accumulation of military merit."

Dili sighed and said: "This is probably one of the reasons why the 'Light War Angel' is no match for the 'Dark Dragoon'. A novice who lacks actual combat experience will definitely not be able to match a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles.

Alas, I really don't know when the battle between the heaven and the devil will really stop. If that happens one day, I can take you to my residence in the heaven to have a look. It is so beautiful there and I have raised many. Little animals..." Her beautiful eyes flashed with a dim look of hope. No one hoped more than she, the four-winged angel who fell in love with the devil, that the two races of gods and demons could truly coexist peacefully.

Lahart knew the misery in his lover's heart. He gently held Dili's waist and said, "Li, I'm sorry for you."

Dili buried her pink face in Lahart's arms and said, "Te, you don't have to worry about sex. Being able to fall in love with you and become your wife is the happiest thing in my life.

Te, just do whatever you want, I will always support you behind your back. "

Lahart excitedly kissed the lips of this tender and charming wife. The devil's strength and the angel's tenderness were perfectly combined, like a beautiful picture.

"Ah!" A scream that became increasingly sad and miserable broke this beautiful picture. Lahart frowned and said displeasedly: "What the hell is Rowe doing? Why are the boys screaming so miserably?" ."

Dili also felt that the scream was indeed very sad. She said, "Go out and have a look. Puxi is also half of your student, so don't let anything happen."

Lahart kissed her on the lips and then darted out of the tent. Dili gently stroked her cherry-like red lips with a happy smile, picked up the thread and got busy again.

Lahart's body flashed and he arrived at Luo Wei and others in an instant. Puxi, Abao, and Lu Lin were seen floating off the ground, and they were connected from the center of Luo Wei's eyebrows. The black energy light belt was flashing with dazzling electric light. The bodies of Puxi and the three people were violently twitching and twisting in mid-air, and they let out unbearable screams and wails. Their whole bodies were soaked with sweat. It dripped down the toes of their shoes, and there was a pool of water stains on the ground under their feet. It was clear at a glance that they were suffering unimaginable pain.

Although Lahart was secretly surprised, he did not dare to disturb them. He could only look worriedly at the three boys floating in the air.

The reason for the current situation is another of Luo Wei's whims. After the brain nerves of Pu Xi and the other three have gradually become accustomed to the strong stimulation, he suddenly increased the output of mental power. If successful, these three people will The boy's brain nerves will be greatly developed, and the cultivation of mental strength will be twice the result with half the effort in the future, but the price is that it will cause several times the pain before. Even A Bao and Lu Lin, two people who are accustomed to mental stimulation, The boy couldn't help but scream.

Of course, Luo Wei himself felt uncomfortable. The excessive output of mental power caused a huge impact on his own nerves, and his face looked extremely pale.

After the mental power was greatly depleted, Luo Wei finally couldn't hold on anymore and stopped the transmission of mental power. The energy light belt suddenly disappeared and the three boys in mid-air fell to the ground hard.

Lahart stepped forward and said, "Brother, it seems you are very tired."

Luo Wei shook his head, which was a little dizzy due to the huge loss of mental power, and said: "There is no other way. In order to complete the task assigned by the 'Demon King' earlier, I can only work harder."

Lahart smiled and said: "I think you are working so hard to get rid of these troublesome boys as soon as possible. Don't you think the method is a bit excessive? The screams of the boys just now were as loud as the loudest Warcraft." , are they really okay?" He pointed at the three Puxi who were lying on the ground with foam at their mouths.

Luo Wei walked over to the three of them, checked them out, and said, "It's not a big problem, but these three boys will be in coma for a few days, but the price is worth it. Their brains have been developed very successfully, and they will be able to wake up after they wake up." There is no need for my teachings anymore."

The two carried the three boys and walked straight to their tent. For these three boys, what they had just experienced would be a turning point in their lives, but it was also a nightmare that they would never want to look back on.

The Bingqingying girls who were guarding outside the gravity barrier were gathered in a group at this time. The delicate body in Hagoromo in the circle was shining with a holy and soft light. A beam of light passed from her delicate hand to Nini in front of her. Ni opened her mouth wide and the beam of light shot directly into it.

Although Clark is not here now, he still has Hagoromo. No matter how much energy Nini needs, Hagoromo can provide it. He is really lucky.

The huge light power was transmitted directly into Nini's body from Hagoromo's place. This little Holy Dragon of Light was surrounded by golden light and looked extremely powerful.

After a while, when Nini reached the limit of the power she could bear, Hagoromo stopped transmitting power. With the sound of a clear and passionate dragon roar, Nini's body suddenly swelled, and soon grew to more than two meters tall.


Hagoromo patted Nini's big head and said to Ge Ni: "If you do this a few more times, you can ride it and fly. If the master is here, you can summon the Dragon King now to teach it dragon language magic, but the master..." She faintly He sighed, and the girls around him also sighed, and Nini's joy of growing up was suddenly diluted a lot.

At this moment, the gravity barrier beside them suddenly changed. The black barrier light screen rippled like water waves and then began to rotate from the highest point. Soon the entire barrier light screen was spinning.

The energy light screen whirled faster and faster and suddenly shrank inward. The girls in Hagoromo couldn't help covering their mouths that were about to breathe out with their jade hands. They saw that the barrier energy light screen quickly condensed into a whirling ball. A black energy ball, and this ball of energy was held up and down by a tall man with his hands.

"Master..." "Clark..." Hagoromo, Livia and the other girls cheered in surprise, and their delicate bodies flashed past.