
A Daily Life

Its been several days since the introduction, the whole city is in an uproar. Afterall is it easy to find Dot Pixis friends from beyond the sky. They are all unique and stand out among the crowds

It was easy to approach them too, as long you are not disturbing them they will answer any question about the place beyond the sky.

Izuku is the easiest to find because by Shinji request he is treated as 104 Trainee Corps, so that means he also sleeps in the dorms. At first the senior officer kinda troubled because there is no enough room left in the dorm.

But that problem easily turn to dust because Illya, Shinji, and Ritsu offer to rebuild the trainee dorms, in which Pixis accepted

Ritsu provided the building plan, Shinji requesting Arceus to create the material, and Illya building it using wishcraft.

"Commander are they gods?" a senior officer keep wiping his eyes to make sure he not dreaming, afterall not everyday you can see a dorm build using magic

"Last time, I checked they are not gods…yet" Pixis answer while grinning, Pixis make sure so his voice can be heard even by the trainee

Let say the Trainee and Survey Corps on the field almost getting a heart attack…

In the end, all Survey Corps building is rebuilt to match the new dorm theme


"You guys want to know about my place beyond the sky? " Izuku says while stuffing food in his mouth, currently it was the time for dinner so most of the trainee is in the dining hall

At first, they are a little wary about Izuku but seeing him was just an earnest boy that trying hard to master 3rd-dimensional maneuver gear…

"Let just say in there, there is a place where 80% of the population has superpower" Izuku explained

"Superpower? Is it just like the thing that your teacher and his friend capable of doing?" Eren said interested

Izuku nodded "In fact, I am among the 20% that didn't have a superpower, that was the reason I am here in the first place, to earn the skill to compete among my peer"

"How can people of that place have a superpower?" Armin interested, afterall it was cool if he has one

"It was a biological evolution" Izuku answered "It needs a long time but just so you know there is a big chance for your great grandkids have a superpower"

Every trainee around that hearing Izuku explanations is fascinated

"How about the sea! Did you ever see one?" Eren ask in enthusiasm

"Yeah" Izuku nodded "the sea exists". Eren is really happy for the fact afterall is his dream to see the sea

Izuku noticed something, Eren bruises and small wound is gone. While AOT exist in BNHA but it was a 200 years old show, so Izuku never watch it



"Do you have some kind of regeneration superpower?" Izuku asked

"Eh?" Eren shocked

"EH?" Every Trainee in the vicinity

"I noticed that your minor wound like bruises, is already healed, its too fast for a normal healing" Izuku explained showing the might of his Human Observation skill "if I am right that means you guys already start biologically evolving, and that means Eren is a first-gen superpower user"

"EHH?!" Everyone

"Want to examined by my teacher?" Izuku ask "he can examine you to explain about your power"

Tomorrow Break Time…

"Congratulations" Shinji clapped his hand," You are this generation inheritor of Titan Shifter!"

"Titan Shifter?"


After that Eren is undergoing a different training, the training to control his Titan self. Eren can transform 1 times a day, 3 times if he forces it. So his day begins with sparring against Xiang Yu before following the normal training.

"As expected you are stronger than the pure titan out there!" Xiang Yu said while trading blow against Titan Eren "still not strong enough to make me serious thought"

"ROAR!" ' Damn you old man! how can you so strong!'

It becomes a common view, in the training fields the fighting training Xiang Yu against Titan Eren. Sometimes Eren is ordered to become target practice for the Trainee corps.

The Trio from outside the wall is speechless, just seeing Xiang Yu trading blow against Titan Eren they know they are hopelessly outmatched, they are even frightened because Eren slowly learning many Titan shifter trick like hardening

And sometimes in martial arts class, Xiang Yu become their instructor. Xiang Yu tell them to use real weapon, so they can be accustomed quickly and his instruction is…

"Attack me" Xiang Yu stated "I will tell your flaw while at it"

At first the trainee is afraid of hurting him, only for Xiang Yu to pull one sword that used to kill titan, that so sharp can cut through Titan thick skin, and use it to slice his own neck.

The sword broke "While the concern is appreciated this thing not gonna hurt me" Xiang Yu smiled "so come"

All hell break loose

They can't even touch Xiang Yu, as if he has eyes behind his head and he keeps pointing flaw in their stance.

The scary part for the Trio is a strong man like Xiang Yu is calling Izuku teacher(Shinji) Master.

As if saying 'Izuku teacher is even stronger!'. Honestly, since the day Shinji can identify Eren as Titan shifter with a single touch, the 'from outside of the wall' trio is trying their best to avoiding him.


"I see so this is the outside world History" Hange the Titan researcher said while skimming through the document that given by Illya.

Levi, and Erwin is really immersed in the detail

"So this is Titan specification, and what will you do visitor from beyond the sky, Illya von Einzb- Damn your name is hard to pronounce" Hange accidentally bit her tongue "Honestly I always suspect that Titan is transformed human but to think is true…"

"No need to be formal just call me Illya but as for what will I do, I want to make a cure" Illya stated." an all-purpose biological cure"

With that Illya explained

Illya is a genius alchemist that is an undeniable fact.

From her research on Koro-sensei tentacle, a Drug that capable of neutralizing minor evolution, a sample from real titan, a blood sample from titan shifter that she secretly took (Eren, Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt), a sample from a quirk user (Eri), a sample from quirkless person in BNHA (Izuku), a sample of a normal person from a normal world (Ritsu), and finally a sample from a normal person on the magical world (Shinji), she gained an inspiration...

If a human can be turned into tentacle monster like Koro-sensei, If a human can be turned into titan, if titan shifter transforms into titan, if a human can have minor biological evolution…

By researching how quirk neutralizing/improving drugs work, and cross-checking with normal human samples from the normal world, BNHA world, and Magical world…

"I see, so that means if it can evolve, the reverse is also true," Hange said in realization "All of that above can be said as evolution or deviation but that drug can neutralize evolution and deviation factor"

Illya nodded "If it can be neutralized…"

Hange grinned "...If It can be observed…"

Illya smile afterall she finally meets someone with a researcher mindset like her, that not a sociopath

"It can be controlled!"

"It can be destroyed!"

Both Illya and Hange do a high five and hug each other, feeling like they are long-lost sisters…

"Levi, can you understand what are they talking about?" Erwin asks

Levi put the document in his hand "No, but I think we are just witnessing a history in the making"

This is the last chapter for a while, Illya always experimented on something as if a running gag but finally I reach where she reveals the purpose of her experiment, and I honestly forget to put artificial crest in Ritsu skill list.

Anyway, stay safe in this pandemic See you next time!

Kaichou9779creators' thoughts