
I am secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God

Well, this is something I write on a whim. To relax from my main fic. If you have problems with that? Don't read and save me the trouble and stress from reading your hate comments about why low quality? why no effort? why lolis? why this why that. I just wanna relax and write what I want damnit. Is it that hard to ask for? There is no clear path where it go and a wish fulfilment type of fic? MC not human obviously. But super OP and can stomp anyone because he is after all secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God. Schedule is 3 chapters per week. Every Mon, Wed and Fri, GMT +8. But I will keep at minimum 10 advance chapters in Patreon. If I have 10 or less advanced chapters, I will not post any until next one are posted there. If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to continue writing more or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip or support me here. https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · Tranh châm biếm
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143 Chs

Chapter 73 - Super Secret Project & Child Neglect

A few days after the conference, the creation of the Round Table Council was created. Immediately after that, they declared their loyalty to the Fairy Queen, Morgan and turned Akiba into a vassal state.

Following that, the members of the councils one by one delivered their speech. The last one was Shiroe who basically repeated what Ray said during the meeting about they are in a real world and not a game.

Then for the following week, the environment of Akiba improved leaps and bounds. From a city filled with listless and aimless players to a bustling one filled with life.

With the discovery of methods to create real food, it inspired various creations and inventions which in turn ignited the economy by creating demand for raw materials that provide jobs to the majority of the players without aim or purpose.

However, this is merely the start and not the end as obviously, the People of the Land had caught up the news about the invention of delicious food made by Adventurers and other inventions such as the first prototype steam engine and the somehow increasingly popular and in high demand firearms.

No, calling them firearms is too generous. Other than Tanya and Hajime. The other 'firearms' created by some craftsmen are more appropriately called bolt guns rather than actual guns because they have yet to figure out how to create ammunition.


In the hunting field a little far away from Akiba is a mine on the face of a mountain. Deep inside it is Ray and Ainz, acting all secretive.

"So, Tanya reported that the informants from Maihama had confirmed that Duke Sergiad Cowen, ruler of Maihama, and the chairperson of the Eastal League of Free Cities, had dispatched a group of messengers to invite the Council to a dialogue concealed as a ball invitation."

"Hoh? They didn't attack us immediately and are still willing to open for a dialogue." Ray looks intrigued by the Ainz report and taps his finger on the wooden table.

"Well, I doubt they dare since the Izumo Knight, their only hope against the player had been missing since The Catastrophe." Ainz answered with a shrug.

"We still can't be sure they won't attack us. But, as long as we can complete The Imperator Venti. They will definitely regret daring to wage war." Ray looks at the secret weapon which is being built in total secrecy with collaboration with Ainz who is eager to volunteer on the design.

"This might take another two weeks to complete, senpai. One week if we rush." Ainz added just in case Ray wonders.

"It didn't matter. If we can get it done in time. I can cheat a little." Ray shrugged it off with the wave of his hand.


"Haah… I'm bored of grinding. We had been doing it weeks straight and reached Lv 40. How about we take some rest? I heard from Sakuya that many food stalls have started appearing and selling various delicious foods!" Sirin said with some drool almost leaking out her mouth which she hastily wiped off.

"That's a good idea! I saw some are selling clothes too." Ravel added as she recalled seeing a few shops selling good clothes that she is interested in.

Asia, Sakura and Abby also agreed as they are tired of the grind too and wanted a deserving break.

All of them went to the central plaza of Akiba in front of the Akiba train station which is filled with players and earthlings, shopping or selling on the numerous stalls.

All of them eagerly walk up to stalls to buy food especially desserts, even Sakura who is using reserved, were eagerly queuing up on the line of some shops.

When they are done buying, they went to find a place to sit down and eat. But unexpectedly the central plaza is too crowded and they have to move to less populated places.

"Wait, aren't those the princesses?" Someone noticed and point out to the others.

"Yeah, it's them!"

"Kyaa! They are so cute!"

"Uogghhhh! Cun—"

Immediately a large crowd of curious people followed after them. While a few got dragged away silently.

Since Morgan declared herself the Fairy Queen that rule and protect Akiba. Many become curious and start investigating about the Fairy Queen and digging out any relevant informations since this was never a thing back in the game.

It also probably didn't help that Morgan is that beautiful and gorgeous. Her public appearance during the meetup between Morgan and the Council revealed Morgan, Baobhan Sith and Melusine to the public while Sirin, Sakura and Abby didn't. But identifying them is easy because they all are affiliated to Ray and its visible to everyone on their profile screen.

The first to discover were the council members when they realized Morgan's title aside from Fairy Queen were literally Ray's 2th Wife.

Those affiliated to Ray were basically celebrities right now but Sirin and the others only recently making appearance in Akiba after grinding non-stop in hunting field.

The girls soon realized they were being followed and they just wanted to find place to eat in peace rather than dealing with these paparazzi-like people.

But just as the crowd about to corner them, another group of people arrived which immediately placed themselves between the girls and the girls.

"Hey! Aren't those the royal guards?"

"They really are the princess! I wish we can take a picture or something. *Sigh* Since the royal guard is here. We can only leave."

"Yeah, not worth getting arrested for offending the Queen."

Those people obediently turn around and left. The girls look relieved they didn't have to deal with those crowd and wonders who is these soldiers in armor. But then a familiar face appeared.

"Artoria?" They said after seeing Artoria emerged from the group of soldiers.

"Yes. Master foreseen this problem and tasked me to form a bodyguard team to fend off the people that tries to get close without permission." Artoria explained and revealed what task she had been up to lately.

"Speaking of which, where is Master?" Ravel asked because for the past week. Ray had been uncontactable and silent.

"Master is busy working on a project with Mr Ainz. As for what the project were, I wasn't too privy about the details to gave any answer." Artoria apologized.

"Hmph. How could he not spend any time with us at all." Sirin complained and Sakura and Abby agreed wholeheartedly that they planned to go track down their father after they are done eating and make sure he fulfilled his responsibility as their father by giving them the affection and attention they deserve.

#JusticeForThe Daughters


(I wonder who can guess what Ray and Ainz are cooking up.)

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