

In the infinity realm, there are three echelon,mount Olympia where the Divine gods dwell, Mount Lyrota where the Celestial gods who take on roles to help the Earthly realm, and The underworld where the demons and banished gods reside. Each Celestial gods have their roles on the Earthly realm except one god, Santaliel. Santaliel was a god who has never felt among other gods and the only god who hasn't discovered his role yet, he decides to go to the Earthly realm and try to discover his role and then gets entangled with a human who changes his fate. And with each new encounter he learns a little about himself and gets closer to discovering the truth about his origin. *The names used in the story has no relation to the original owners of the name *Add the book to your library,sit back and enjoy the story

Anni_Senpai · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs


Leila navigated Santaliel through Thorin's bustling streets, weaving past vibrant market stalls. Merchants and peddlers greeted them with warm smiles.

" Hey Leila, how are you, will you buy some fish for the children today, I have a fresh batch" one of the merchants greeted Leila with a smile,he had a Weathered, sun-kissed skin with bright, warm brown eyes that crinkle at the corners when he smiles. A robust build, honed from years of hauling crates and baskets. He wore a worn, earth-toned apron over a simple white tunic and breeches

Leila chuckled. "Not today, Paul. I'm showing my friend around."

Paul's grin turned teasing. "Finally settling down, huh?"

Leila's cheeks flushed as she defended, "No,he's just a friend of mine who's traveling round the world"

" Well enjoy your day with your friend," he winks "do buy some fish later " He said as he waved to her

" Ofcourse " She smiled waving back 

" Don't mind Paul, he's always like that" She defends

" He's a funny guy, seems like you're close to some of the Merchants" Santaliel said

" Yes, I frequent their stalls alot whenever I'm shopping for good for the children at the orphanage, that's right!, I'll take you to the orphanage and Introduce you to everyone, I'm sure they will be glad to see a new face " She smiles 

" Sure" Santaliel said with a warm smile 

As they strolled through Thorin's picturesque streets, Santaliel walked beside Leila, who cradled Leo in her arms, while Orly remained nestled on Santaliel's shoulders. Their leisurely pace allowed them to take in the sights of the bustling taverns, lush rice fields, and a serene stream with crystal-clear water and pearls glinting in its depths.

Their carefree conversation and laughter filled the air as they stopped by each point, embracing each moment, creating a joyful atmosphere.

As they reached a serene green haven, they settled onto the lush grass, basking in the tranquil atmosphere. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves, creating a soothing melody.

" Here I got this for you" Santaliel said as he brings out a small pouch, and hands it over to Leila 

" What is it she asks as she takes the pouch from him"

"Mountain berries," Santaliel replied, his smile warm. "I promised to bring some next time we met."

Leila's cheeks flushed as she opened the pouch, releasing the sweet aroma of the berries. She popped one into her mouth, and her eyes widened in delight.

"Wow, these are incredible! I've never tasted anything like this. Nothing compares to their sweetness and juiciness," she exclaimed, savoring another berry.

" I'm glad you like it" Santaliel said with a smile and their gaze met and for a moment it felt like time stood still

They continued their stroll and after a little walk they arrived at the orphanage's entrance,

" This is the orphanage, don't mind how it looks" She said with a warm smile welcoming Santaliel as she led him into the building .

As they stepped inside, the sounds of playful chatter and laughter enveloped them. Children of various ages were scattered throughout the yard, their faces lighting up with excitement.

The children stopped in their tracks as they saw Leila and Santaliel, excitement and surprise etched in their faces as they locked their gaze on handsome figure, in unison they all ran inside shouting while giggling "Sisters, Big sister Leila has brought a handsome man she's going to marry" , Leila face reddens up instantly 

" Hey, don't go around saying things like that" Leila yells as she blushes and Santaliel chuckles 

Olivia stepped out of the building and into the yard where Santaliel and Leila stood, she walked up to them with a smile plastered on her face

"Santaliel this is Olivia, my best friend" Leila gestures at Olivia 

Santaliel smiles warmly at her " Nice to meet you Olivia "

" I've heard alot about you Santaliel , didn't think you actually exists" Olivia said

" Liv!" Leila calls out cutting her off making her chuckles

" It's nice to meet you too Santaliel" Olivia flashes a warm smile

' Damn he's so handsome,he's like an angel's Olivia thought to herself as she winks at Leila 

" Come on in, we're about to have dinner, join us " olivia said gesturing them to enter

" Sure" Santaliel smiled

Leila followed Olivia in while Santaliel trailed behind 

" Master, you shouldn't be getting so close to humans, and you've not been yourself since you followed the human lady" Orly whispers in Santaliel's ears

" It's just today Orly and what do you mean I've not been myself?" Santaliel asked curious 

"You've been quiet master, which is unlike you" 

" That's because I don't want to make a mistake and reveal my identity " Santaliel defends 

" Are you ok Santaliel?" Leila turns back and asks with a worried look " it's ok if you don't want to join in for dinner " 

" No, I'm fine" Santaliel gave a reassuring smile as he followed her inside 

They got inside the run down building and all the kids were gathered at a dinning table with the sisters who took care of them 

With a slight bow the sisters greeted Santaliel 

Santaliel bowed as well greeting them

He sat on the dinning, a feats arranged on the table with a bowl of rice in front of each seat, it was unlike the meals prepared in mount Lyrota.

Leila sat next to him,as she places Leo on the ground while Olivia sits opposite them

The children seeing the both of hem giggled at each other 

" Ok children, enough of the giggling it's time to eat" one of the sisters said, dressed in a black and white nun gown with her hair covered 

" Yes sister" the children answered in unison and they all clapped their hands together, Olivia and Leila doing the same and Santaliel followed their movements 

" Dear God, thank you for providing this meal for us" one of the sisters said

" Thank you dear God " they all replied in unison and started to feast on the meal

" So I heard you're from Mou" Olivia asks " what's it like over there"

" Urm it's unlike here," Santaliel responds unsure of what to say 

"Liv, allow Santaliel to have his dinner" Leila said, and they all continued to have their meal.