
I am reborn in Akame ga KILL

Volume 1 (40 chapters): the MC is reborn in the assassin world of Akame, knowing nothing of this world but having a gift from the distant past. Volume 2 (60 chapters): (MC is taken to the world of Avatar. Even though the events take place in the time of The Legend of Aang, I decided to replace the bald annoying Avatar Aang with the swarthy cutie Avatar Korra. Volume 3 (60 chapters): MC finds herself in the World of RWBY, where she continues to develop magic and gather a harem. Volume 4(90 chapters): MC in the DC Comics World. Volume 5: (80 chapters) MC is caught up in the world of Warcraft. Guys, I already have 5 volumes on patreon: patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Distant Lands

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- So Esdeath was really looking for you to make you her boyfriend... doesn't sound like her at all, though the way she wanted to do it was exactly her style. And she also ran away during your fight, that's weird for her, although it's a good sign for us. - Najenda said as I told her what had happened with Esdeath, 'The fact that Akame and Mein are missing isn't exactly good news, though.

- Their bracelets are active, even if I can't find the Shambhala teleportation gate, I'll create a device to track their location using their bracelets. - I looked at my bracelet, which was displaying various data, including information from other bracelets.

- Yes, the operation turned out to be ambiguous, we were able to exterminate the mutants, as well as kill two Huntsmen, but in return we lost two members of the Night Raid, I hope you find them quickly, Gin. - Najenda said.

- Maybe we can help you in finding them somehow? - Spear asked.

- Looking for them would make sense if they were anywhere near the capital, but if that was the case, they might as well come back on their own then. If Esdeath and I were moved a thousand and fifty kilometres away, Akame and Mein were probably moved at least that far, if not more. All right, girls, I'm off to explore the canyon for the Shambhala Gate.

- I'll come with you then, because I can't sit still while Akame and Mein are still out there. - Leone said, she had once helped Akame defect from the Empire to the revolutionary army and they had become good friends since then.

As we wandered through the canyon, Leone gave details of how she and Shelly had encountered the Huntsmen, well during the battle they learnt a bit about the enemy. Balls was a pretty conscientious guy who didn't like burning towns with peaceful people, but he had a wife and daughter, and for their sake he didn't think about the correctness of orders, he just carried them out, killing hundreds of families, thousands of women and children.

Ran had been a primary school teacher in a town near the capital before he became a Mastema Wing Wielder, but a few months ago, someone had killed his entire class and abused the children. Ran wanted the perpetrator of this crime to be found and punished, but the governor of that city decided to simply cover up the incident so as not to tarnish the city's reputation. It was the governor who was the owner of the Mastema wings at the time, Ran had seduced her, and she herself had willingly given him Teiga, with which he could get a place next to some more powerful woman from the capital. He came to Esdeath to seduce her and gain even more influence. Ran had decided to change the Empire from within, through such tricks and manipulation of powerful women, but Esdeath had made him her secretary, but she was not interested in him as a man.

Leone and Shelley offered Ran and Balls to join the revolution, both of whom were not exactly complete bastards, but they both stood their ground and had to be killed in the end. Rubicante's flamethrower exploded from Shelly's attacks, but Mastema's wings were saved and may have to be used during the search for Akame and Mein, as I found the spatial gates from which the girls were displaced, but apparently Shambhala can only maintain a limited number of such gates, so these were already completely inactive. There's no way of knowing where they lead, it's just a drawing on the ground now.

I had to create a radar that would tune in to Akame and Mein's bracelets and give them some coordinates of their location. Half a day of non-stop work, and I found out that the girls are somewhere northwest of the capital, eight and a half thousand kilometres away... which means they're somewhere in the British Isles.

Just west of the Thousand Year Empire is the desert where Putra is located, above that desert, northwest of the Thousand Year Empire is another Empire, we call it the Western Empire, in that Empire we call it the Eastern Empire. Our Empire is slowly trying to take over the territories of the Western Empire, and Main is from the lands that our Empire took over from the Western Empire a dozen years ago. It was our neighbourhood that forced the Western states to unite.

If you look territorially, the Western Empire takes the place of Eastern Europe on the mainland, after this Western Empire are several large countries that are located in central Europe, and Western Europe is the same as in my world - that is, on a small piece of land there are several dozen countries, and the size of some countries sometimes reaches ridiculous tens of kilometres.

Judging by these countries, located in Western Europe, it was the fifteenth century, wars were fought everywhere among a bunch of small states, and the level of technology in these countries was even lower than that of the Thousand-Year Empire. I've seen bad powder guns like muskets, but I've never seen electricity, even though I've travelled almost all over Europe... as it turned out, I travel slower on Mastema's wings than I do by running.

In general, when you visit other states, you realise that things are not so bad in the Thousand-Year Empire, of course, corruption is everywhere, but it's better than constant wars. I nearly fought three battles on the way to Foggy Albion, and I was travelling in a straight line, if I'd wandered around Europe, I might have come across a dozen more battles.

In Europe itself there was a very high population density, so the number of strong monsters was minimal, they were just people exterminated, but in the British Isles everything was quite different, there was a high concentration of strong dragons and other dangerous animals, so there were almost no people there. And it was on the islands full of monsters and dragons that Main and Akame were now.

I was close enough to the girls, and maybe the bracelets had recovered from the teleportation, so I was able to get a more precise coordinate of Akame and Mein's location. They weren't together now, Akame was in the south of Albion and Mein was in the north of the island where Scotland should be in my past world.

I found Akame definitely in good time, for now a huge white dragon was trying to kill her, Akame had to run between the paws of this huge beast to avoid being hit by the torrent of flames. From its muzzle to the tip of its tail the dragon was about sixty metres long, the dragon's eyes were red and they looked at Akame with great anger. The bracelet protected the girl from the dragon's attacks and flames, however, there was no way Akame herself could harm the beast. If Akame was the size of a reptilian claw, then Murasama was a mere speck of dust that could be poked into the dragon's eye, which Akame wanted to do, but the eye had yet to be reached.

- Akame! - I attracted the girl's attention, while releasing a sword sickle into the dragon's face.

- Gin! - Akame saw me and ran towards me. The dragon breathed flame in my direction, but the armour was immune to fire as well as cold.

- How did you manage to anger the dragon? - I asked the girl who ran up to me, while I was distracting the lizard with attacks, showering the reptile with sword sickles that left wounds on its scales.

- I was moved to the rocks yesterday, I found a cave and decided to rest there, there were huge eggs in the cave, so I snacked on them, and recently this dragon flew here, apparently it was his eggs. - Akame explained to me.

- Now I see why that dragoness is so angry, you destroyed her clutch. Did it taste good? - I asked a question as I continued to attack the dragon.

- Yeah, the best eggs I've ever tasted in my life. - Gin, do you know where Maine is? And where we are right now? - The girl asked.

- We are very far from the capital, almost nine thousand kilometres from it, you were moved here with the help of spatial Teigu, me and Esdeath were also thrown a thousand and fifteen thousand kilometres from the capital. Maine's not far away, north of this island. Okay, I'm gonna take care of this dragon the old-fashioned way. Stay here. - I ran at the dragon, attacking it with sickles, it was spewing streams of flame at me, so I jumped into its open mouth, ran down its throat like a tunnel, and released a sickle from my sword, which cut off the lizard's head bypassing its rather strong scales.

- That's it... or not. - I got out of the dragon, and saw another dragon, only it was black, and judging by the wound on its eye, Akame had just wounded it, -Okay, you're next. - I ran at the new reptile, most likely it was a daddy dragon, I just killed the mummy and Akame ate the kids. The black dragon died in the same pattern as the last white dragon, and when I climbed out of it I saw Akame cutting pieces of meat from the white dragon.

- Wow, that's a lot of meat, too bad you can't take it all home. Umm... it's delicious. - Akame ate a piece of raw dragon meat.

- Well, this dragon can be used to make Extract for you and a new Teigu. - I began to move the carcass of the black dragon in the spatial pocket, there were several thousand tons of meat, but in the armour I could afford to carry such loads, the white dragon I also took, and together with Akame we went for Main.

On this island the concentration of monsters was the same as in the border territories of the Empire, in addition to the familiar monster-wolves, monster-bears and other dangerous animals I met and new animals - unicorns and pegasi, it was in the grove where these horses were grazing and we found Mein, which quietly sat in a tree. Unicorns and pegasi drove away predators, but they didn't attack Mein, so she decided to stay here.

- It took you long enough to find me, I had to sleep in a tree. - The pink-haired girl jumped down to us. Got anything to eat? I'd eat that horned horse right now, but I can't shoot him because I was attacked by a flying lizard when I got here, and it bit off half of Pumpkin. This is what's left. - Maine showed me part of Callandor.

- Well, the important thing is that the energy core is still intact. - I surveyed Teiga's damage.

- Can you fix Pumpkin? - Mein looked at me with a pitying look.

- I'll make it better. Well, I found you, but it's going to take us almost four hours to get home, assuming I'm travelling at my top speed. So, before we go home, we can have a picnic and a snack of horse meat. - I replied, handing my gun to Mein, and as the unicorns and pegasi had come to the grove, the unicorns and pegasi decided to gather to chase us off, - Look what a beautiful hybrid of unicorn and pegasus, and it can shoot rays of goodness from its horn. - I dodged the pink ray of a pink winged pegasus that was apparently the leader of the herd. It can be used to make Extract for Main, and a new cannon to replace Callandor.

The three of us hunted horses in the grove, the leader was not so easy to kill, he could not only shoot rays of goodness from the horn, but also create a protective barrier around himself, but Mein shot him when the winged unicorn was exhausted.

Over the bracelet, I relayed the news to the rest of the girls that I had found Mein and Akame, and we would arrive home tomorrow. There was a small fresh lake in the grove, near where we were camped. Akame could eat raw meat, but Mein was averse to it, and could only eat roasted meat. Akame had to build a fire and roast unicorn meat for her, and I was busy repairing the girls' bracelets, while telling them about Esdeath and what happened to the other girls during the operation.

- Why does everyone fall in love with you, Gin? Even that crazy Esdeath has a crush on you. - Mein asked, waiting for her roast to cool down.

- I don't know, there's nothing special about me, except that I'm handsome, I'm pretty strong, I'm hard to kill, I can make artefacts, I can have sex non-stop, and I can change the size of a device. - I replied, making repairs.

- It would also be nice if you liked small breasts. - Maine said quietly, thinking I wouldn't hear.

- And my schizophrenia loves them. - I added.

- Oh, that's right... I forgot he was crazy. - Maine said even more quietly.

- I can still hear it. - I looked at Mein, who was eating the meat as if nothing had happened, while Akame was still eating it and roasting new portions, alternating between roasted horse meat and raw dragon meat.

By the end of the meal, I had fixed all the functions of the bracelets, and gave them to the girls.

- So we'll sleep here tonight, the three of us, and then go home tomorrow? - Maine asked.

- Yeah, although I wanted to go to the neighbouring islands before I went to bed, maybe find some more powerful monsters for artifacts, I used to have sex before bed, but since I don't have anyone to do it with, I'll have to replace sex with hunting dangerous monsters. - I said, to which Mein and Akame looked at me with resentment.

- Akame, let's go for a swim in the lake before we go to bed. - Mein suggested, and began to take off her clothes.

- Okay, Mein. - Akame nodded and started to take off her clothes too, after a couple of seconds both girls were standing in front of me in their underwear and obviously started posing.

- So you're saying there aren't any girls around to have sex with before bed? - Mayne asked.

- Oh, Maine, I thought you were flat, and you've got a one in there, although you can't compete with Leone's current ten. Well, before I go hunting, I'm gonna freshen up in the lake, too. - I also began to undress, and so unobtrusively began to pose in front of the girls, that from such a noticeable blush, - Some you are red, girls, let's go freshen up. - I said, looking at the two obviously excited cuties.

For all three of them swimming in the lake was more of an excuse to get naked and show off their bodies, well, Mein was a flat-bottomed girl, but a pretty flat-bottomed girl, like a doll.

Akame was beautiful too, she reminded me of a Japanese schoolgirl, but since I lived in Japan, Akame's looks seem too ordinary to me, beautiful for sure, but the same Esdeath with blue hair is more exotic to me, and attractive.

We didn't swim for long, and when we got ashore we warmed up by the fire, and then started looking for a place to spend the night. We found it in a huge hollow of a huge oak tree, and I still had some furniture left in my spatial pocket from the Night Raid's move, among which was a bed. The entrance to the hollow was high enough so that monsters wouldn't look in at night, and I closed the hollow with an energy barrier.

Leaving the girls to rest on the soft bed, I went hunting, first on the island of Ireland, then on the island of Iceland, and at the end of the hollow I would look in Greenland. Ireland was a couple of hundred kilometres from where I was, Iceland from Ireland was a thousand kilometres away, and Greenland from Iceland was half a thousand kilometres away, so I'd visit places I could run to in an hour.

In Ireland, there was not much difference from Albion, except that there were huge twenty-five-metre red foxes, which quietly snacked on dragons, otherwise nothing special.

I killed a few of these foxes in the same way, but I fought one of them normally. These foxes regenerate fast enough, and they can use strong illusions that help them defeat even a dragon, but the visors in my helmet could see through any illusions... however, in the end I was still eaten by this fox, and had to kill it from the inside... kind of an effective way to kill huge beasts, but quite humiliating.

After the fox hunt, I went to Iceland and there were a lot of trolls. Most of them were stone trolls, some of which glowed from within from the magic they had accumulated, and when I was able to kill them, I got glowing crystals from their stone flesh, which served as energy stores that could be used in the new Main cannon.

After moving to Greenland, I didn't find any new types of monsters, but I did find one interesting specimen of an already known monster - it was a huge polar bear, which had obviously eaten too many dragons, as it was covered in dragon scales. There were also ten-metre wolves, which in comparison with this dragon bear looked just small mutts, because this bear, if it stood on two legs, towered as much as sixty metres, in short, eating dragons, it acquired not only dragon scales, but also dragon size. This bear was quite strong, the blows of its armoured paws destroyed entire rocks, however, and he fell from my perfected technique of killing huge monsters.

When I travelled from Ireland to Iceland, I ran straight across the water, and when I returned to Albion, I took a slightly different route, which allowed me to visit the Faroe Islands between Albion and Iceland. I missed them last time, and for good reason, because the coolest monster I've ever seen in this area was... Kirin, as it was called in Japan, and in China it's called Qilin. This monster could be described as a mix of a pegasus, unicorn and dragon that had white fur with pink dragon scales. Kirin had a small size of about four metres, which was very bad for me, for my tactics would not work here, and I would not be able to finish off this winged unicorn dragon quickly. Kirin obviously realised that I was no good and tried to fly away from me as fast and as far as possible, so I had to use Mastema to catch up with him, then ride him in the air, cut off his wing, and then try to kill him, which I couldn't do quickly, because he could also create protective barriers around himself and shoot beams of goodness from his horn. I had to exhaust him before I could kill him.

Kirin apparently flew to his home, and because of him I ended up somewhere in the Japanese islands, at least here I met humanoid cannibal demons similar to the Oni. These giants were intelligent, for monsters that eat humans usually take their main advantage from them - intelligence, so they wore clothes, used weapons and acted in an organised manner. Most likely, a group of these ogres noticed the fall of Kirin, whom I killed in the air and fell with him not far from the oni settlement, so while I was busy skinning the monster, I was surrounded and attacked... not successfully. I didn't give up my prey, and I slaughtered all the ogres.... It was not easy, among them I met three very strong warriors, a little weaker than Akame, and thanks to working together, they made me sweat. After gathering material from the demons, I headed back... too far away from the original place.

I returned to Akame and Mein's place six hours later, and without much thought, I fell asleep in their bed, hugging them both in my sleep.