
I am Ouranus [RWBY\Plutonian(Irredeemable)]

Jaune had always known how different he was from the rest of humanity. But he still had a dream, an ambition. To be a Hero. But the main question becomes this. Is Remnant prepared for a walking nuke tucked inside a child who wants to play the Hero? (a Plutonian -Irredeemable- Fanfic)

vtorx_0867 · Tranh châm biếm
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[Origins] #2

Mount Glenn (Underground Bunker)

"Haa~ boring… It's all so boring."

This voice had come from an observation room, which hosted a young we girl who appeared to be nude - except for the white lab coat that barely covered anything.

Clicking her tongue in irritation. The girl - simply because, she was bummed- was currently overseeing the events that transpired in the trial room.

Lounged callously on an expensive sofa, the young girl coldly regarded the fruits of her experiments.

Her very inhumane experiments.

"Let me out! Fucking let me out of this hellhole!"

It was a large and bright room of unblemished white - though currently, its floors and walls were currently marred with blood.

The reason for that were strewn around in their numerous gory numbers. The literal crimson pool had been produced from the several body parts and organs that were splayed around…

Indeed, this had originated from people – humans, to be exact.

Each body parts had been violently eviscerated. Not a soul could even begin to describe how the victims must have felt while such macabre acts were performed upon them.

This was truly a scene out of a horror movie. One not fit for the sound of mind… And certainly not fit for the lone surviving Huntsman, who was futilely banging against the cold white walls with bloody hands.

"Come on, haven't you fuckers gotten what you wanted!?" The Huntsman cried as he kept on hitting the wall over and over.

His hands were a mess due to his lack of Aura. But in this situation, he couldn't give a damn about it - not when that monstrosity would soon finish playing with the corpses and target him next.

Shuddering, he could already feel its eyes locking unto him.

Its cold predetorial eyes.

Yelping, the Huntsman drew his eyes upwards - towards the dark tinted glass that certainly had some sadistic fucker behind it. The Huntsman could bet all he had that the cunt is actually jacking off to all this carnage.

"Look." The Huntsman began hoarsely.

"You kidnap me. Put me in a room with some bunch of civvies and ancient tech weaponries. And then, you fucking dump some sort of Grimm monstrosity that'd just slaughtered us all! Come on, isn't it enough…?! Let me out!"

But even the Huntsman hysterical was all for naught. There was no reply from the tinted window - no sign that the mysterious individual listened or even cared about his plight.

"Well, fuck you!" The Huntsman growled in resignation.

Picking up the axe that had slipped from his wet - now dried- hands. The Huntsman whirled to the fucked up monstrosity that wreathed sparks of red lightening around its chassis.

The Huntsman could not even call that a proper Grimm.

Growling, the Huntsman raised his axe as he frantically charged to his death.

"And fuck you too!"

Not even a minute later, the already scarlet walls had been layered with another splash of mortal ichor.


Bare legs cross each other, as the girl raised a brow in contemplation.

"Experiment successful… I guess."

Sure, it can be said that the main essence of experiment had been done and can be deemed satisfactory. The experiment being, the assessment of an 'altered' Grimm's combat capabilities.

"Well, there's the fact that Mr. 'currently being eaten Huntsman' isn't really a Huntsman in a traditional sense. His Aura is barely E grade, and his movements were that of an amateur, so no proper estimations can be made unless ' it' fights a proper Huntsman…"

Flopping, the girl reclined on her cushion, staring at the circular lights with a dulled look, as she immersed in the chill from the humming AC.

"Hah~… I really don't give one shit about all this really."

She raised up her right hand, and sighed despondently. Normally, that right hand would have been thoroughly wet - soaked in the euphoric juices from her nether-regions.

Once, the girl would have been blushing at the sight of the Huntsman being mauled in such a gory manner. Moaning in ecstasy as she joined in the chorus of the Huntsman's death throes.

But for the first time since… Forever. The girl couldn't even muster an ember of warmth down there.

"His agonized look when he sees that his attacks were pretty much useless. His look of despair when he realizes that there was nothing much to do except die a painful death… It should have been the perfect masturbation material! Gah! Even adding 10 years old to the fun won't get me wet anymore!"

A line of tear trailed down from her left eye, as she stood up with a sigh.

The girl knows that she isn't normal - maybe not even human.

Sadness, happiness, hope, satisfaction, hate, anger, rage, lust, greed… The girl had been incapable of feeling such beautiful emotions for pretty much her entire life.

At first, she had tried being a good little girl. Helping the unfortunate, fighting for the rights of Faunus, exposing the corrupt individuals in high power, and all those shits… But that hadn't been enough.

Every single thanks being offered by the ones, her 'kind' hands had touched, meant absolutely nothing to her. So the girl decided to go about it in another way… The evil way.

Initially, she hadn't been sure of whether it might actually spark any iota of emotions in her. That she might have traded the path of Light to another path for nothing…

So consider the girl surprised when her loins began to heat up at the first girl she had choked to death. Her terrified face, her desperate wheezes…

Oh~! It was simply the best.

And so if being evil is what would give her this pleasant feeling - this emotion. The girl would gladly take it…

At least, that's how it ought to be.

Striding forward, the girl picked up the gun on her table and went towards the window. The girl looked down on the carnage she had arrange minutes prior. Trying to force herself to feel something, anything on the horrifying actions she had committed.

It doesn't matter it wasn't even a positive emotion. The girl would have taken the feeling of guilt, regret, shame, or even remorse over the void she was currently feeling.

She simply felt nothing…

Sighing, the girl raised her gun placing it on her temple.

"Someone like me isn't meant to be in this world, anyway… Heh, and by dying, I'll be saving hundreds of lives on Remnant. Let that be my final good act for this fucked up boring planet."

Her finger caressed the trigger… And pulled.

There was a sound of a sharp click, but no ensuing 'Bang' rang out.

"Just after one final test."

Throwing away the gun, which clattered on the tiled floor. The girl caressed the window glass looking down on her latest experiment with desperate look.

"Will my next act of destruction be the confirmation that being the bad girl is the correct path for me… Or will it serve as confirmation that I truly~ have nothing in this godforsaken planet."

Scarlet pupils glowed at the tinted glass, bestowing the girl a menacing visage.

"I just can't wait to find out~!"


# 4 years to Beacon Academy

Upon putting the delicious orange tart slice in his mouth. Jaune beamed wildly while humming in good cheer.

It was obvious to the family members present that Jaune is in a good mood - A good mood that had mysteriously began 2 weeks ago, and still haven't been depleted.

Not normal at the very least…

Though to Jaune, it isn't much of a surprise that his mood hasn't gone down. Most especially when the recent happenings could be put in consideration.

Today marks it as the 2nd week ever since Jaune had begun his 'Superhero' stunts. Candidly speaking, Jaune hadn't know what to expect. But in the end, his involvement in Kuroyuri was something that Jaune would forever be thankful for, because it showed him that he could make a big difference in Remnant - save lives and help the less fortunate.

Jaune had plans… Big plans, but for now he'll start from the bottom.

Trying to sprint when ones hasn't learned how to walk is just a bad idea.

So for the past 2 weeks, Jaune had been spending the night out doing what he could to quiet down the ambiance of Remnant - the cries of pain and anguish, that is. He'd realized that this world really isn't safe - especially for the towns and villages outside of the main Kingdoms.

Grimm, natural disasters, drought, bandits… In this little span of 2 weeks, Jaune had seen so much. But still, that didn't stop him from doing what he can to help.

Just last yesterday, he had helped a community that had been experiencing turbulent flooding by creating a large river path - Jaune did had to uproot a mountain or two to do it.

The faces of the villagers when he did it though…

Jaune quickly shook his head, trying to get rid of the fearful and awe-filled looks that were being thrown at him. He rationalized that their reaction were probably normal - it is normal to fear or be in awe of the unexplainable.

But that didn't stop those little kids from giving Jaune a warming group hug. To that, Jaune knew that it was all worth it - the looks and whispers.

It is just as Superman in his comics said. "They fear us because they don't understand us. But I will help them understand… That I'm here to help."

"Yeah, that's right." Jaune nodded, chuffing in another delicious goodness. "I will help them understand."

"Understand what, Jaune?"

Eyes widening, Jaune realized that he had been too absorbed in his thoughts that he hadn't realized that his Mom had sat next to him on the cushion. Jaune set his –altered- noise canceller as he turned to regard his Mom.

"Nothing really important." Jaune shook his head. "Got into an argument with Victor about a comic character… You know, nerd stuff."

Raising a brow, Mom hummed. "Is that so, huh? Ok then."

Jaune gave a mental sigh of relief as his Mom resumed in watching the soap opera on the TV screen.

'Whew~! That was cutting it close.' Jaune thought to himself. 'I really need to watch the things I say around here.'

For if there was one thing Jaune knew 100% about his family is that, they were perspective. They had to be, especially with a child like him. Jaune understood that very clearly, and he was not bothered by that fact.

After all, it is undeniable that despite all that, they all still love him.

Beige chuckled while tapping on her scroll. "Heh, what a funny coincidence."

The manner upon which Beige chuckled gave Jaune the wiggles. But he decided to bite - anyone could see that she was obviously talking to him anyway.

"So what's got you chuckling, sis?" Jaune asked with a smile. "Could it be some new boy idol?"

But it seems like his little ribbing was for naught as Beige chortled jauntily.

"Nothing of that sort, Jaune… No actually, you might be on to something. You see, there's this new sensation going on in Remnant. A mysterious 'Superhero' of sorts."

Minutely, Jaune eye twitched. "E-Eh~ a Superhero? I admit that's a new one… So what do they say about him."

Beige cut in a piece of her own tart, eating it before she replied. "Many things really. Like how he's quite strong, how he could fly very fast, or how he could fire literal lasers from his eyes… Kinda' like your power-set, eh."

'Yep, she's unto me.' Jaune eyes spasm in budding panic.

Casting a glance at the others, he finally realized that they weren't paying attention to the TV screen. Their ears were into this little conversation between the two of them.

Heck, even Luna was looking at him with literal stars in her eyes!

Faux coughing, Jaune gave out a crooked smile. "Well, as you said. That's a funny coincidence; it's a small world. And after all, he doesn't look like me. So you can't say it's actually me, right?"

Even as Jaune was speaking, mentally he had the drollest feeling that he had just implicated himself.

Shrugging, Beige replied in a singsong tone. "You're right about that, Jaune. But you know… I never said that this unknown 'Superhero' is a male, much less a boy, did I. So one's got to wonder~"

"I'm going to my room." Jaune abruptly stood up. Stretching his hands with a faux look of tiredness. "Today's been a long day. So I'm gonna' go get some early shut eye now."

"But Jaune," Jeanne said with an impish smirk. "Is it even possible for someone of your pedigree to feel any iota of tiredness? Or is that you-~"

"La-la-la-la-la… I'm not listening to any of your balderdash, anymore. I'm going to my room."

After saying that, Jaune vanished as though by teleportation. But the others knew Jaune had 'powerwalked' away - cause if he had jogged, the entire room, no, the whole house would have been utterly wrecked.


It was after an unknown spell of time, before Lana decided to be the one who breaks the silence.

"So, is anyone going to talk about what just happened now?"

All Luna got in reply was silence. She looked around incredibly before casting her gaze on Jeanne who shrugged.

"What? It's not like us saying anything on Jaune's little outings is going to make any difference… Everyone had suspected that something like this might happen sooner or later."

"Yep." Beige incanted while tapping her scroll. "Jaune had not really put in much efforts in hiding his vigilante desires. Some weeks ago, he'd asked Mom for tips on how to obscure one's appearance."

Luna's hummed as she languidly reclined back to her fluffy chair.

"My brother as a superhero, eh. It's painting a rather awesome image each time I think about it. Though I wonder what's Jaune's cape name is gonna' be. Probably not Superman, though."

A light chuckle spread out through the room at that. Dad lightly shook his head as he said. "Let's just leave it at that, Luna. I believe that Jaune understands what he is doing. So how about we all trust that he'll open up to us when the time is right…"

"Alright, Dad… But I'm still gonna' be calling him Superman jnr. from now on."

"That, I won't stop you from doing."


It is a simple, yet, unique display of trust that such a close-knit family had with one another.

Jaune's circumstances was one they had expected for quite a while. After all, the joy in Jaune's eyes every time he reads comics where the protagonist display similar powers to his own and decides to use it for good really rings a bell to it.

They all could see it, every time Jaune thought that they weren't looking; The towel tied around his neck as he takes off to the air, when he saves an injured squirrel in the park and smiles as he reunites the animal with its family… Every single time, he smiles when hearing a simple thank you.

Jaune wants to be a Hero.

Normally, they would be against such kind of thinking - truthfully, they still had some misgivings about Jaune's present situation.

The world isn't as simple as one might think it is. Every single day, the Grimm keeps on advancing, the Faunus stew in their anger as their cries for equality are mostly ignored, villainous bandits' prowl around towns and villages estranged from the protection from the 4 kingdoms…

Remnant has never been safe.

It would only be right if they stopped Jaune from his little adventure. They knew Jaune would listen - oh, Jaune wouldn't be pleased about their decision, and he would whine about it, but Jaune would surely obey.

But they knew that such wouldn't be the case forever. Sooner or later, a time will come when the young eaglet will spread out his wings into the grander world. They couldn't hold on to Jaune, forever.

So the best they all could do is to support his decision. Despite his puerile age, Jaune had this mature air to him that made him feel more advanced than his supposed age - though they felt that his powers and his intellect had something to do with it.

And so the Arc Household came into a conclusion.

If they couldn't - and they wouldn't- talk Jaune out of this. They would instead, support him as much as they possibly can… In the only way they can do so.


"And it's official. They all know."

With his face stuffed in his bedspread. Jaune groaned out those words as he turned around so that he could look upwards into the starry night.

Cynically, Jaune had known that his little secret wouldn't take much time before it would have been brought out into the spotlight – after all, how can Jaune hide such a 'thing' from the people who had known about his gifts ever since his conception.

It will be like asking a mother if she couldn't recognize her son if the said son wears a different pair of clothes.

So in way Jaune had suspected that this would happen… Only that it happened a tad earlier than expected.

"I haven't really touched all parts of Remnant, yet, discussions of my outings have already been this widespread." Jaune dragged both his palm across his face as he muttered. "Is this power of social media?"

Sighing, Jaune decided not to waste his brain cells on that matter. He had more important things to think about - like why didn't his parents decide to call him out on his fib. Because, there is no way in hell that they didn't know about it.

"Let's just leave it at that, Luna. I believe that Jaune understands what he is doing. So how about we all trust that he'll open up to us when the time is right…"

Jaune had heard his Dad say those words. In a way, that made him feel fuzzy… And big - mostly fuzzy though. For it meant that his parents knew and were supportive of his actions.

That made Jaune even more proud to be an Arc.

Standing up, Jaune headed for his wardrobe, picking up the hovering cube that laid behind it in a secret compartment. And with the press of a button, Jaune was once more in his Superhero costume.

Normally, Jaune would have done this only when the entire house had gone to bed. Now, that part isn't needed anymore - it would only be asinine to pretend when they already knew what he was doing every night.

"I'll tell them." Jaune decided as he headed towards the window. "But not now… When I've fully gain my feet in Remnant, then I'll clue them in on everything."

An instant later, the clouds above blew away from the force of a sonic boom.


At that very moment, Luna smirked as she heard the distant echo.

"Up, up, and away…"


Mantle, Solitas Continent…

The 35 story apartment establishment once again rocked precariously at the sound of window panes exploding due to another violet backdraft. From the 13th to the top floor, carbonic fumes swirl out rapidly, followed by a searing roar of flames.

Flames that were slowly crawling down.

Around the building, people gathered around. Some were people who lived in the apartment, while others were bystanders who bring out their scrolls to record the occurrence to either post it on a blog or for their own sadistic amusement.

In the crowd, there were figures noticeably dressed - they were Huntsmen. But even they, who's Auras should be strong enough for at least more than one trip in which they could use to save a life were more reluctant than the others.

For they were afraid of what might happen in the unlikely event that their Aura breaks - human nature perhaps.

This part of the city was quite far from city's Fire Force Department so by the time they – the firefighters- arrive, quite a number of souls would be lost to the flames.

The bystanders and even the would-be victims had the dismal conclusion that all hope seems lost.

But then, they all heard it… The furious howling of the wind.

Even as their scrolls pointed upwards, the ones who bore them could only hang their mouth open at the incredulous sight before them. The sight of an angel in a garb of white and gold.

It was only after the angel had shot into the affected floors did one young man amongst the crowd blurt out dumbly.

"Is that… Superman?"


Immediately as Jaune burst into the affected floor, the world unilaterally froze. Flames, sound, even air - every single constituent of the world had been paused.

In a clearer term, time had stopped.

It was actually through this method -and some other tests- that Jaune had realized that like Superman, he too doesn't need to breath.

Anyway, this phenomena isn't as miraculous as one might imagine. This was actually a byproduct of his Superspeed, or to put it more aptly, his enhanced perception.

Jaune had sped up his perception to the point that everything had slowed down to the limit.

In a ludicrous way, Jaune hated this facet of his gift.

The first time Jaune had unintentionally utilized his dilated perception, he had spent over a day only to later realize that not even a minute had gone by. And that's years ago, now, Jaune couldn't help but wonder how long 1 minute would be like at full throttle.

"Probably a week. Brrr… Nope, not going down that road, Jaune Arc. For now just focus. You've got people to save."

In the still world, Jaune became a murky blur of gilded white.

Normally using such kind of speed would have obliterated the entire building - there was a reason why Jaune never did run around in his house no matter what. Thankfully, Jaune had the precedential idea of building a kinetic absorption and mitigating device into his suit.

Traversing around, Jaune found the people who were trapped inside their rooms in stasis forms of either fear or determination to survive. After doing a headcount, Jaune nodded his head and then…

He moved.

Instantaneously, every single people within the affected floors vanished appearing outside to stark surprise of the nearby spectators.

"W-What?" One elderly man looked at himself in shock before looking around. "How am I here?"

A bob cut wolf Faunus touched her face as she muttered in shock. "The last thing I remembered what a rush of fire… How did I survive that?"

All sorts of questions were asked by the rescued individuals, but the crowd were too enamored by the 'other' happenings to answer. Yes, they were enraptured by the faintly glowing caped Angel who was hovering before the rescued group.

"Ahem." A fake cough brought the rescued group's attention to the hovering being before them. "Ehm… Hope everyone's alright?"

Inwardly, Jaune winced at his lack of tact.

'Congratulations Jaune Arc for being such a big nincompoop. That's really a thoughtless question to be asking people that almost died just now.'

Luckily, his visor hid his scrunched face as he continued without pause.

"I've already put out the flames, so apart from the already ruined properties before I'd arrived, everything else is safe… In a loose sense. Although I did had to bring you all outside the building because of the carbon-dioxide."

Looking upwards, they realized that the caped stranger was right. Outside of the affected rooms, the fires had gone out, leaving the formless smoke that lazily drifted out from the open windows.

"Anyway," Jaune said, as he prepared to take off. "I've got to go—"

"Wait, I've got a question to ask!"

Halting at the interruption, Jaune swerved to a blue ponytail girl who pushed herself from the crowd - the crowd who had begun to take videos of him.

'This is it, Jaune. Your first time answering a question publicly… Let's try cool and endearing.'

Jaune crossed his arms akimbo, while his cape billowed due to the light breeze. Trying to project himself in a mysterious and mystical manner.

It seemed like it worked as some individuals amidst the swelling spectating populace began 'oohing' and 'ahing.'

The ponytail girl as well was included in their numbers, before she shook her head as if clearing away muddy thoughts. "A-Ah yes, my question is that… Wait, erm, sir? What should we be calling you?"

At the particular question, Jaune felt his back instinctively straightened. Mentally, he cradled his head and howled in anguish.

'I forgot!"

The issue of his superhero name. Jaune had reckoned that the name would come in time, but thinking about it now, even he had to admit that was just being lazy.

'Of course I've got absolutely nothing to say. But in the same vein, I don't want the public to give me a stupid name … S-Something like Cape man… Ah! I refuse such an absurd name! Ok, think Jaune. What should I say that'll give me time…? O-Oh, I know.'

Locking eyes with the girl, Jaune replied back in a serious tone - as much as his childish voice allowed him to, anyway.

"My name is not to be spoken at the moment. Wait until my next act, and I assure each and every one of you that the entire world will hear my name."

At this point, Jaune was pretty much spouting bullshit.

What? Do you really think it is possible for the entire Remnant to simultaneously hear his name? What a load of crap! But right this moment, Jaune was pleading to the Twin Brothers that they all bought his fib.

There were signs of agreement within the crowd, and the ponytail girl as well, nodded.

"O-Of course, I understand."

Behind the tinted visors, Jaune's eyes widened comically.

'They bought it!'

Faux coughing, Jaune nodded his head.

"Glad you understand… Sorry, I can't entertain any more questions. I've got to go. Hear trouble in the other side of the planet… Have a good day, citizens of Mantel."

Not giving any more chances to the girl or any other inquisitive mind in the swelled up crowds. Jaune streaked upwards to the sunny sky, becoming a dot in a split second.


Hidden location away from civilization

It had been clocking almost midday, when the still sea began to stir. At the distance, an indistinct dot approached - the air now had begun to tremble.

With Mach cones being produced around his chassis. Jaune sped through the air as he headed to his next location.

About 377 kilometers away, the sea exploded in a large geyser as a Grimm rose up to check out the disturbance. It was a Grimm of serpentine appearance, bearing large bat-like wings with short arms that bore claws – it was a Sea Feilong.

The Grimm rose up, spanning a great length, hissing at the direction from which it sensed the approached. But then the heavens darkened - a giant red beam crossed the distance at the speed of light completely vaporizing the enormous Grimm in an instant.

It was an instant battle.

Passing through the dissipating Grimm without any sign of stopping, Jaune cradled his head in embarrassment.

"My first 'official' meeting with the public and I screw it up by fumbling around… Jeanne's so gonna' be laughing herself to tears if, no, when she hears of this… That's it Jaune Arc. You've got to come up with a new name, ASAP."

Slowing down his flight speed, Jaune took in the seemingly endless sight of salty water. He would soon arrive at his destination.

It was over 500 plus miles away from the continent of Menagerie; surrounded by large mass of seawater and small sized archipelagos. The Grimm and finicky sea climate makes it hard if not nigh-impossible to come around this parts - and that is what makes this place perfect.

Sighing, Jaune stopped as he arrived at his destination. Hovering, Jaune looked down on the average size island that sported a fine beach, tropical trees, and most importantly… A citadel-like structure that had been carved out from a small hill.

This is Jaune's own version of a Fortress of Solitude.

"Secret hideout Vr1, here I come."

And with those words, Jaune promptly zipped right in.