
I Am Odin's Brother

A 21st century otaku---To the world of Marvel-- chance, and what’s even more bizarre, he became the king of the gods – Odin’s younger brother! --No golden finger-- only an unpretentious reality gem Boy, Let The War Begin

_Saint_Deus_ · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Battle I

Nidavelle: This is the territory of the dwarves. Dwarves have been forging weapons for many years. In the Nine Realms, they are natural weapon masters. The dream of many warriors is to own a weapon made by a dwarf master.

Therefore, Nidavelle's status in the Nine Realms is special, and most people do not dare to offend the dwarves easily.

However, what everyone does not know is that a great change that has not happened in ten thousand years will happen in Nidaville.


"Oh shit…"

Celt looked at the rainy sky and shouted cursingly, "What happened to Nidaville recently, it's raining every day..."

Celt is an Asgard general. The reason why he came to Nidavel this time is because his superior ordered a batch of weapons from the dwarves.

But for some unknown reason, when these weapons were delivered to Asgard, they were all defective.

Many generals in Asgard were furious, and they called those dwarves black-hearted blacksmiths countless times.

However, since the weapons were defective, Asgard would not pay for these weapons, they returned them all, and Celtic was in charge of this mission.

Celtic has traveled between Nidaville and Asgard many times in the past few days. But this time, he came to carry out such a tongue-in-cheek task. For a while, Celtic felt that there was no use for a hero.


Seeing the little man in front of him, Celtic waved his hand and said, "Master Tolan, I'm here again..."

The little dwarf in front of Celt is only half the height of Celt. His face may be due to his long-term exposure to flames. He looks exceptionally scarlet, with a big beard and a rosy nose. His hands are very thick, and he seems to have infinite power. .


The dwarf ignored Celt and continued to wave his right hand, constantly beating the soldering iron in his hand.

"Master Tolan..."

Celtic came to the dwarf and said in a low voice, "I don't want to disturb you either, but my boss said that these weapons are not qualified, we can't have..."


The dwarf stopped suddenly, and he looked at Celt very angrily: "Impossible, we dwarves are trustworthy. I personally supervised this batch of weapons, and it is impossible for them to go wrong..."

Celtic raised his brows and suppressed the anger in his heart: "Master..."


The dwarf held the soldering iron in his hand and pointed at Celt: "Don't come again in the future. If you come again, don't blame me for being rude!"

At this time, Celt finally couldn't bear it anymore, and he yelled at the dwarf: "Little dwarf, don't take yourself too seriously, I have endured you for a long time!"

"What did you say…"

Hearing Celtic's abuse, the dwarf was obviously also short-tempered, he picked up the soldering iron and charged directly at Celtic.

Seeing this scene, Celtic was overjoyed: "Good luck!"

When he was in Asgard, Celtic was also very famous. King Odin personally awarded him the Medal of Warriors, and the dwarf was just an ordinary person. Although he had the brute force of blacksmithing, he was not as good as Celtic. The dwarves are still too weak for those who have come out of the sea of ​​blood in the mountain of swords.

In just half a minute, the dwarf was knocked to the ground by Celt. It didn't matter if the dwarf fell to the ground, but when he saw that this guy didn't stand up again, Celt suddenly panicked.

He just wanted to teach Shorty a lesson casually, which was considered to be a sullen look for the past few days, but he didn't expect to kill Shorty by mistake.


Another young dwarf came out and saw his grandfather lying in a pool of blood. The young man picked up the iron tool beside him and was about to fight Celtic desperately.

As the young dwarf rushed towards Celt, he shouted: "Killed, the people of Asgard killed our dwarves..."

Soon, countless dwarves came out of the crypt. When they saw the dwarf master on the ground, all the dwarves became angry, and they drew their weapons and charged towards Celtic.

Seeing the scene of the dwarves swarming out, Celtic's face finally changed color. Although he has extraordinary strength, facing so many dwarves, he is definitely not an opponent.

Celtic turned around and rushed out quickly. He was not alone. He also brought an army of hundreds of people on his trip to Nidaville. As long as he could escape back, he could quickly return to Asgard.

Until then, King Odin will protect him.


In the 119th year of Odin's calendar, something happened that made Asgard extremely angry. The general in Asgard, Celt, came to Nidaville with peace, but those foolish dwarfs. For some unknown reason, the Asgardian army was wiped out. Except for General Celt, who survived, none of the hundreds of troops was spared, and all of them were killed.

King Odin personally worshipped the sky and worshipped his ancestors, and made a blood alliance in the Hall of Valor. Since then, Asgard has officially declared war on the dwarves!


Looking at the troops passing by, Heimdall bumped Wells with his elbow: "I heard you sent Celtic?"


Wells nodded directly: "That guy has been fighting in the army. I thought that when he negotiated with the dwarves for the first time, he would directly draw a knife. I didn't expect that guy to be so calm... But, In the end, he's done his job!"

"Celt is also a malleable talent. I heard that he returned from a serious injury. If he can survive this time, he can focus on training him!"

Yes, all of this is Wells' plan!

Among the Nine Realms, dwarves are known for their rigor, and there is no problem with those weapons, but Wells just adjusted them.

You know, a war also needs a reason!

And the general named Celt was also personally selected by Wells, and his purpose was to provoke the hatred between Asgard and the dwarves.

Jotunheim couldn't help but look at Wells a few more times, and said something in his mouth: "Why are you so bad?"

Wells replied without hesitation: "You have such thick eyebrows and big eyes, how can someone who looks like a stalwart say such a thing?"


The two looked at each other and smiled, with strange emotions on their faces.

On the day Wells returned to Asgard, from Odin's mouth, he knew Asgard's strategic intentions, but in order to win the first battle, Asgard's executives planned another nineteen year.

They didn't choose to do it until the 119th year of the Odin calendar.

The generals in Asgard originally wanted to fight against another big power opponent. According to their words, they could show Asgard's majesty and make people from the Nine Realms dare not underestimate Asgard.

However, Wells disagreed with the generals. He chose the not powerful Nidaville without hesitation. The reason was that if the dwarves were subdued, then Asgard would be equivalent to monopolizing the weapons forging in the Nine Realms. , the military strength can be increased several times.

The two plans were placed on Odin's desk at the same time. After deliberating for a few days, he finally chose Wells' plan.

At this time, Heimdall said again: "Will this arouse the alertness of other realms?"

It's not a battle between them and the dwarves, it's a battle between two realms, and in Asgard, Heimdall is one of the few people who knows this, so he's worried about conquering Nidavelle, it will cause counterattacks from other realms.

"probably not!"

Wells was silent for a while, then shook his head: "Nominally, we are just avenging those dead soldiers. This is the rumor I made a long time ago!"

In the past ten years, Wells did not spend his days vainly. After finishing the dialogue with Odin that day, he entered the military and political core of Asgard.

For a huge battle of boundaries, the food, forage, and logistics needed behind it are almost astronomical figures. Around Wells, it took him several years to get all this done.

For the rest of the time, Wells deduced everything that might happen in the war, including the interference of other realms on the war.

Wells believes that as long as Asgard can quickly eliminate the dwarf forces in Nidavelle, then the intervention of various realms will become less important.

No one will tear up the face of the mighty Asgard for a dwarf family that has perished!

"The battle has begun..."

After hearing Wells' words, Heimdall's expression also relaxed. He raised his head and looked in the direction of Nidaville, found that Asgard's army and the dwarves have had a head-to-head confrontation.

"Dwarves are nothing to fear..."

Wells said softly, "But you can't take it lightly!"

Wells' wisdom has been unanimously recognized by Asgard's executives. Odin has repeatedly said in public: "I have Wells, better than a million soldiers!".

But Wells himself still didn't dare to be careless, because he knew that this was not an ordinary battle in the mortal world, and this time his opponent was the mythical dwarves.

No one dares to despise any race that has existed for thousands of years.

Wells didn't dare, and neither did Odin. Dwarves are famous for their superb blacksmithing skills in the Nine Realms. Ghosts know how many killer weapons the dwarves have forged over the years.


After a while, Wells also walked towards the Rainbow Bridge; "Don't talk about it with you, I'm going to watch the war in person, so there are no accidents!"

If Odin is the commander-in-chief of this war, Wells is the planner of this war.

For Wells' safety, Odin didn't want to prevent Wells from appearing on the battlefield, but as a planner, if he couldn't witness the war with his own eyes, how would he deduce the direction of future wars in the future!

Therefore, for Wells, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to practice!

Besides, witnessing the demise of a civilization is not something anyone has a chance to see.

Heimdall nodded: "Be careful..."


The light beam disappeared, and there was no trace of Wells on the Rainbow Bridge. Seeing Wells