
I am not the Protagonist, so where am I?

When the realms of anime and comics prove to be true, a group of diverse meta-people banded together to save their intertwined worlds. With James, an otaku ex-mercernary with a powerful armband that could transform any weapon known in every anime & comics. They embark on a perilous journey filled with epic battles, unexpected alliances, and the discovery of the deep connections between their beloved universes.

John_Manf · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Chapter 20 Spartan training Fighting the greek god Poseidon (PART 2)

As the colossal Poseidon, God of the Sea, unleashed his wrath upon me, the surroundings underwent a dramatic transformation. The sky grew tempestuous, with violent storms brewing and the ocean churning ferociously, forming treacherous whirlpools. Thankfully, there were still some solid footholds amidst the chaos.

But before I could press forward towards my goal, a figure emerged from the tumultuous waters. It was Poseidon himself, his form towering like a colossal structure, composed of water and rippling muscles. He emanated an otherworldly glow, adorned with a crown atop his head and wielding his mighty trident. He summoned his aquatic steeds, the hippocampi, to aid him in battle.


Knowing full well that I was not the true Ghost of Sparta, Poseidon directed his anger towards me, accusing me of the destruction of Atlantis.

"GHOST OF SPARTA, I WILL AVENGE ATLANTIS FOR WHAT YOU DID!" he bellowed, his voice reverberating through the tumultuous air.

I couldn't resist the opportunity to taunt him, hoping to provoke a reaction. "Has your eyes become as watery as the sea? I'm not the one you seek, but I must say, you have quite the salty personality."

Enraged, Poseidon's eyes flashed with fury, and he spat back, "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"

Feigning indifference, I mockingly replied, "Yeah, a big plankton if you ask me."


Realizing the dire situation I had gotten myself into, I uttered a curse under my breath. But I wasted no time, swiftly raising my blades to parry the charging hippocampi. With precision and agility, I evaded their crustacean limbs and countered, slashing through the chest of one of the creatures, causing it to dissipate into mist.

I didn't expect it to be easy to kill his pet. In the game, it required substantial damage and an icon above their head. But who am I kidding? This is real life, and game physics don't exist here. This is real, but with a godly weapon.

Suddenly, one of the hippocampi attacked me from behind, trying to smash me with its crab limbs. But before I could react, it feinted and instead fired a high jet of water towards me. I tried to shield myself using the blades, but I failed and got blown off near a boulder on the shore.


I crashed into the boulder, and the pain was all too real, even though my body was still outside. As I stood up, I noticed three more hippocampi circling around the boulder.

"This isn't good," I muttered to myself. They started assaulting me from three directions simultaneously. The one on the right charged, trying to bite me, but I managed to timely stab its chin, holding onto it as the dumb horsefish shook its head, trying to throw me off.

"So that's what you want? I'll stab your mouth until you drop!" I shouted, repeatedly stabbing and slashing at its mouth, hoping it would just let go and plunge us down from such heights.

I kept stabbing the horsefish many times, but it didn't show any signs of bleeding. Of course, this thing is made out of water. "Damn it, just die already!" I thought. That's when I noticed its chest armor, embedded with a crab-like structure.

While I observed it, I vaguely remembered when it fired its hydro breath at me earlier. Its chest had slightly opened, resembling a crab's mouth, with a vacuum of air swirling inside. It closed by the time it blasted me.

"If my assumptions are correct..." I pondered, confirming my suspicions. "...I may be able to use that other weapon just for this moment to kill it." As I analyzed the situation, I switched to the new weapon that Kratos had given me.

Releasing my hold on the horsefish, I sheathed my blades on my back. A gold ring appeared on one of my fingers as I freefell, hoping it would try to blast me again. To my surprise, it looked at me in mid-air and opened its chest to start its hydro breath, just as I had anticipated.

"Got you, bitch!" I raised my right arm, and a staffed weapon materialized in my hand.


I never got tired of it, no matter how many mid-to-high level monsters I had fought in my previous challenges. Taking aim at the horsefish's chest, I accurately struck it with the spear. The creature staggered and let out a wail as the spear remained lodged in its chest.

With only ten seconds left before impact, I slammed the butt end of the spear to trigger the detonation and finally kill the bastard.

"Hmph... serves it right," I scoffed, glaring at the misting hippocampi above me.

"YOU BASTARD, HOW DID YOU GET THAT SPEAR? I SENSE FOREIGN MAGIC IN IT THAT CANNOT BE FOUND IN GREECE," Poseidon questioned me, his attention fully caught as he stood there like an idiot.

I responded by telling him that it was none of his business, which only made him angrier. I couldn't help but call him a planktoon again. In his rage, he summoned all the remaining hippocampi he could and they attached themselves to his lower limbs, making him even bigger and taller.


"Sometimes I wonder how my enemies always manage to get stronger every time I confront them," I mused to myself, preparing for a grueling challenge against this god.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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