
I am not the Protagonist, so where am I?

When the realms of anime and comics prove to be true, a group of diverse meta-people banded together to save their intertwined worlds. With James, an otaku ex-mercernary with a powerful armband that could transform any weapon known in every anime & comics. They embark on a perilous journey filled with epic battles, unexpected alliances, and the discovery of the deep connections between their beloved universes.

John_Manf · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Chapter 19 Spartan Training(Part 1)


After 999 years of training under Kratos, my Spartan instructor, I have endured countless battles and faced his foes from his journey. Each day was a relentless test of my skills and endurance.

On the first day, I successfully defeated all the undead Spartans in the coliseum. However, the following day, their numbers doubled, with a total of 100 now appearing. It was no easy task fighting them, as they were once skilled Spartan warriors in their previous lives.

I slashed, hacked, and evaded, constantly dodging their attacks in a dance of survival. If an ordinary person attempted this, they would surely be dead by now. Despite the grueling nature of the battles, my body did not tire, as it was only my mind and soul present in this realm. However, I could still feel the pain from their strikes.

It took me two and a half days to finally vanquish all 100 undead Spartans. During the battles, I noticed a subtle change in the glow of my weapons. They seemed to shine a bit brighter than before. The God of War had advised me to focus on practicing with the Blades of Chaos first, as they were more accessible and offered greater versatility compared to the other weapons. This advice aligned with my own experience from playing the game, where the blades possessed a wide range of combo moves and enhanced mobility.

With the undead Spartans defeated, I awaited Kratos' next challenge, ready to continue my training.

He instructed me to deal with a lot of the different enemies once he finished the training course he set up for me in 4 days. It is to make me ready and prepare for his next training he set for me. It is to make me ready and prepare for his next training he set for me. I couldn't help but marvel at the power contained within.

Kratos joined me in the weapon house, and he shared that this next phase of training would take an extensive amount of time—potentially ten thousand years to complete. His words left me both daunted and determined.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I questioned how he knew it would take that long. He responded, "Because it took me that long to complete it myself." His experience served as a testament to the magnitude of the training that awaited me.

A smirk crept across my face, and I posed a challenge to Kratos. "If I manage to finish this training within one thousand years, will you unlock the full potential of these weapons for me?"

He chuckled, seemingly amused by my confidence. "Getting cocky, aren't you? Very well, if you truly accomplish it within that time frame, I will fulfill your request."

With our agreement settled, we bumped fists, sealing the deal. As I stood before the colossal Cerberus gate, an ominous warning of the trial ahead, I knew this journey would test my limits. Kratos waited for me at the end, and I was determined to prove myself worthy of unlocking the full potential of the weapons and surpassing his expectations.

As I ventured deeper into the trial, I encountered a multitude of low-tier monsters that were mere nuisances in my eyes. With relentless speed and precision, I dashed through their ranks, slashing and obliterating them with my blades. There was no time to rest, no physical exhaustion to hinder me. I utilized the chain attached to my blades, launching it into the air and bringing it crashing down upon the horde, engulfing them in fiery chaos. Despite my efforts, it took me fifty years to clear just fifteen percent of the trial.

But the challenges only grew more formidable from there. Creatures from various mythologies—Yokai, minotaurs, trolls, mummies—appeared before me, each with their unique strengths and weaknesses. Thankfully, my knowledge from books and games provided me with the necessary insight to exploit their vulnerabilities. With strategic precision, I dispatched them, one by one, over the course of a hundred years. However, the passage of time in this realm was unforgiving, and I began to notice the toll it took on my sanity. The sheer loneliness threatened to drive me mad, but having Kratos by my side provided a semblance of solace and kept me grounded.

As I approached the three-quarter mark of the trial, Kratos stood atop a mountain, patiently awaiting my arrival. With each step forward, a sudden darkness shrouded the area, accompanied by an ominous storm. I caught sight of a towering figure forming before me, composed entirely of water. A mixture of dread and frustration welled up within me as I recognized the entity.

"Oh, fuck me," I muttered sarcastically, knowing all too well the formidable opponent that lay before me: Poseidon, the God of the Sea.



Did you know that there is an easter egg for the coming game of god of war?


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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