
I am Myth

Max found himself in a realm where technology and transcendence collided in a chaotic Warcraft. Amidst the raging battles and alienation, Max, armed with a peculiar cube for gene evolution, woke up to the realization that he might just be the legendary protagonist destined to save humanity. With a smirk, Max declared, "Looks like I'm the man destined to be the pillar of the human race – bring it on, world!"

_hallow_killer_ · Kỳ huyễn
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The Myth Untold

"The words echoed in Max's ears, transitioning from the realm of dreams to a tangible reality. His eyes shot open, scanning the unfamiliar classroom filled with around forty students. At the podium stood a teacher, seemingly timeless, imparting the gravity of the situation.

'Here it is?' Max's mind reeled with confusion. 'Am I dead?' The transition from a carefree university graduate, reveling in 1 and 9 blessings, to a cancer-stricken soul contemplating the end was a sudden and surreal plunge.

In a world where internal strife was disguised as overworking, Max succumbed to the unhealthy lifestyle. Cancer's diagnosis, though numbing, became the catalyst for a drastic decision—ending his own life. As an orphan, leaving behind a younger brother alleviated some guilt, but the potential sorrow of his family lingered in his thoughts.

The abrupt awakening thrust him into a new realm, shattering the illusion of death. Max grappled with existential questions about identity and location. The teacher's discourse on awakening added another layer to his bewilderment.

As clarity seeped into Max's consciousness, he realized he inhabited a different world, a young man facing a unique destiny. The annual awakening during adolescence promised the activation of a genetic chain, transforming individuals into magical genetic warriors. A Land of Origin, with treasures and powers, awaited those successful in their awakening.

Max's past, marked by alienation and family tragedy, infused him with an inexplicable fear. The instinctive shudder echoed the trauma encoded in this new body.

Approaching the Gene Warrior Academy beckoned if Max, now 18, successfully activated his gene chain. Failure meant a return to mundane life, a prospect tinged with uncertainty.

The chapter unfolded with a glimpse of Max's past, leaving a trail of mysteries. The original's death, seemingly due to loneliness, invited speculation. Max, grateful for a second chance, chose acceptance and hoped to avoid unnecessary entanglements.

As the awakening ceremony progressed, Max faced the indifferent reality of low success rates. The teacher's pragmatic approach contrasted sharply with the protagonist-centric narratives he had read before. The stark announcement about Max's turn further fueled the uncertainty.

The podium awaited his touch, and the mysterious awakening crystal beckoned. With john failure, the tension heightened. Max, propelled by both hope and anxiety, embarked on the ritual.

A revelation emerged—an unusual blue cube symbolizing not just power but boundless evolution. The cube defied conventional genetic norms, promising Max a unique path.

With success declared, Max stood at the crossroads of transformation, not just another awakened soul but a bearer of limitless potential. The mundane classroom had unwittingly witnessed the birth of Max, a genetic warrior navigating uncharted territories.

And thus, the cosmic play continued, with Max's story unfurling in the intricate dance of fate and possibilities."

The awakening ceremony unfolded, shrouded in the mystery of the elusive third awakening.

In the sea of students, Max, a solitary figure on the social periphery, felt the collective gaze of his peers as the teacher called his name. No friendly faces, no whispers of encouragement—just curious onlookers and a teacher with an unreadable poker face.

Approaching the table, a mix of anticipation and doubt danced in Max's mind. The teacher's advice echoed, "Put your hand on the Awakening Crystal, and feel your own existence. Don't be too nervous."

The crystal's cool touch sent a chill down Max's spine. Eyes closed, he ventured into the abyss of self-awareness, only to find a disconcerting darkness. Time dragged on, and anxiety threatened to overpower him. Had the elusive third awakening eluded him too?

Amid Max's internal struggle, a soft azure glow emerged, giving birth to a translucent cube. It danced with irregular elegance, tearing apart the darkness and revealing a white mist. In its midst stood a colossal double helix beam of light.

"Gene chain!" Max gasped in awe. Was this the mark of his awakening, a unique path unfolding before him?

As the cube orbited the helix, Max's intuition kicked in, unraveling its secrets. It held the power of evolution, transcending the conventional limits of genetic warriors.

The cube whispered of an unprecedented journey, an odyssey of genetic evolution beyond ordinary genes. It promised limitless potential and boundless possibilities.

Excitement surged within Max as he realized the magnitude of his discovery. The awakening wasn't just a ritual—it was the unveiling of destiny, a narrative painted with the extraordinary hues of the cube.

Max stood at the threshold of a new chapter, his heart echoing with the whispers of the extraordinary cube. The students watched, unaware of the profound journey unfolding within him.

In the quietude of the awakening, Max's mind raced with questions. What mysteries did the cube hold? How would it shape his destiny?

The azure cube, a celestial dancer in the mist, beckoned Max into its rhythm. It wasn't just a gene chain; it was a symphony of possibilities, an orchestra of potential waiting to be conducted.

As Max delved deeper, the cube's secrets unfolded. Evolution, it promised, echoing through the corridors of his consciousness. No longer bound by the conventional constraints of genetic warriors, Max envisioned a path where ordinary genes paled in comparison.

The conventional wisdom of burning monster genes for genetic warfare skills seemed trivial now. The cube was a gateway to an extraordinary realm where genes weren't just burned but sculpted, refined, and evolved.

With each rotation of the cube, Max felt a surge of determination. The awakening wasn't a mere ceremony; it was the overture to an epic tale, and Max was the protagonist of a narrative painted in the vibrant hues of the cube.

The white mist embraced Max, and within its ethereal confines, the dance of the cube continued. It was more than a gene chain; it was a symphony, orchestrating the melody of Max's genetic destiny.

As the cube waltzed around the helix beam, Max's vision expanded. The cube's potential wasn't confined to burning genes; it was a conductor, orchestrating an ongoing evolution.

The students, unaware of the cosmic ballet transpiring within Max, awaited the customary awakening spectacle. Little did they know that Max's awakening was defying norms, rewriting the script of genetic evolution.

In this misty realm, Max felt a kinship with the cube. It wasn't just an object; it was a companion in his journey, whispering tales of untold possibilities.

The once-silent classroom now vibrated with the anticipation of the unknown. Max, the unassuming protagonist, was on the verge of a genetic revolution, and the cube, a celestial guide, led the way.

As the awakening ceremony continued, Max's story unfurled—one that promised to rewrite the rules of genetic warriors and paint the canvas of destiny with the bold strokes of the extraordinary cube .

^Thousand possibility ^

_hallow_killer_creators' thoughts