
I Am Limitless.

[WARNING!! MATURE CONTENT] [This novel is a slowburn. If you're here for instant gratification, then look elsewhere.] ******* In a world where magical power determines one's worth, Raymond Clover is born without the gift of innate talent, leaving him destined for a mediocre life. However, a letter left behind by his grandfather ignites a spark of hope within him. With unyielding determination, Raymond embarks on a path of physical training that will test his mettle and fortitude to the utmost. Determined to break free from the shackles of his limitations, Raymond devotes himself wholeheartedly to the training method outlined in the letter. Despite facing numerous obstacles and setbacks, he refuses to give up and continues to persevere with unwavering determination. Through years of tireless effort and unrelenting hard work, Raymond achieves a breakthrough that propels him into the realm of the unknown, gaining access to a boundless reservoir of physical power that defies all convention and expectations. As Raymond sets himself apart from the rest of the world, he becomes a man of limitless potential and unrivaled power. Follow his journey as he transcends his humble beginnings and becomes a force to be reckoned with in a world where magic is everything. ******* [A/N: First few chapters have some punctuation missing. I will correct them later, please bear with it. English is not my first language, so please mention any errors you find ^_^] Tags: God MC | Invincible | R-18 | Harem | Smut | Magic | Gods | No NTR | No Yuri | No Yaoi |

DracoKnight · Kỳ huyễn
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158 Chs

A Fortuitous Encounter?

As soon as Raymond disappeared from her view, Vivian's whole demeanour changed. Her back was straight as a spear and her chest puffed up in pride.

The previously fidgeting and nervous Vivian was nowhere to be seen and the proud and pretentious elf was back in action.

"What do you humans want to talk about with my esteemed self?" She asked, making sure to take advantage of her height and look down on both of them.

She wouldn't cower in front of humans that easily. Ray was the only exception.

"Not here. Let's go somewhere private…" Jasmine trailed off and beckoned her to follow her. With Lyla by her side, she was confident that she could take care of this haughty elf.

Even Lyla found her way of speaking annoying. If she was to be a part of their family, she needed to be taught how to talk normally.

Soon, the trio arrived at the abandoned training ground behind the guild. Since there were no mercenaries in the village, this ground was always empty.

"Care to tell us what your intention is for becoming my master's student?" Jasmine asked as she crossed her arms.

Lyla looked at Jasmine and she crossed her arms as well to mimic her and appear serious. It was her first time intimidating someone without using her aura.

"It is a secret between myself and Master Ray. I shall never reveal it, come what may!" Vivian placed a hand on her breast and proclaimed loudly.

"Anyone who dares to force me to reveal will be met with my spear!"


Immediately, her mana surged and a spear appeared in her hand. She just wanted to let them know that she was not a pushover and wasn't thinking of actually attacking them.

But how could she have thought that Lyla was always on alert and ready to attack at a moment's notice? Before she could even lift her arms, a sabre was pointed at her throat.

"Don't move a muscle," Lyla said coolly, lightly pressing the tip of the blade to her skin, drawing a drop of blood.

However, the light wound made by Lyla healed at a rapid pace as Vivian's newly acquired element showed its effects. Vivian felt like she could take them on with her dual elemental affinity.

She flicked the sabre pointing at her aside and unleashed her aura.

Alas, Vivian had no idea that Lyla was hiding her actual cultivation level. No matter how many elements she had, she couldn't possibly overcome the gap in their cultivation.

-Shadow Stitches-

Lyla's aura surged in response and her tendrils made of shadows shredded Vivian's aura into pieces.

"Urgh!" Vivian fell on her butt as a backlash. "You! You're not a Martial King!" She pointed her trembling finger at Lyla and said in disbelief.

She should've known. Anyone with that powerful human must not be ordinary. She was caught off guard because of this oversight. Now, even if she wanted to retaliate, Lyla would be at her throat again before she could do anything.

Vivian fidgeted nervously as Lyla and Jasmine started to burn an imaginary hole through her head with their heated gazes. They were not planning on killing her, right?

She slowly started to back up. Even though she was taller than both of them, they towered over her since she was on the ground.

"Now why don't we talk nicely instead of fighting?" Jasmine squatted and spoke in a gentle voice, though her eyes were still looking dangerous.

"Ahem, what do you want to discuss, Miss Jasmine?" Vivian asked, keeping her tone respectful, though it was easy to tell she was very nervous by the vibrations in her voice.

"Ohh, I already told you, didn't I? Why did my master accept you as his student?" Jasmine asked.

"Please Miss Jasmine, don't force me! I swore to the heavens that I would never reveal the reason!" Vivian held her ground. She did not want to lose her magic or life by breaking the vow.

"Is it now? Then it must be for some scandalous reasons, isn't it?" Jasmine winked at Vivian as if she was gossiping with a friend.

"Indeed, it is for that reason," Vivian replied. After all, it involved touching her ears. Of course, it was scandalous.

Jasmine exchanged a brief conversation with Lyla through her eyes after hearing Vivian's words and agreed upon something silently.

"Jasmine," Jasmine spoke.


"Call me Jasmine. Simple. I don't like all these honorifics and stuff!" Jasmine pointed towards Lyla. "And call her Lyla from now on."

Lyla nodded at Jasmine's suggestion, showing that she agreed with it. After all, Lyla believed there should be no formalities between sisters.

"Uhm, then you can call me Vivi. I don't usually allow humans to use my nickname but you two can use it since you're both Master Ray's wives…" Vivian showed a rare smile. What did calling them by name meant? It meant she had two new friends from now on.

"Haha, alright Vivi, remember that we are all his wives. It would be unfair for others if one of us hogs him all to herself, right?" Jasmine's lips were drawn tightly as she smiled thinly.

"W-what? We are not there yet—"

However, before Vivian could speak up further Jasmine placed a finger on her lips.

"Shh! Even if you're not there, keep this in mind. Hehe, in case you forget in the future, we will be there to remind you!" Jasmine snickered sinisterly. The way she had made Lyla gag on her master's cock was still fresh in her mind.

How could she forget that?

It was one of those very few moments where she had felt powerful. She was more than happy to kindly remind Vivi if she tried to outsmart her.

Vivian nodded vigorously as if her life depended on it. She would've lashed out at her if not for having seen Ray's powers.

"Follow the rules and we will all be one big, happy family!" Jasmine smiled brightly.

"Yeah," Lyla agreed as well.

"O-okay," Vivian stuttered hesitantly. For some reason, the word 'family' warmed her heart.


Imperial Palace, FireBorn Empire…

Clone Elmer was in a very happy mood. It was rare for him to feel this unrestrained and happy. Usually, he would be under the hawk-like eyes of the real Elmer.

Now that Elmer had gone out of the Capital to prepare for his next breakthrough, the clone Elmer found himself free of his scrutiny.

He could be a little more willful now.

He smirked wickedly thinking about the task he had been given by Elmer. It was to discipline Julius.

The brat was the first one to run from the Coliseum when shit had hit the fan. Nobody had seen his hide or hair when the nobles and Imperial Guards were standing against that muscled monster Raymond.

Thinking about that night made him depressed.

A Martial Monarch could form a clone. However, the said clone was only capable of following orders from its owner.

This is what made him different from clones of other Monarchs. He carried inside him the essence of the demonic wyvern which made it possible for him to have free will.

Elmer had formed a contract with that wyvern a long time ago before he even ascended the throne. When he was about to become the Emperor of the FireBorn Empire, he transferred all the demonic essence inside him to his clone to avoid any suspicion in case someone recognised his demonic aura.

In a way, the clone Elmer was the demonic version of Emperor Elmer who was known to be a kind and just ruler.

He was naturally pised off when he found that the wyvern was killed by Raymond. It was like a mother to him since he carried its essence. He would've sought to kill him if he knew beforehand.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Raymond was gone from the empire before he could do anything. He didn't have the confidence to pursue him alone. He was left stewing in his place, his heart bubbling with rage.

That's when he found the perfect outlet to ease some of his frustration and anger in the form of Julius. He would every day beat him to a half conscious state in the name of discipline and training.

The clone snickered cruelly as he reached the door to Julius' room. He gestured for the brat's guards to leave the premise silently and kicked open the door with a bang.

He was expecting Julius to be asleep but never in his distant dreams did he expect Julius to be hunched over on his bed and sniffing something on his wrist.

Julius was so immersed in inhaling the bluish powder that he did not even lift his head. It was as if he didn't hear the sound of the door opening.

"What in the name of gods are you doing?" He thundered and flipped the entire bed with his one arm.

"Arghh!" Julius screamed as the vial he was holding in hand flew up into the air and he was buried under his bed.

The clone quickly caught the vial and sniffed at it curiously. His eyes shook for a second as the drug entered his lungs. He breathed in again, taking even more of the powdered elixir.

"Y-your majesty, I can explain!" Julius quickly crawled out of bed and kneeled in front of his supposed father.

"No need! I am not a naive child, Julius. I am your father, remember that!" He acted like an angry father. "Tell me how did you get your hands on this vile thing?"

Under the death glare of his father, Julius sang like a bird and revealed its origin.

"So, the elves and the Goldburns' brat eh? Do you have any more of this?"

"No, Your Majesty,"

"Do not lie to me!" He gave a tight slap across Julius' face. "Take out everything you have, right now!"

Julius reluctantly took out the freshly arrived package of Rave Spirit that weighed half a kilo.

"So much? What do you want to become? How are you going to take care of the Empire after me if you're addicted to such cheap pleasures?"

He quickly pocketed the package of that drug and grabbed Julius by the collar.

"It seems you need a thorough beating to walk on the right path!" He dragged him to the door.

"Father, noooo!" Julius screamed as he was dragged through the door and towards the training hall.

Even though the clone was acting sternly, he was jumping with joy on the inside.

The drug was special. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before. How long had it been since he indulged himself in something other than alcohol?

The drug had appeared before him right on time when Elmer was not present, just like a fortuitous encounter.

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