What would happen if, in the Monsterverse, Leviathan, Behemoth, and Ziz, the three mythical titans of the apocalypse, really existed? And above all, what if they were Youtubers and Streamers? Curious? Well, read on and enjoy following the adventures of the three, focused on the point of view of Leviathan, who is actually a reincarnated person.
At a maid cafe in Japan, a girl who looks to be between fifteen and sixteen was sitting while enjoying a huge sundae.
She has long hair of a unique dark blue color and black horns with blue accents that resemble bat wings. She is dressed in a blue dress with floral designs, and also wore sunglasses.
Some people and employees who passed by her couldn't help but be curious about the girl's appearance. In addition to being beautiful, the color of her unique hair, as well as her horns, attracted a lot of attention.
Of course, not one of them thought his hair color was natural, let alone her horns.
While sipping her Sundae, she watched television.
"Urgent News: The total number of dead is not yet known, but it is estimated that at least 3,000 people have died, and more than 15,000 are still missing. The fighting damage that happened between the Titans in San Francisco is incalculable, and the government has made no official statement but..."
Watching the TV, she sees footage of Godzilla fighting M.U.T.O in San Francisco. The footage is not so good as it was probably a video recorded by a cell phone, but the fighting and destruction were still clear as day.
"Hmm. So it started, huh? I thought it would take a little longer. But the most important question is, how much content can I get out of this?" She said after swallowing a scoop of ice cream. Her voice was thin, like a teenager's voice, and it was also smooth like a summer wave.
As she thought about what kind of content she could develop with the 'sudden' appearance of the Titans and the destruction of San Francisco, she felt a familiar feeling and looked towards the door. The Maid Cafe's door then opens, revealing two people.
The first person to enter is a tall, dark-skinned woman with red hair. She had a biker style, dressed in a black blouse under a denim jacket full of stickers, and ripped black jeans.
The second person to enter is a man a head smaller than the woman. He has long greenish-blonde hair and wore a simple blouse with a Hatsune Miko illustration, shorts, and flip-flops.
And like the girl in blue, they were both also wearing sunglasses.
Seeing the two people enter, the girl in blue smiles widely, stands up, and waves to them. "Here! Beh-chan! Zizi-chan!"
Hearing the girl's voice, the two people who entered walked towards her. Sitting next to her, the man had a happy smile on his face, and the dark-skinned woman sat down in front of the two, she looked sullen and irritated.
"Levi-tan~! Long time no see! I missed you!" The man said with a smile and raised both hands for a double high-five. The man's voice was melodious like birdsong.
High-fiving Ziz, Leviathan said with a smile, "I missed you too, Ziz-chan!"
As the two kept clapping their hands while saying 'Yay~', the dark-skinned woman huffed in annoyance.
"Can you two stop this suffix bullshit? And don't call me Beh. While I'm in human form, my name is Beth." She said in an authoritative tone. The woman's voice was loud and powerful, which could easily make 'manly' men cower.
"Ehh~? But we are in Japan, it is common to use suffixes here! Plus, Beh is a name so much cuter than Beth!" Ziz responded.
"I know right~? Beh is really bad with names!"
Seeing the two of them go back to having this annoying exchange of words, she slams her palm on the table, but just enough to shut them up. "Can you two stop talking like that? We are over 300 million years old, and we are considered adults in human society, not children or cartoon characters, for heaven's sake!"
Ziz and Leviathan looked at each other, then looked at Beh and said in unison with straight faces, ""We deny your denial." "
Hearing their response, she felt a vein burst in her forehead, but quickly calmed down, she was already used to this comically annoying duo.
"In any case, why did you call us here, Leviathan?"Behemoth asked.
"Yea! I didn't even know you were in Japan! If I had known sooner, I would have taken you to the anime convention that had last week!" Ziz said, picking Leviathan's interest.
"Were there hot girls cosplaying characters who are normally almost naked?" She asked.
Ziz snapped his fingers and replied, "Many! You had to see it! There was a girl who was cosplaying that robot character called 2B, specifically, cosplaying the bug where the skirt disappears!"
Leviathan slams his fists on the table in outrage. "What the hell! Why didn't you warn me of such an important event?!"
"Well, you didn't answer the phone. You were probably doing that 168-hour streaming challenge." Ziz replied, and Leviathan made a regretful expression.
"Can we get back to the subject at hand?" Said Behemoth. "Why did you call us here?"
"Oh, it's simple. It's been a while since the three of us had a collab. And there's been some really interesting things happening lately, and I was thinking of recording together with you two." Leviathan replied.
"Oh! I know about it! I watched it on TV yesterday! Gaia's favorite child and some big cockroaches were fighting yesterday in San Francisco!" Ziz said excitedly.
"Exactly! So I was thinking about..."As Leviathan was about to continue formulating his idea, a girl in school uniform stopped in front of their desk with an anxious expression.
"E-Excuse me, are you Levi-tan?" The girl asked.
Leviathan, seeing the girl's nervousness, couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, it's me!"
Seeing that she wasn't wrong, the girl flashes a beaming smile before pulling her cell phone out of her pocket. "C-Can I take a picture with you?"
"Well, of course!"
Leviathan stood up for a moment, and grabbed the girl's waist, making her groan in surprise. Without further ado, the girl takes her picture, but then she said, "C-Can I also touch your horns?"
"Well, since you're such a cute girl, of course, you can touch it!" Leviathan responded, then she tilted her head towards the girl.
The girl reached out and hesitantly touched Leviathan's horns.
"Wow! They look so real!" She exclaimed in surprise.
Leviathan said nothing and just smiled.
"Ehem! Sorry to spoil your moment, young lady, but we have some matters to discuss." Behemoth said, bringing the girl out of her stupor.
"O-Oh! Sorry, and thank you!" The girl said and ran away.
"Boo~, did you have to scare my fan?" Leviathan grumbled with a pout.
"There's a time and place for these things, and Ziz," Behemoth answered, and then faced Ziz."Why are you making this face?"
Ziz had his elbows under the table and his hands together, and his expression was deadly serious.
"67-53-78."Ziz muttered.
Behemoth raised an eyebrow. "What are these numbers?"
"These are the three measurements of my fan who just lef." Leviathan answered in Ziz's place.
Behemoth slams her forehead on the table in defeat, while Ziz had a proud expression on his skill and Leviathan laughed at the situation.
"Why are you two like this..."Behemoth muttered.