
I am just a Necromancer for Fun. ( Hiatus )

1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty neutral, but there might be some situations where he might do something totally evil or mean. 1. Died 2. Meet a God 3. Reincarnated 4. ....

Biggubosu · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs


I despised the world.

Right after I was born, I was abandoned in a garbage bag.

I had absolutely no reason to appreciate the world, because I was treated like a stray animal all my life.

I hated the world for making me one of them.

I was disgusted by the fact that I was classified as human, grouped with those suitors who wore human masks but were blinded by their greed and ambition.

This is the reason why I don't trust humans.

Everything I had to do, I did alone.

This mentality remained the same, even at the moment of my death.

There was nothing noteworthy that could be said about me.

I spent most of my life without a roof over my head.

Until there was one person who took me off the streets.

He was not a nice person, on the contrary, he was a big son of a bitch.

He just saw me as another one of his pawns in a big chess game.

Where did I fit on this chessboard?? I was none of the pieces, I was his hound, if he asked I would do it, if he wanted someone dead I would kill him, it was simple the logic behind it.

Being a bloodhound, I had to do all kinds of tasks, from killing to the worst possible acts.

The person who had taken me off the streets after seeing my talent had hired an expert in almost every kind of "weapon" for me.

Everything they taught me, I absorbed like a sponge.

Now, how could I be killed so easily by a stray bullet?

I am sure that no one expected to be greeted by a stray bullet inside their base of operation, from what the 'voice' said; they were having a party hidden inside the base and one of the idiots to show off decided to shoot him with a high-precision military rifle.

[Are you done? I'm getting impatient here ...]

A voice that didn't sound like a man or a woman echoed, not being able to tell if it was a man or a woman I just knew that this voice was pleasant to hear.

I didn't know how long I had been in this place, which, by the way, was like darkness everywhere and with stars shining like jewels.

At the very moment that I died and my world became darkness, I woke up here again thinking that it was something like an afterlife.

Trying various ways to escape from here, I finally gave up, no matter how hard I tried there was no escape from here, no matter what I did.

I... I accept. What do you want to let me out of here? I asked, ''Being.

[You have nothing to offer me... at least not right now. But I don't want something from you, I want you to do something for me].

So, what do you want? Speak up and stop bothering me! Speaking again only this time I didn't care what words came out of my mouth, I was tired of being stuck here.

[ ... Fufufahahaha! ]

An almost insane laughter began to echo through every corner of this place.

"Are you done yet? Then tell me what you want." I said, hoping their laughter would sound like.

[ ... You are really funny, I haven't laughed like that in billions of years ... what I want from you is quite simple ... entertain me enough and you will get more power from me, I don't care what you do, ... kill, mass genocide or rape. Just keep me entertained. ]

"Entertainment ... is that it? So, you just want to have fun''. I asked, there was no way it could be just that, there must be more here. Am I missing something?

[Yes, just ...]

Staying silent, finally giving up thinking of some theory by which this "Being" might want something I finally said, "Do this."

[ With pleasure! ]

- - - -

A big flash was all I saw before a holographic screen appeared in front of me.

[ Choose your name! ]


"What the hell is it this time?'' I said to myself as I looked at this thing, "Where is that guy?''

{Hello, host. I am the "AI" who will help you on your journey from now on. }

Hearing this new voice in my head, this voice was completely different from the one I heard in that place, this voice is more robotic and without even a hint of emotion.

{Before the Host interrupts me, I will explain some things that may leave the Host in doubt and explain what the Creator's gifts do. }

{ First, the Host has been given an Energy System. It works simply, you kill things and receive 'Gold', which will be the energy of the System. The stronger this thing is, the more gold you get. With gold you can do 'almost' anything.

{ The System has a store, The store works simply > starts at Lvl1 and the stronger you are, the more strong accessories you will have in the store. }

{The second function is the 'Status Window' which will show how strong the Host is physically and magically. Please say 'Status Window'. }

"Status Window." Saying this, a holographic screen appeared right in front of me.

- [???]

- [Level 1]

- [Class: N/A]

- [Title: 1]

- Stats: Strength (3) / Stamina (3) / Intelligence (3) / Magic power (3)

[Gold: 0]


{ Strength measures a character's physical prowess and their ability to employ that prowess and push themselves to their physical limits. }

{ Stamina is the character's physical energy used to perform various strenuous activities, particularly powerful attacks, bruising, or running. }

{ Intelligence is one of the four main statistics in the game. It grants magical damage bonuses, as well as maximum MP and advantages focused on skill use. It is used primarily by Mages. }

{ Magic Power is an attribute that determines the amount of product of some basic skills and attacks . Extra magic power can be obtained from items, skills and emblems, which increases the final product. }

{ Are you understanding so far? }

"Yes perfectly, is that that guy's gift?" I asked.

{Yes, that's the Creator's gift. }

{The Class-}

'I know what the Class and the level is, you can skip that. But tell me what the title does exactly?'' Already knowing what these two did, I was not so interested in them.

{Titles are cosmetics that the player can get in the game by completing quests, tasks, collections, etc. }

"I see, I have a title, show it to me". I said.

[Title: Hound].

Effect/Hunt: When the Hound begins its hunt, it gains +9 stamina.

Passive/Hunting Effect: Increases damage against "All" living/dead "Beings" by 10%.

Smacking my lips at being reminded that I am only a hound irritated me, but not enough for it to cloud my thoughts, so I asked, "Can Titles be stacked?

{Yes, all Titles can be stacked. }

"Is there anything else?'' I asked if that was the end of the story.

{You still have the Home function, the Skill Windows, the Ticket Roll, and the Inventory. }

"I understand what the Skill Window and Inventory are, but not what the Home and Ticket Roll are, explain it to me there."

{ Its function is simple, the host will be sent into a Virtual Reality game, there is a death penalty of 24 for players if they die, so will the host. The house consists of a one-story house with an underground shed, a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. }

{ The ticket roll is simple. With 1,000 gold coins you can get a Ticket, once the ticket is ripped, you can come weapons, skills and cosmetic items, etc... that will come to help or hinder the host. The function of summoning beings from different universes has been removed.}

"I see ... You said I'm going to a Virtual Reality world, right? Will this name of mine serve within the place or will it be my new name from now on?''

{ The name would serve within the game. }

A Virtual Reality game didn't surprise me, in my world there were several of them.

So no reason to be surprised over a simple Virtual Reality.

Thinking of a decent name that could suit me, I finally thought of a name that could suit me.

"Ares ... My name will be Ares.

Writing my name, I heard the AI's voice in my mind.

{Host will be sent to the designated world, the starter pack has been stored within the inventory. }


This time I woke up in a large open space with people in every possible direction I could look.

It was a strange feeling knowing that this was a game in a Virtual Reality, if I didn't know this was a game beforehand, I would really think this was real life.

Now let me get out of here, there are too many people and it's driving me crazy because of the noise.

As I walked by, I started talking to this "Ia".

''How can I get my class?'' I was mentally talking to her.

As soon as I said this, a blue screen appeared in front of me.

[Fighter] " [Ladino] " [Ranger] " [Light Mage] " [Black Mage] .


Most of these skills didn't catch my attention, only the Black Mage looked interesting.

So I did that, clicking on the 'Black Mage' class, I got a notification.

[ You are now a Necromancer who is able to raise legions of dead at will ] .

You have gained the Skill [ Skeleton Soldier ]

[ Skeleton Soldier ]

Skill Level: F

Skill Effect: Using a corpse as a sacrifice, a skeleton soldier is summoned.

The biggest flaw of this ability is that only monsters killed by the user can be sacrificed. Skeletons can copy the user's combat style and can be further affected by the amount of magic points the user uses for that skeleton.

''Cool, they can copy my style ... Now, who will be my first sacrifice?'' I started to look at the things around me, after leaving the city in front of me was a big open field, I can see some monsters here and there, a boar, a small green goblin and some wolves.

Thinking about which one I should give as my first soldier, I finally decided.

The goblin, he would be the best of the three, even though a wolf would be better because of his high mobility, I didn't want mobility now, but efficiency.

"Hey, you said I had a starter pack, right? Open it." Giving the mental order to this AI, I soon heard a background sound.

[ ... ]

[ ... ]

[ ... ]

[ The Starter Pack was opened, you got: whip sword, old lighter, and rookie mana regeneration. ]

'Great, something sharp. Show me what I gained.' { Ares }


[ Whip Sword ]

Rank: Exclusive

Physical Attack: 19

When equipped: Strength +5

When attacking: Basic damage +10%

Durability: 150/150


[ Old Lighter ]

Rank: Junk

Durability: 7/100


[ Rookie Mana Regeneration ( Passive ) ]

Rank: F

Skill Effect: Regenerates 0.5% mana every minute.

Mana +10.


''Equip the sword, and put away the lighter for now there is no telling when it might be useful.'' { Ares }

With everything ready, I walked over to the little green goblin, however, I walked slowly until I hoped he wouldn't notice me and end up running away.

Unknown to Ares the way he looked at that poor little green goblin.

He had burning eyes as if belonging to a hound that was still hungry.

Those eyes even installed fear in a soldier who experienced war first hand.

His eyes expressed violence like that of a hound.

Author's note: I finally got it out of my head.

The System functions are: Home, Lvl1 Shop, Gold, Status Window, Skill Window.

The Level Up System works like this.

Skills: F, E, D, C, B, A and Ex.

Items: Common, Rare, Exclusive, Legendary, and Relics.

I think that's it, this fic probably won't give a release date.

Yes, this is a fic, with several crossovers in one.

Biggubosucreators' thoughts