
Your Grandfather

Robin looked up and walked out of the hall as soon as her exam was submitted.

She glanced around her eyes searching for Fred. She heard him promise to wait for her outside the hall, then something happened that changed his promise to be here after she was done.

Her head dropped a bit when she couldn't see him among the crowd. The others went to their family or friends celebrating their last paper in college.

"mum and dad, I fulfilled your wish next course is to fulfill mine" Robin muttered heading for the cafeteria to get lunch.

"hey! wanna grab lunch together?" A guy approached her.

"no" she replied coldly.

"Robin let's hang out again for old time sake" Another went forward.

"buzz off" she replied.

More and more kept approaching her but they all got her cold shoulder.

"need company?" Someone's voice echoed behind her.

"yes... I mean no!" Robin shook her head and walked forward but suddenly paused.

Maybe because of all those many voices that she didn't quickly recognize his voice, but no way in a million years she won't recognize his voice!

"Damien!!" she turned back and gasp.

It really is him but he is now surrounded by girls admiring him and some gays too.

"hey you brat! won't you save me!" Diem screamed at Robin.

Robin chuckled "thanks for saving me" she turned back and walked off to the cafeteria with a small smile playing on her lips.


Robin ordered her food and went to a secluded table at a corner to avoid people spotting her.

"you!" Damien came and point at her face"I begged you to save me but you just left"

Robin's face was red with anger,she had purposely chosen this corner to avoid those people seeking for her,but this idiot just had to attract the with his loud voice.

She looked around and saw those lustful stares on her again.

" hey there you are" Someone brave enough approached her.

" I believe I was talking to the lady first!" Damien turned back with a small warning smile on his face.

" well the lady doesn't mind and who the heck are you?!" The guy fired back.

Damien gave a small throaty chuckle" my advice is you should go read your books more"

The guy just laughed and shook his head.

Robin at arched her brows in confusion,the guy is also one of them who graduated today.

Damien just smirked at their confusion.

"hey Robin so you got a minute?" He ignored Damien and stared at Robin.

Damien took out his phone and took a picture of the guy and immediately called up someone.

"make him repeat two years" he ordered the person at the other side of the call.

Few minutes later the guy for a call and his face fell before he ran out of the cafeteria.

Everyone immediately backed down,they saw the way Damien got rid of the first one. Some of them found it hard to even secure their graduation. They don't want to repeat another two years.

Damien smiled fully satisfied with himself and sat down in front of Robin.

Robin's lips twitched a bit upwards. For years she was pestered by the men here but just a few minutes with him sent those people away.

She grabbed her burger and started eating.

"so how was the paper? Stressful or it was just a breeze?" Damien asked.

Robin looked up at him blankly but I side she was confused about why he is suddenly acting nice.

"am sure there is a lot of stress,cause it's your last paper in college and even though your parents aren't here there is still a lot of pressure to achieve their dreams for you" Damien smiled warmly.

Robin eyes hardened,he knew it's her parents dream for her to attend this school. Back then they had enough money for her to attend the school,but yes everything came crashing down for her when Damien entered her life.

"I remembered aunty saying she wanted you to attend this school because this is where she and uncle developed their love further and so many memories were attached to this place and she wants the best for you" Damien looked up at her with eyes showing admiration.

Robin saw something glint in his eyes but just shrug it off.

" am proud of you. Even without any help you managed to attend this school on your own and survived this years" Damien " and I want to say am sorry"

" what is your plan this time Damien?" Robin finally looked up from her fries.

" uh?!" Damien arched his brows confused.

" what is you plan this time?" She repeated" is it to destroy all my mental foundations and crawl begging for help from you?"

" what are you talking about?"

" you are the last person that I want in my life and what is with the sudden apology ?" Robin clenched her fist" do you want me to beg for help from you? Yes! I survived all this years without anyone's help why, because I don't want anyone to say they contributed to my destroying you!"

" calm down. I just want to say am sorry for not realizing quicker and helping you!" Damien blurted out. This girl can never make him angry.

" keep all your apology to yourself! I don't f*cking need it" She stood up angrily" and one more thing Damien,don't ever talk about my parents. You are just disrespecting them with your filthy mouth" She walked out of the cafeteria.

A car stopped beside her and some people came out of it. They surrounded her giving her no space to escape.

" get the f*ck out of my way!" She said low in anger.

" that's not how to talk young lady" An old man with appeared,his walking stick creating soft clank sound on the ground and someone else appeared beside him. The celebrity actress's Fiona that she met in Damien's restaurant.

Robin face went calm when she saw the old man face.

He looked just like her more like she looked just like him. Robin knows she took her dad's features,she is basically the female version of her dad. If her guess is correct this old man is probably related to her dad.

"Hey baby,how are you?" Fiona suddenly went to her side checking all over her body bit she just shrug the older lady off.

"you didn't call me all this while. I was expecting your call" Fiona pouted like she is sulking.

" I don't know you!" Robin shunned her.

" feisty like her dad" The old man commented and laughed.

" and who are you?!" She pointed to the old man.

" your grandfather"