
Will You Marry Me

Robin gave a big smile to the incoming couple. She wondered why he is here with his girlfriend because he had hired her what will she think!

Robin check his expression very well and saw it was one of panic. Although Damiem looked inexplicably calm, she knew he was a balloon full of helium ready to pop.

"good evening" She greeted them.

After some enquiries she showed the to their table and left.

" Damien doesn't want his girlfriend to know it is his restaurant huh!"

Robin whispered with a mischievous smirk on her face.

"it wouldn't take me up to two minutes to quickly spill the beans but what do I care?" she shrugged" all i want is my money and the weird treatment big bro was talking about"

Robin faced forward and attended to the waiter asking her some questions.

"no! leave me and stop pestering me am not your manager, how can I know that?!" Robin yelled at the waiter frustrated with his constant questions.


He was interrupted by a loud shriek from lady at the center of the dining table.

"what!!!" Robin looked at them surprised.


"then why did you hire her?"

Vanessa asked Damien staring at him intently in order not to miss any emotions on his face.

Damien began to sweat under the air conditioning. He gulped and tried hard to compose himself and not to look in Robin's direction.

"um.. babe what do you mean?" Damien finally managed to get words out of his mouth.

"you know what I mean Damien... I know so don't lie to me" Vanessa crossed her arms looking upset.

"I don't understand please kindly explain" Damien tilted his head fiddling with something in his pocket.

"come on am already tired please just say the truth, I am like paranoid, I don't know whether I should keep trusting you" Vanessa signed and folded her palms in front of him.

"what do you mean?" Damien face darkened.

" you literally hired your ex which you supposedly claim is your sworn enemy, oh by the way you called her your enemy when I caught the both of you in a dark garage behind several cars!"

Vanessa fisted her palms not to shout in public and is trying hard to control her emotions.

"yeah that do look suspicious" Damien chuckled" but I am really saying the truth, she is my enemy "

"okay let's say, she IS your enemy, then why would you create a big restaurant just to hire her?" Vanessa asked.

" that's not the main reason why I created this restaurant and her sub reason is because I can have my revenge on her" Damien said slightly panicked.

'wow I can't believe am losing my cool over this' Damien thought.

" your revenge!" Vanessa scoffed and threw her head away.

" baby the real reason I created this restaurant is because of you, I had planned to do this in a restaurant but that girl over there ruined it"

Damien removed the ring box from his pocket and placed it on his lap.

"do what?" Vanessa faced him.

"I had actually plan that at the end of our date we would come back here and I would do this but you beat me to this place" Damien chuckled.

'that darn thing that is stopping me from proposing to Vanessa is now stronger' Damien grunt.

"Will you Vanessa Grace Peterson marry me?" Damien got down on one knee and held the ring box up.

Vanessa got up and shriek excitedly. She stretched her hand.

'damn nessa! do you have to shout like that?'

Damien put on ring in her finger and got up to hug her.

"this is my happiest day ever thanks babe" Vanessa took his face and placed a searing kiss on his lips.

"woop!" "congratulation!" The crowd burst out clapping.

Robin furrowed her brows and quickly whispered something to the waiter that was pestering her.

Immediately the staffs rained roses on the couple and started taking photos.

'yeah! just add more salt to my injury'

Damien mentally face palmed himself. How the heck did he get himself stuck in this mess.

Yes he wanted to marry Vanessa but that was before,now he is just looking for ways to break up with her without breaking her heart. Nobody will believe the great Down strong can't breakup with a girl.

But Vanessa is different,she is sweet,charming and have this inexplicable attractive feeling. While Robin on the other hand is feisty, strong headed and she is a big brat!

"I knew you can't still have feelings for her" Vanessa muttered after the kiss.

"how do you know I have feelings for her before?" Damien asked suspiciously.

"oh! your mom told me" Vanessa was too over joyed to notice the look on his face.

"okay,but let's leave here and celebrate at my house" Damien suggested.

"but I thought you want to rub this moment in your enemy's face" Vanessa whispered in his ear.

"I think she got the memo" Damien replied and carried Vanessa bridal style out of the restaurant.

Robin watched the couple leave the restaurant.

Vanessa gave her a smug smile but Robin's face remained expressionless.

"see I told you she will be jealous..." someone said behind Robin.

"I can't believe the boss is cheating on that lady,oh! I pity her"

Robin recognize the owner of the voices as the waitresses that are too jealous that she is Damien's obvious favorite.

"I bet she is so jealous she just wanna leave here and cry" The girls giggled.

" or maybe she will run outside and crash their happiness now" This earned another round of giggling.

Robin turned back with a mocking smile on her face.

"I am so honoured that am the only one you can think about" Robin said smugly" but a little advice if you wanna be his favorite too why don't you get back to work and add a little more effort especially you Diane"Robin faced their leader

"I can see table nine will soon complain about the hair they found in their food,which is the same color as your hair" Robin smirked.

Diane's face lost its colour and she quickly ran away.

"do I need to shop you guys away too?" Robin glared at the remaining girls.

They scurried away like scared mice.

Robin looked ahead and signed" I can already guess how next week would be like" she muttered.

Happy birthday to I and my lovely twin sister.

We added one more year in good health and peace of mind.

I wish a happy birthday to all those sharing the same date, more good life and answered wishes.

Ghost_11creators' thoughts