
When Did I Become Damiem To You

Robin face lit up brightly as she saw Zach enter the restaurant.

The whole evening have been boring with just the usual of smiling at customers and directing them to their tables.

But now that Zach is here she would at least see a familiar face to look at if bored.

" good evening miss Red" Zach smiled as he reached her desk.

" good evening" Robin returned his big smile with a small one" my shift will end soon so you will have to wait"

"okay" Zach nodded. He moved to enter her cubicle but she blocked him.

"no you can't stay here" Robin pushed him aside" maybe you should wait in the car?"

"I didn't bring the car" Zach shook his head.

" what about the locker room?... no" Robin immediately rejected her own suggestion" with your looks am sure the the ladies would go crazy.. it wouldn't be a surprise if we heard news a man got raped in the locker room"

Zach eyes widened for a moment before he went back to his child like expression.

" what about the dining room? "Zach asked

" unless you order something you will get your ass kicked out.. by me" Robin replied shaking her head.

" well it's too late to cook and I heard the food here is really good, might as well order" Zach smiled and walked away to the dining room.

He chose a table where he could see Robin easily and she too can see him.

A waitress approached him and Robin could see the blush on her face as she listened to Zach.

She left quite slowly as Robin could see her leg colliding with each other.

Robin shook her head and turn her head from the corner of her eyes she could see Zach laughing lightly.

Robin pouted and shook her head " all men are the same" she muttered to herself.


Damien pressed his index and middle finger on his temple massaging it. He closed his eyes as his brain processed every word Aaron was telling him.

" so it is safe to assume they are not just a couple but would soon get married" Aaron finished his report.

Damien's eyes flew open, the hand massaging his temple stopped while the other clenched into a fist.

"are you really sure?" Damien's gaze darken. The normal playful smile that is usually on his face gone now replaced with a sinister smile.

Aaron shivered a little as the room temperature drop, it wasn't because of the room ac but the deadly ceo in front of him.

Everyone knows Damien as a friendly and playful man but only those really close to him knew he is the exact opposite, cold, ruthless and unforgiving.

"are you sure they are a couple and not just rooms mates that are really close?" Damien asked to make sure before he went into original Damien mode.

"yes.." Aaron nodded seriously" I asked his sister and she confirmed it"

Damien's left eyebrow raise up in confusion.

" his parents got divorced and the younger siblings are with the mother" Aaron replied.

"I know you are smart enough not to go asking directly about Robin and that ceo boyfriend of hers... who is he again? " Damien asked.

" he is Zach Benjamin of the Benjamin corp" Aaron replied.

" mmm" Damien smiled.

Aaron felt that smile wasn't a friendly one, he has seen a lot of Damien's evil smile but this one was on a whole new league.

" I think we left the minors way too long.. Aaron why don't you keep them busy with a couple of numbers?.. then report to me a week later okay? " Damien smirked.

Aaron bit his lower lips before nodding" Yes sir"

Damien waved him away and Aaron bowed and leave.

Damien eyes followed Aaron as he leave the room. As soon as he closed the door the calm face on Damien crashed down and he unbuttoned the first two buttons on his shirt, taking off his jacket as well.

"why is this place suddenly hot?" Damien complained tossing his jacket off to the couch.

He took the ac control and lowered the temperature a bit but still felt extremely hot.

Digesting all the information provided Damien closed his eyes.

He tried digging into Robin's life since when he had left that life.Robin's life have been just the same routine for the past seven years, working and working to make a living and support her education.

She wasn't the brainy type so she can't obtain scholarship.

But that some how changed the last one month. It was during that time she began living with Zach.

Zach Benjamin, heir of the second richest man in the country,handsome but some how mysterious. Only a select few knows his face but everyone knows of his name and position.

How did Robin know of Zach and vice versa.

But the burning question is what kind of relationship do they hold.

" It might be what Aaron said is true" Damien chuckled lightly.

The way he acted towards her during the opening event was intimate,so it will definitely be true.

" why am I so stressed if that brat got herself a boyfriend slash or fiancee?" Damien clicked his tongue.

Picking up the telephone he made a call to the receptionist table.

"Miss Red should see me in my office right now" He ordered and immediately place it back,her shift will end in the next two minutes and he didn't want her saying that as an excuse to get out of meeting him.

Tok Tok

A gentle knock on the office door.

"come in" He answered.

Robin entered and quickly closed the door behind her.

"yes sir" She said in a hurried manner.

"what's the rush I just wanted to invite you we should have dinner together..I still remember your favorite spaghetti and meatballs" Damien gave a big smile but it looks forced.

" no thanks sir,my fiancee and I decided to grab dinner tonight in about one minute" Robin smile.

She decided to use Zach as her fiancee in front of Damien to warn him incase he tries to do something stupid.

Damien bit his lower lips" so is he someone I know?"

"did you dig into my life Damien?" Robin wrinkled her face in anger.

" yes" Damien replied calmly.

Robin gritted her teeth and closed her eyes tight.

" so what did you find out?" She asked her heart drumming wildly.

" just the usual..work school..work school and now a interesting love life" Damien replied.

'thats a relief' Robin heaved a sign of relief.

"sonif yoy don't need me for anything else I would be going now bye Damien" Robin turned to leave.

" when did I become Damien to you?" Damien stood up and blocked her trapping her between his hands with her back resting on the table.