
What The Heck Happened To Robin

Damien leaned closer and closer to Robin that their faces is now inches apart,looking deep into those calm hazel brown eyes.

Peering lower at that round and cute nose he frowned.

'What is the meaning of that'Damien thought.

It's like one pressuring force telling him to bite that nose and give it his mark.

Shaking that feeling off his gaze went down lower to those supple lips, that rosy pink shining brightly.

"what are you doing Damien?" Robin's said glaring at him.

He didn't register what she said but just keep staring as those lips moved and her tongue peeked out a little.

He keep staring at them as if to break down whatever mystery is surrounding those pink lips.

"you..!" Robin proceeded to kneed him in the balls but he gripped her kneel and gently dropped them.

"that's very bad Robin. You don't do that to a man might get him riled up" Damien whispered in her ear his lips slightly touching it.

Robin wrinkled her face" well I want this man off me" She tried pushing herself out of his arm cage.

" Robin I heard some news" Damien inches closer" that you and that Zach guy are going to be married soon" he clenched his palm.

" yes. He proposed to me just two days ago as soon as I graduate we get married" Robin smirked confidently.

Damien gulped but that weird lump in his throat is still there.

" I planned to get married before you so I had better propose to my girlfriend soon" Damien said his eyes searching to see a change in Robin's expression.

Robin smirked got wider" good luck to you Damien...but will you get the f*ck off me!" Robin tried pushing him again.

Damien pushed himself on her more that his lower torso rested on hers.

" are you back to been a brat?" Damien asked.

Robin's gaze darken,giving it all her strength she managed to push him off.

" don't.you.dare.call.me.that!" Robin said through clenched teeth her eyebrows twitching in anger.

" call you what?" Damien shrug his shoulders.

" you know what am talking about Damien!"Robin turned to the door but Damien wrapped his hands around her neck in a hug.

" no I don't know what you are talking about brat" Damien whispered closer to her ear making her slightly shudder.

" let go" Robin said calmly closing her eyes to control those feelings" let go Damien!"

Robin shook violently in his hands.

" ugh!!" Damien gave a pleasure filled groan his head buried in the crook of her neck.

Robin stiffened her breath turned slightly haggard.

" what are you doing?" Robin whispered her eyes narrowed down at the floor.

" am just doing according to your command ...mistress"Damien said in the crook of her neck his hot breath slightly tickling her.

" please don't do this" Robin breath grew more haggard.

Certain memories started flooding in her mind her mouth started twitching.

Her eyes grew red but her body is working against her.

" please Damien...let.go!" Robin tears threatened to fall any moment.

'Robin you got this, you have been through therapy for the last seven years,this shouldn't be a problem for you'

Taking deep breaths she tried to struggle out of his grip again but her body betrayed her again.

"good night" Damien kissed her cheek and let got of her walking back to his chair elegantly.

Robin didn't turn back to look at him or tried retorting back. She went to change into her clothes keeping her uniform.

Walking back to Zach outside.

"what's wrong?" Zach asked her seeing her bloodshot eyes.

Robin avoided his hand that want to hug her and gently used her sweater sleeve to wipe her tears gently.

"uh..nothing just some personal problem" Robin replied avoiding to come close to him or letting him see her in this vunerable state.

"what happened in there?!" Zach gripped her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

He saw the fear there the way those brown circles are looking at him like he was a predator.

"what did he tell you?..who is he?..tell me!" Zach let go of her shoulders but still kept her facing him.

All that happened before she started crying was her excusing herself to see her mysterious boss.

" I will destroy him!" Zach yelled taking his phone out.

"no..it isn't him" Robin shook her head.

"then what's wrong Robin?"Zach asked extremely worried.

"I need to make a call. Give me a minute" Robin excused herself still avoiding Zach's touch.

She ran to a secluded part of the building and quickly called Fred.

" hello" Fred pleasant voice rang as soon as the fall connect.

" what is it Robin?" Fred asked alarmed.

He could hear her laboured breathing over the line.

" take deep breaths.Don't have a panic attack. Calm down remember deep breaths" Fred soothed.

Robin finally calmed down but immediately broke down in tears.

" what happened to you?" Fred asked.

" it happened again Fred like it even got worse now" Robin shakily explained.

" Robin I thought you said it is getting better that you can now 5 thbetter5rem without feeling like that" Fred signed.

" yes!..yes I can!" Robin yelled" until tonight..I..I..I don't even know what happened. It was almost like that time"

" oh shit" Fred sounded serious. Only he knows what happened to Robin and the great amount of trauma she is going through and for her to describe this incidence as the original event then she most be in a lot of pain.

" come to my office tomorrow" Fred ordered.

" no Fred no!" Robin shook her head" I know if I go home when not in the right shape of mind I will f*cking but a blade through my chest" Robin threatened.

" Robin calm down" Fred said in his soothing voice.

" All the marks are itchy and they hurt like hell" Robin cried harder drooping down on the floor.

" calm down..all those things that happened that time can't happen again..you are a big girl now no one can hurt you anymore" Fred tried soothing her crying.

" Fred I think I will just come tomorrow at your house okay?" Robin wiped her tears.

" why can't you just come to school?" Fred asked.

" I don't have classes tomorrow"

" am at my parents house" Fred replied.

" okay see you there"

She hung up the call. Something just clicked in her mind telling her to not cry anymore and just forget.

Robin wiped her clothes properly and head back to Zach.

A person came out if the building and adjusted his glasses properly.

" what the heck happened to Robin that missing one year?" He muttered to himself and walked away.