
What Are My Feelings For Robin?

Robin smiled at Damien and said" too bad for you"

Damien walked closer to her and nodded"Mmm, but I can still go in there and tell him am your boss and I came looking for you"

"do you think my boyfriend will believe that" Robin smirked"will he even open the door for you without slamming it on your face"

Damien went closer to Robin standing in front of her now.

Fred noticed this also and smiled' at least she isn't backing away'

"I thought you were really sick. If you just wanted the day off I can at least give you that then you wouldn't have to lie about that"

Fred frowned at this and flared up" lil sis let's leave!"

Robin looked up at Damien and smiled and said.

"I guess you are still the same" She turned around and left with Fred.

" were you uncomfortable around him like the rest?"Fred asked breaking the silence in the car as he drove to his house.

" no. Not like the rest but he did make me feel uncomfortable in a different way" Robin replied.

" in like what sort of way?" Fred asked.

Robin wrinkled her forehead thinking" well I can't get the exact feeling but I think it's a mixture of pain,hurt and disappointment" Robin explained.

" but I felt something else entirely at the beginning"she added.

" is it a foreign feeling for you or a feeling you've felt before?" Fred nodded noting all down in his memory.

"certainly something I've felt before,like a million times" Robin.

"did you feel it for only him or for other people?"

He asked although he already knew the answer.

Robin bit her lips and nodded" yes for only him...and that have been going on for most of the time I see him"

" mmm" Fred nodded.

'this foolish girl does not even know her exact feelings'

" but did you notice you don't avoid him when he comes a few feet towards you whereas you avoid other people when they get to that distance" Fred explained trying to get a reaction out of Robin.

"mmm" Robin tilted her head and blinked" I didn't notice it. I guess his presence is too annoying for me to even notice that detail"

Fred glanced over at her and a warm feeling spread over in his heart. Even though it's only a small development it still meant a lot to him.

'she can successfully get in a close distance with someone when she relapse. Her parents will be happy wherever they are' He smiled happily.

'i have to get that brat Damien and get him to help Robin but first I have to change that stupid view of his about Robin. No wonder she is disappointed him,he is so stupid!'



Damien sneezed suddenly while talking to Aaron.

"mmm,I think someone is talking about you" Aaron smiled.

Damien looked up at him coldly" so when isy meeting with Fernando George?"

"in a weeks time sir" Aaron replied a little spooked by his scary look.

"why that?" Damien asked.

"he is a really busy man sir,his schedule is packed up to months ahead" Aaron quickly defend himself before he gets eaten up by Damien.

Since he came back to the restaurant after visiting Robin,his mouth have really gone bad.

He had even fired three employees all because they drooled over him.

Robin must have been really sick. Aaron smiled at this.

'he is lying to himself, he haven't forgotten about Robin and his old feelings for her must have rekindled' Aaron smiled at this thought.

"how come! isn't he just a college counsellor!" Damien.

"he isn't just that,he often help in a community service center and he runs a big help center for traumatized teenagers and children"

" I don't care. Just get me a meeting with him fast!" Damien said.

'how can Robin just leave with him like that,I know she calls him her elder brother but look how possessive he is of her,she might not feel something for him but he might feel for her'

Damien sulked thinking about how Fred can easily control Robin while he can't.

" sir I can't!" Aaron said a little louder" I don't care what you saw this evening but please just admit to yourself that you are jealous and don't yell at me.I too am trying you know!"

Aaron vented out leaving Damien stunned.

Damien put his head down"am sorry" he apologized.

The whole company will probably vomit blood if they saw Damien apologizing. Their ice cold ceo looking and sounding weak.

Aaron signed and shook his head" I too over reacted,am sorry. It's just everybody knows you are the brightest mind in the whole country but even you don't know your true feelings"

" true feelings?" Damien raised an eyebrow.

" yeah Damien!" Aaron replied" for years you monitored Robin and is curious about any single step she takes, you worry about the jobs she does,you search everyone if her flings background and always can't control your emotions when it comes to her"

" I just want to know about what my enemy is does and find out her weakness. That girl doesn't have a weakness" Damien leaned back on his chair.

Aaron almost facepalm himself 'he is the worst when it comes to miss Red'

" um sir the leyton's are trying to back out of the contract. Which punishment should I administer to them?" Aaron asked dropping all the earlier conversation.

Damien nodded understanding that he didn't get Aaron's point and the latter is not in the mood to expatriate.

" Just sue them for breach of contract. But first warn them with this" Damien replied.

" yes sir" Aaron nodded.

" and please I will take the some days off,take care of the company and report everything to me at the end of each day" Damien ordered.

" noted sir!"

" you may leave"

Aaron turned and left the room.

" what are my feelings for Robin?"

Damien tapped his chin thinking.

" my old feelings for her is just a child's play. We were just teens then so that isn't it"

Damien looked up at the ceiling feeling puzzled.

"so what exactly so I feel for that brat"

Sorry for not updating the novel all this while. I have writers block and this chapter took more than a week for me to write.

So don't be offended if this chapter is not good

Ghost_11creators' thoughts