
That Thing Is Terrible

The taxi dropped her at work, she step down and checked the time.

Robin still had an hour before work but why will Damien text her at this time. He said after work that's when they will taste the food.

Walking straight to the office she gently knocked.

"come in" Damien said from inside.

Robin walked in and first acknowledge the head chef then Mrs Tracy the manager. At the front is the boss of them all Damien,always sitting like an elegant king.

"good afternoon everyone" Robin bowed a little.

The head chef gave a smile,mrs Tracy smiled and Damien nodded.

"seems like miss Red can't wait to eat the food that she rushed over here" Damien said with a straight face.

"actually I am super hungry that's when your text came in" Robin gave a small smile.

"well it's called tasting not eating" Damien looked up and replied his face turning colder.

"tasting a lot of food will eventually fill my tummy am not a heavy eater" Robin went to sit on the seat beside Mrs Tracy.

Mrs Tracy smile got bigger when Robin sat beside her.

"so Robin you didn't take my offer I offered the other day" Mrs Tracy said reminding Robin about the man she said will help Robin with her future businesses.

"Mrs Tracy I just can't take it right now but later I will see to it that I take care of that" Robin said.

"who do you think you are keeping him waiting?!" Mrs Tracy raised her voice a little bit in anger but her face quickly turned red when she saw the men looking at her.

She had gotten angry because the man kept blasting her phone and asking her to get Robin for him or else he would collect triple the amount he had payed her and would ruin her reputation that she wouldn't be able to get a job again.

"Robin darling" Mrs Tracy said earning a raised eyebrow from Robin.

"he is a very busy person with loads of people seeking favor from him I advise you to go to him as soon as possible or you might lose him" Mrs Tracy 'advised'

Robin just smirked at this. For the woman to be behaving like this meant she had received money from the man to introduce Robin to him,but she felt like giving Mrs Tracy a big problem as payback for the night in the garage.

"mrs Tracy I don't need help from someone to survive I have been doing that for the past eight years. When I do need his,which is most likely never, I would immediately run to him" Robin said.

" Robin..."

" everyone please take your cutlery and let's begin the tasting" Damien ordered.

Although interested in their conversation he could only pick up bits about a man arranged for Robin that will help her and she agreed to meet him.

' just when I thought she had changed' Damien clenched his hand secretly and when he decide he can't take it anymore he asked for the food to be brought in.

"may I ask why the receptionist is asked to taste food with us?and why one when we have two?" The chef asked.

" may I too ask why you have been made the chef when you were two that came for the interview?" Damien retorted.

The chef shrank back in his seat at the glare Damien shot him.

Everyone in the room unconsciously shivered trying to shrink back in their seat.

' who the heck said Damien Strong is a playful person' The chef said inwardly.

" leave" Damien ordered the waitresses that came to drop the food.

" I will taste it first then Mrs Tracy next will be the chef and the last is Miss Red" Damien said.

He knew Robin hated leftovers. Just a little payback for souring his mood.

He dipped his cutlery into the lasagna and let out a hum.

"I will give my review after everyone have said theirs I don't want you people copying my comment" Damien waved his hand.

Mrs Tracy tasted it and wrinkled her face but quickly composed herself when she saw Damien face is still expressionless.

"it has a burst of flavors" She managed to bring out a smile.

The chef took a taste and had the same expression as Mrs Tracy" wow!"

Robin shrugged her shoulders and took a taste.

"wow!" She managed to swallow it" that thing taste terrible" she pointed at the food.

Damien was a little taken aback at the way she didn't care about eating her so called leftovers but wasn't shocked when she stated her true feelings about the food. She was always a sharp tongue person.

"Mrs Tracy and Mr Smith my comment is that the food is utterly terrible and isn't worth feeding to dogs" Damien said deadpanned.

" well yeah that's what I wanted to say" Mrs Tracy gave an awkward laugh.

" yeah me too" Mr smith the chef to joined in the awkward laughter.

"so you do admit your food is terrible" Damien nodded his head seriously" well get ready to get someone replace you by tomorrow"

Mr Smith felt a lump grow in his throat.

"sir I will try better to improve I promise please" mr Smith clasp his hands together pleading.

"I didn't say you are fired I only said demoted" Damien raised up his eyes to meet Mr Smith's,his eyes staring blankly at him.

"sir that's like basically the same thing" Mr Smith muttered in his mouth.

"but it's not the same thing and if you aren't contended just resign and I will gladly terminate your contract" Damien smirked.

Robin felt something was off with Damien today might be because if the date and month but that isn't suppose to concern him anymore.

She looked up and her eyes met Damien's for a second before he looked away back at the food.

Robin signed tiredly.

'well its none of my business..am only here to get paid' she said inwardly.

They continued tasting food and some few insults from Damien and Robin to which the chef would lower his face in embarrassment.