

Robin stared at her phone for the longer time.

It is true, today is the eight anniversary of the first day she saw Damien.

When she first met Joy, her mental state wasn't in the right element, a lot of things swirling in her mind, it was the time her therapy was just showing it's first effect.

Joy asked her if her birthday date during when they were having a conversation then. She hated her birthday date and just said a date that she held up in her mind for long.

Joy haven't celebrated her at all until now, all she would say is the usual happy birthday and a bunch of sweet in a box as a gift.

But now Robin felt guilty for lying to them. There is a lot of secrets she have been hiding from Joy and everyone around her and only Damien knows everyone one of them except for one.

'and so what?' Robin texted back.

'it is to remind me of the day I met the bastard that took my parents from me' she texted angrily.

'mmm I see but I still get an important date in your life and your heart' Damien t

'dont worry you occupy my heart all day long and you fill my thoughts' Damien texted with a winky emoji.

'thats makes two of us cause I don't want to be the only one hating the other won't look good on reputation' Robin texted.


'i don't hate you' Damien texted.

'then what? do you love me then?' Robin texted innocently. She had decided to tease him a little.

'sleep tight birthday girl'

Damien went offline.

Robin raised her left eyebrow.

"well I guess he hates me,the feeling is mutual" Robin muttered before laying down.

'when did I and my enemy started talking this casually, are we even still enemies?" Robin chuckled checking their messages again.


Zach sat comfortably on the chair in his room after cleaning up with the girls.

He opened his laptop to continue with his work typing away but a call interrupted him.

"good evening sir...I hope.." his personal assistant voice rang at the other end.

"just get to the point Clement" Zach rudely shut him up.

"sir I have successfully hack...I mean check up on miss Robin's phone texts and calls like you requested" Clement gave a nervous chuckle.

"Mmm" Zach hummed"good job"

"her recent text messages have been sent to your phone" Clement whispered some things at the other end.

" what did you say?" Zach asked.

" the messages are on your phone" Clement replied.

" no not that the other one about how I will not like them" Zach asked" do you care to expatriate?"

" no no sir" Clement refused.

"I think mrs Gina needs a personal assistant and you've got the right body for the job" Zach threatened.

Clement gulped,the woman is known for her sexual harassment and haven't gone to jail despite the huge amount of complains piled up against her cause the company keeps covering up for her.

"sir I can't tell you but you should see it for yourself" Clement signed in defeat.

"okay but don't you dare come to my office tomorrow just go to your new boss" Zach hung up.

Checking his phone he saw Robin's recent text and his gaze darkened.

His grip on the edge of the table got tighter.

"I thought she said this Damien is her enemy why is their text like some long lost lovers" He muttered.

'What is Robin true mission?...who the heck are they to each other?'


Damien bit his lower lip as he saw Robin's last text. He paused a little before replying good night.

"am I in love with Robin?" He asked himself.

Laughing out Damien held his phone to his face" I think the real question is am I still in love with Robin or do I really hate her?"

He read their text again.

"I have a few weeks to figure that out"

Damien sat up suddenly and shook his head.

"what's there to think I hate that girl.. I hate her!"

Silent but elegant steps entered his room revealing a beautiful lady with deep black eyes and flowing black hair.

"whoa who do you hate this much?!" Vanessa asked dropping her bag on the sofa in his room.

Damien widened his eyes shocked.

" nessa you didn't tell me you are coming today" Damien complained.

What if she had heard him say he is possibly in love with Robin.

" can't I surprise my boyfriend" Vanessa removed her heels and walked into his closet coming out with a bathrobe and female night wear.

" what if am not home?" Damien asked.

" Beth and Bethany told me you are home" Vanessa replied.

" what if I had planned to go out?" Damien stood up.

" to where?... to where at night?.... so you have a mistress that you are keeping? " Vanessa teased.

" what?! why?" Damien wrinkled his face in anger.

" okay am sorry am just joking" She laughed a little" but I can't help but think like that in times like this when you can't even run to give me a kiss" she glared at him.

" am sorry but have a lot of things on my mind this days" He went behind her and wrapped his hand around his waist.

" hmmhmm" She hummed" I missed you too" she turned around and hugged him.

" but seriously who do you hate that much that you almost scream this whole place down?!" she giggled.

" you heard all what I said?" Damien asked alarmed.

" no but I heard the word hate repeatedly" She shook her head.

"I just hate the problem another is causing one of my company branch"

" okay" She nodded and went to the bathroom.

Damien phone buzzed.

" sir" Aaron "miss Red's phone have been successfully hacked they took the bait"

"good job Aaron and as a reward take weekend off" Damien smiled happily and he hung up.

Texting Robin about her birthday and that man that keeps following her like a guardian angel.

He texted Robin to just tease her and intentionally make it seem like some sort of connection ran between him and Robin.

Like he knew, that Zach guy would hack her phone. That man is so annoying and to see him with Robin every single day like they are some kind of couple is squeezing his insides.

He want to split that man from Robin so his revenge will be complete.

" well their relationship breaks and am the only one that will be there for her, Mmm, am one more step closer" Damien muttered to himself before waltzing back to his bed.