
Please Don't Hurt Me

Robin shivered at this horrible feeling trying to force her way out of Zach's hold but his grip is just too strong!

The memories she tried to suppress deep down came flooding in and hot tears poured down her cheeks.

Zach kept gliding his tongue in Robin's mouth locking every corner trying to melt in her, his hands holding her in a fast lock making her unable to move. She responded to his kiss by shivering a little.

'mm so good!' he smiled against her lips. Suddenly he stiffened removing himself from Robin and staring at her stunned.

"I.. I.. am so... shit!.." he pulled his hair and looked at her eyes that had turned red from the tears.

Robin was crying and it didn't look like the little onion tears his sister told him about. She said she has never seen Robin cry before except when they cut onions, and those two have known each other for five to six years now!

"am so sorry... I just.. I just lost control" Zach said trying to reach out to her.

Robin moved out of his reach and tried to shrink herself as little as possible near the car window.

"it's nothing" She said wiping the tears"I actually started it" She gave an awkward laugh trying to break the tension.

Zach shook his head" no I..."

"I know!" Robin cut him off" I shouldn't have done that, I should have thought about the normal man urges"

She said trying to convince herself more.

"am so, so, so sorry" Zach said feeling down about the way she was obviously avoiding him, more like his touch,exactly what she did a few weeks back.

"I said it's enough!" She yelled her face showing extreme anger but quickly change to fear.

"am sorry please don't hurt me" She said quietly and curled up again.

"why would I hurt you Robin?" He furrowed his brows confused his hands reaching out again determined to hold her this time.

She curled up further into the seat like she wanted to merge with the seat.

Zach hands reached her and pulled her into his arms.

" what do you mean by I should not hurt you?" he asked but noticed she went limp in his hands.

He could feel her temperature properly now and she was burning.

Running his hand through his hair he gently placed her in the back seat before driving off to his apartment.


Damien tapped his foot on the floor rapidly waiting for Robin to answer the telephone at her desk. He drummed his fingers on the table impatiently.

"yes sir!" Another voice replied.

"who is this?" He asked.

"I am miss Mikaela sir, a substitute for Miss Red today" She replied.

" Why a substitute for Robin?..what's wrong?!" He asked his body straightened up.

" she called in sick" She replied.

"sick?!" Damien raised his voice a bit.

He hung up on the receptionist desk and called the manager Mrs Tracy.

"hello sir!" Mrs Tracy said cheerfully.

"Is Miss Red at work today?" he asked calmly not to sound annoyed that his Robin isn't here with him today.

"no sir,she called in sick.Well more like her boyfriend called in sick for her" Mrs Tracy giggled.

Damien held his chest like something struck him.

Hard jealousy!

"of course she will be too sore after their activities!" Damien muttered to himself.

"sir?" Mrs Tracy.

"oh nothing" He hung up.

He stared at the food in front of him and laughed.

"she is probably tired because of the constant studying for her final exams... I will still pay her a visit to her college" Damien nodded.

His phone vibrated with a call, with Aaron's called id lit on it.

"hey bro!" Damien said a bit lacklustre.

"Damien...well it's true,Robin is dating Zach Benjamin and she showed public display of affection, her best friend confirmed it" Aaron said.

Damien pursed a little before bursting into a fit of laughter.

" that girl can fool everyone but me... public display of affection my foot..Robin is lying!"

Damien said holding his belly which had begun to hurt from laughter.

" okay good for you!" Aaron said and hung up.

" is that boy getting hot somewhere?" Damien raised his brow confused.

Damien smiled but his smile went upside down as Vanessa entered swaying her hips to his side.

"hey babe miss me?" She sat on his laps adjusting her face near his.

"what are you doing here?" he asked frowning a bit.

"aren't you happy to see me?" She pouted sadly cupping his cheeks.

"it's not like that...I just...I just didn't expect you to come here" Damien said moving his cheeks away from her.

"why! this place was created for me so why can't I come here" Vanessa yelled.

" or are you actually lying to me about it been mine?"

Vanessa narrowed her eyes.

" why would you think that?" Damien said looking hurt.

Her eyes softened at this and she cupped his cheeks again.

" am sorry. I just heard some rumors that made me panic" She explained.

" so you believe rumors more than my faithfulness to you?" Damien asked.

" no, no, never!" Vanessa replied quickly.

Damien eyes went down below to his laps as they were slightly crushed under her weight.

Seeing this Vanessa grinned mischievously"do you miss me that much"

Damien looked up at her getting her message. He was never easily aroused by this lady or any lady as a matter of fact that he had almost believed he was impotent.

That was until he saw Robin at a car park bending down to pick up something.

'oh sh*t!' that memory made his little man rise a bit.

"I guess you do" She kissed his neck as she felt it.

'ahhh. She is always the one taking initiative'

"mmm" she groaned on his collarbone licking it.

Damien shrug out of her hold and kisses since they make him uncomfortable.

"what's wrong?" Vanessa asked.

"am not in the mood" he replied standing up and placing her in his seat.

"well I am!"

"please leave my office I have work to do" Damien said and leave the office for her.