

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz

Damien groaned half awake, his hand reaching out to the side table, knocking things over. He kept stretching it to reach out further.

Clang Clang Clang

More things fell on his quest to reach that place, that place that can finally offer him the peace he deserves.

"finally" he jerked awake, his hand finally turning off the alarm clock.

"ugh" he groaned, his fingers combing through his dark hair. He shook his head a couple of times to finally get awake.

"that party last night was sick" he chuckled heartily, his baritone voice ringing around the massive bedroom.

Tok Tok

A gentle knock came in the door, causing Damien to bump his head on the bed head rest.

"sh*t" Damien cursed,massaging his aching head"come in!" he called the ever so familiar people,his maids.The ladies that have been working for him for the past five years,those cheeky women that just love tormenting him every morning."you guys just never learn" he pouted at them as they entered his roomwith a huge grin on their face "you think it's funny"

Two women walked closer to his bed,the first is a blonde,with a mid back length hair,small squinted eyes,average height and her cleavage was rather large,making her look chubby.

While her sister was also a blonde,but with a shoulder length hair,she was on the shorter side,small cleavage but looks adorable,like a cute baby. Both women were about in their mid thirty,years older than the twenty three year old Damien.

"good morning master Damien" Beatrice the taller blonde curtsied with a huge playful grin on her face.

"good morning sir" Bethany the shorter blonde,her sister smile.

"you guys" Damien glared at the two ladies that were like his older sisters"stop the surprise knocks,I almost died from that head bump" Damien exaggerated.

"oh please Damien,a minor hit like that can't even take blood from you" Bethany playfully hit him on the shoulder.

"how will I impress the girls if I have a bump on my head" Damien smirked.

The women just rolled their eyes and dragged him out of bed. They took him to the shower where he had his bath and walked out with a towel wrapped round his waist up to his knees. He walked on to his closet where the ladies were waiting for him.

He smirked and turned his back to them,putting on his boxer. He turned back to them with the smirk larger.

"dress me up ladies" he posed,stretching his hand out wide and legs too.

They hurriedly dressed him in a white shirt and blue trousers,topping it with a blue jacket. Formal yet classy,they dressed him head to toe in the newest reigning designs.

Damien walked up infront of the mirror and smiled. Very tall,thick and dark eye lashes and eyebrows,full lips,slightly pointed nose,dimples on each cheek,shoulder length shiny black hair and a well toned body not too lean not too muscular, he is the definition of perfect. All head spins wherever he goes,ladies and even some men scream in excitement at the sight of him,auctions are made for a date with him,the most wanted bachelor in the city and even two more. To top it all he is super rich and successful.

"yeah.... am perfect" Damien shifted his gaze from the mirror to collect his car keys from Bethany "bye" he waved to Bethany and Beatrice before dashing off to his car at the underground garage.

"good morning sir" "have a nice day sir" "he is so handsome"

Damien heard all this every morning from the workers in his mansion,today was no exception. He went to the garage and walked to his ride of the day, his lamborghini.

"sir your schedule for today have been cleared,all that is left is your very important meeting at ten" Aaron,his faithful personal assistant,cold and frozen to others,extreme introvert but knows his stuff about all things business.

"okay,let's go" Damien entered the car with Aaron entering the passenger seat.

"please sir.....be careful" Aaron held on the seat belt.

"don't worry....I will" Damien started the car and wrapped his fingers around the steering wheel.


The car sped off at an insane speed,that in less than fifteen minutes they were at his large company about an hour journey in normal speed. Damien drove into the underground parking lot and parked his car at his reserved spot.

"sir....I said be careful" Aaron held his chest in anxiety trying to calm his nerves down.

"and I was,I didn't destroy anything this time" Damien gave him a playful smirk and got out of the car.

" come on let's go in"


Beep Beep Beep Beep

Robin woke up to the sound of the fire alarm and water sprinkling on her face. She sniffed the air and jerked off the bed,something is burning.

Robin dashed out of the room quickly running down the stairs,smoke coming from the kitchen filling the living room.

'oh no' she yelled inwardly as she ran inside the kitchen.

Her friend Joy was using a rag to fan the fire ablaze on the kitchen island awkwardly,it didn't spread because of the water sprinkling on it from above,yet it didn't go out because of the oxygen Joy was supplying it.

" help Robin" Joy fanned the fire faster causing it to rise once more.

" stop that" Robin took the rag from her and threw it in the garbage,she went to the wall and grab the fire extinguisher,putting off the fire.

" hah...finally" Joy breathed in relief,the fire was out and the 'beeps' was gone"thanks Robin"

Robin stared at her friend in amazement,how can she not know the fire extinguisher was the first thing she was supposed to get. Of course, everyone knew Joy was stupid,she was so stupid that she almost got swindled by a CHILD and once,she believed a man that claims to take them to heaven if she could give him her entire life savings and her family's. But her stupidity isn't to the level of a fire and fire extinguisher.

"I know what you are thinking of babe" A voice sounded behind Robin and he came forward to sight. An adorable nine year old boy,with the cutest freckles. Joy's younger brother Daniel,the boy that have an infatuation on his big sis friend, Robin" she is even more stupider,I can't believe am related to her" Daniel wrapped his little hand around Robin's tiny waist.

"Daniel" Robin glared at the little human beside her.

"sorry babe,just trying to be romantic" Daniel removed his hand.

"thanks for putting out the fire" Joy took her friend back to her room upstairs"sorry about the little one"

"nah..am used to it" Robin shrugged and went to freshen up. She put on the clothes she wore the day before and glanced at the wall clock.

"oh no,am running late" she muttered hurriedly as she fiddles with her trouser zipper.

Robin ran downstairs and met her friend and her brother eating a cereal breakfast.

"come and join us honey pie" Daniel smile puffing up his little chest.

Robin just rolled her eyes and signed,typical Daniel.

"am off Joy,thanks for letting me crash here last night" Robin gulped down the juice offered by her friend.

"you are always welcome here.....well as long as mom isn't around" Joy chuckled.

"ha ha ha" Robin laughed "oh sh*t,am almost late" Robin checked the time

again and dashed off outside,heading to her first job of the day