
Flashback Rude

Robin ran to the house and went straight to the living room. There she saw her mother Grace sitting on the couch looking pale.

Her mother's long brown hair draped over her shoulder that had slumped down due to weakness.

She had recently just come back from the hospital after spending several days there. She had this genetics illness that has been going on in her family for generations, it was a pure miracle that Robin didn't inherit it.

The illness had caused Grace to spend several days in a hospital many times that her presence became a scarcity in the house.

"mommy" Robin called out gently to her mother completely devoid of the spoiled brat aura.

"my miracle!" Grace stretch her hand and enveloped Robin in a hug. and pecked her cheeks.

"how are you mommy? any discomfort? any pains where?..." Robin

Hearing her daughter's question made Grace heart break but she still put on a smile" am fine am fine!"

Robin smiled"well that's good. Mom you know I really miss you like it's only daddy that stays here and he is not a girl..."

Sean walked in to his daughter trying to steal away his wife and quickly run in interrupt.

"Robin I and my WIFE want to introduce you to the Strong's" He pointed to a couple that sat opposite to Grace.

Robin just took a simple glance at them and look away but her head stopped midway as she saw someone walk in. It's blue eyes!

'what's his name again errm,Daniel, Devon no it's David yes David!' Robin narrowed her eyes at this unwanted guest.

"oh yeah that's their son Damien" Sean smiled at Robin and immediately knew it was a provocation.

"good afternoon sir and good afternoon to the beautiful madam of the house" Damien bowed a little but his expression is still calm.

"wonderful afternoon Damien" Grace smiled shyly as she realized her daughter haven't just only not greeted his parents but also glance at them and looked away.

"Miracle greet them" Grace whispered to Robin.

"why should I greet them! especially when they are this bully's parents" Robins voice wasn't loud but it wasn't low either.

Grace turned paler at the sight of the couple frowning.

Robin that was usually attentive to Grace failed to notice this as she was still glaring at Damien.

" like I said you are not only bratty but also rude" Damien snorted and walked towards Robin.

She unconsciously rubbed her still red wrist and took a step back in fear.

Sean eyes dimmed slightly but he used to smile to cover his pain.

Grace eyes turned to her daughter's wrist and she saw a red handprint on it,she looked up at Damien and could already guess why Robin rejected her request for the first time.

The Strong couple looked down at Robins wrist and Damien,they shook their head. Why do their son have to spoil everything!

Robin shook her head and recovered,this bully just called her rude!

"who dis you just call rude! you came into my house,bullied me,injured me and now you are calling me rude! you've gone too far David, Damien or whatever you are called!"

" son is it true you bullied miss Red?" Mrs Strong asked.

Damien glanced at his mother and turned to face Robin now with a chilling smile on his face.

" I caught her trying to bully an innocent maid and happened to stop her,is that called bullying now?"

Mrs Strong turned to Grace and complained " your daughter is too much! first she treated us poorly and now trying to make up fake stories about my son!"

Robin turned her head at the woman glancing at her disdainfully.

" don't spew out your mouth garbage to my mom,your son saw me trying to teach the maid that tried to murder me a lesson but got so infatuated with her fake face and hurt me instead. See my wrist!" Robin waved her wrist.

" If not for my sharp thinking I might have received a few more hits on my face I believe!"

Sean and Grace knew their daughter is overreacting but the other couple didn't and their fell fell.

" and it is quite rude to start insulting me in my own house!" Robin yelled.

" I am so sorry on my son and my wife behalf please don't take it to heart miss Red. By the way I bought you this" Mr Strong smiles gently towards Robin.

Robin looked at him and shook her head" I don't need your petty bribery,I have necklaces imported all around the world"

Mr Strong just smiled and place the necklace box from where he had picked it.

" it's okay if miss Red doesn't want it"

" just like the way I don't want you guys in my house" Robin muttered.

" I think it's time we take our leave" Mr Strong stood up.

Damien glared at Robin" I too would love to take my leave and never come again"

" oh I didn't expect you to come again but I guess the snacks in my house are too delicious so had planned to come back for more. Tsk! it's a good thing I chased you away right" Robin sneered sarcastically.

Damien face added five more layers of frost but he swallowed back his anger.Well it is his fault for provoking the young lady on her home turf.

He placed his hands in his pocket elegantly and walked out like a noble.

"yeah! get out and never come back" Robin yelled behind him and went to her room

Sean smiled awkwardly "maybe another day?!"

"sure" Mr Strong nodded "I guess we should have expected this"

"yes, and am very sorry for what I said earlier,just a little overprotective of my boy" Mrs Strong apologized sincerely.

Grace shook her head" am sorry on behalf of my daughter, been the only child has made her spoilt by us and doesn't know how to respect elders so it's not her fault"

"goodbye" Mr Strong bade them.

"let's see you off" Sean offered.

"no no,I don't want us to stress the madam" Mrs Strong refused.

" no,the doctor said a little exercise won't hurt" Grace.

"okay let's go"