
Flashback I Want My Revenge

As Robin stormed off into the distance she kept muttering how annoying blue eyes was.

Who the heck is he?! Whose child is he?! haven't he heard of Robin Red the most beautiful girl in the school and possibly the whole state.

Every maid or servants that saw Robin's face subconsciously avoided her, they made a left or a right turn as she stomped her way towards the garden.No one wanted Robin Red to transfer her aggression on them. Her parents always spoil her because she is the only child and they couldn't birth another because of her mother's health condition, so they the servants have no one to complain to and could only silently accept it.

The entourage behind her were all giving signals to their colleagues to rescue them but all they received was a pitiful look.


Sean knew the only way he could easily find his daughter is by going the way every servants are avoiding.

He saw her coming, more like stomping, in his direction and his heart melted. No matter how angry she looks or how many foul language burst out of her mouth she is still his perfect angel, and the sun really complimented that by giving off the illusion of a halo on her head.

Robin is the feminine version of her father, taking all her facial and body features from him except the eyes. He has black eyes while hers was brown like her mother's milk

"my little red" Sean Red stretch his hands towards Robin and held her in his arms but she struggled in it.

"let me go!" Robin freed her way out.

"why is my little red angry?" Sean asked as his heart seems to break after she refused to be in his arms.

Robin folded her arms across her chest"it's because of a blue eyes jerk! and partially because of a maid"

"so what did blue eyes jerk and the maid did the made my perfect angel mad?" Sean asked .

The maids question quickly whispered a prayer to the little maid that offended the young miss and wondered what sort of punishment would she receive and it will for sure be doubled because she had seemed help from an outsider and caused the young miss to be this mad!

"firstly the maid tried to poison me.. " Robin said and Sean nodded knowing his daughter is probably just overreacting like she always does.

Robin continued" then that blue eyes jerk came out from nowhere and held my precious porcelain hand and caused a huge red handprint on it and it still hurts am just on my way to get the first aid kit to treat it"

Sean smiled gently and rubbed her hair" let daddy see it"

He was expecting to see nothing or just a tiny dot but immediately widened his eyes when he saw a glaringly red handprint on her wrist and Robin's pale skin really highlighted the redness.

He erupted in anger and stood up 'how it must have hurt and here I am doubting my angel'

Robin smiled in satisfaction and began picturing the scene where blue eyes is begging her for mercy. About the maid she will just deal with her later, because that one deserves special attention.

" and daddy was doubting me" she glare at him.

" am sorry Red" Sean apologized" don't worry, I will get revenge on your behalf"

Although he didn't like it when his daughter bullied the servants and always tries his best to coax her not to, he has never ever personally help her to get revenge. That was because none of them have ever truly hurt her but this is too far.

Her mother must not hear or see this, because she will get sad and her mental health will take a hot affecting her physical health which gas always been as fragile as an egg.

Robin smiled and tried her best to remember blue eyes features.

"he has jet black hair, a very good face like I mean perfect but have this calm and collected expression, like I said earlier he has the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen, straight nose one might think he went for plastic surgery maybe he did, he has this sort of lips that just draws you in but I didn't dwell on it too much to know whether it is thin or full lips, not too lean not too muscular body just perfect and he has this sort of ceo aura maybe he is one in the making"

Robin has been familiar with ceo's auras since her father has been taking her to business meetings since she was just nine years old. She had developed a liking to the business world and had her father show her the ropes.

"oh really?!"Sean gave Robin a knowing smile.

For someone who claims she hates the guy but could accurately describe him like this, isn't there something else attached to it?

"that must be Damien" Sean knew since she had said his face was perfect and he must surely be in this compound since no one can enter the house without his or his wife or Robin's permission.

That means he must have been inside the compound since. And there was only some set of people let in earlier...

Robin studied her father's face well and realized the intention of taking revenge on her behalf have been wiped away as soon as she started talking earlier.

"daddy, I know what you are planning to do now and my answer is no! I will still take my revenge on David or Damien or whatever! "

Sean ignored her tantrums" little red I begged you to forget about this because of daddy. And I want to introduce you to some people"

Robin looked at him dumbfounded now starting to doubt whether this is her father or just a clone, her father will never place her priorities below somebody's.

" no no no! I want my revenge!" Robin wined.

Sean took his time in coaxing her" little red, my angel, my miracle from heaven, the little girl that makes my heart melt, baby, my little birdie Robin... "

Robin crossed her arms and refused to listen, she will know who will eventually succumb, she haven't even used her top weapon, crying!

Sean saw that he couldn't get to her and he too has to use his too weapon, her mother!

" did I forget to mention that mommy is also there waiting for you?!"

Robin turned to look at him and glared at him.

" you! you! are you trying to hide my mommy all to yourself?! you intentionally didn't mention it! I have to thank my stubbornness this time!"

Sean"..... "

Yes he had tried to keep her all to himself but who knew his daughter didn't just inherit his looks but his stubbornness.

Robin smiled at him and said" for just saying empty words to me just now and trying to hoard my mommy, I will punish you by keeping her by my side till she leaves"

Robin snorted and left Sean who was still shocked.

" oh no! "

That girl must not reach her mother or he is doomed.