

***Guys, I want to take us a little into Robin and Damien's history,on how they met and how they became enemies***

A young girl of fourteen back is in view.Her smooth and long red hair ties in two pigtails so running down the sides of her head.Her red hair complimented her knee length pure white dress perfectly. Her milky, pure legs are in view adding to her gentle girl charm.

Her warm brown eyes, small cute too and pink lips further brings out her gentle charm.And her beauty are off the charts making people want to stare at her all day long.

Her lovely brown eyes narrowed on the maid kneeling down an trembling uncontrollably.

"I'm sure you want to kill me" Her beautiful face contorted to a mean expression.

The maid burst into tests"no!no!,I dare not" she shook her head.

"You know that I have a deadly mango allergy but you went ahead and added it to my fruit salad ". The maid stretch up and tried to hang on to her legs but the young red just sidestepped watching the maid fall.

"am sorry young miss,I didn't know you were allergic,am really sorry,I will never do it again".

The maid clasped her palm and apologized.The young red chuckled"oh sure!,I let you go this once and you will never do it again.

The maid nodded"yes"

"do you think am a fool!" young red yelled "do I have stupid written on my forehead! if I don't punish you now am sure you won't learn anything and repeat it, maybe I will successfully die then"

The maid face fell" no! no! young miss, I won't, I promise".

No maid in the mansion wants to ever get punished by her.she is known for her ruthlessness and been mean.

" I too promise to be gentle"young red replied sarcastically.

The maid burst into tears and apologized furiously.

The last time she promised to be gentle on a maid was a total lie. Although it was gentle from the normal ways she used to torture maids but still harsh.

She made the maid stand in a bucket of ice for six hours. The maid was later rushed to the hospital by fellow maids and handsomely bribed not report the miss to the cops.

"please am sorry young miss"The maid tried to grab unto young Red again but was dodged again.

"will you just stop!" young red raised her hand to slap the maid but the hand was held by someone from behind.

"what are you trying to do?" The coolest and calmest voice came from behind her.

The most gorgeous blue eyes stared at her with coldness freezing deep in them. The hand he used to hold hers was well toned. she sized him up and realized he doesn't have a bad body. Not too mascular, not too lean,just perfect.

Not to begin describing his face,just think of the most handsome person you know and multiply by fifteen.

His expression was that of calmness,but the coldness in his eyes runs deep like glaziers. He exuded a calm and collected temperate.

But! how dare he hold Robin red's hand! does he not want that hand anymore or maybe he has a death wish to tick on his bucket list.

"let go of me this instant you bastard" Robin tried to her hand but his grip is too firm.

Blue eyes just tighten his grip"just so you could hit her?" his eyes added another layer of frost that made Robin involuntarily shiver but she stood firm.

"you don't understand!" Robin gritted her teeth, anger surging through her bones.

Blue eyes leaned in "then make me"

Robin paused and looked up at him"I don't care about explaining myself to you"

Blue eyes gripped her hand tighter and Robin winced in pain.He released her waist a bit. "what happened?" Blue eyes turned to the kneeling maid. The maid looked up at Robin,before shifting her gaze towards blue eyes,hesitating "ummm....hmmmm..sir"

"don't hesitate,she can't do anything to you" Blue eyes gave a gentle smile but it shows he doesn't smile often.

The maid looked up hesitating and explained "sir?,sir? I .... I didn't know....the...the young miss us allergic to mango and....and added it to her fruit ..... fruit salad,I am new here,just started working recently,sir"

Blue eyes shifted his gaze to Robin and his calm expression turned cold "why do you intend to slap her when it was just an innocent mistake. You also makes mistakes,everyone does!".

Robin clenched her fists and ignored him.she turned to the maid and glared at her "when did you start working"she asked.

"t....two..two months"The maid stuttered and lowered her head.Afraid to meet Robin's deadly glare.

"weren't you given a guide?"Robin asked


Robin faced blue eyes" the guide for everything in the house,like,dislike, favorites,bedtime,breakfast,lunch, dinner, medicine,snacks and even allergies".

Robin turned to the maid" so tell me! is two months not enough for you to learn everything or even the basics in the guide?!!"

" am so sorry young miss!am sorry! please forgive me! don't punish me!"The maid muttered.

Blue eyes face darkened, obviously this girl here punished them several times in the past for her to be afraid.

Robin finally freed her hand from blue eyes grip and rubbed her red wrist.

"Angela!" Robin yelled

"yes young miss" A maid walked forward

"prepare the first aid"she ordered.

"yes miss" Angela walked forward.

Robin followed behind her,

"thank you young master, thank you"The maid grabbed blue eyes leg looking at him with a sweet smile.

"let go" Blue eyes shrug her away feeling irritated at her closeness.

He looked up at the direction Robin stormed off in, his mind still in a daze although he looked calm and collected on the outside.

"what a brat!" Damien clenched his teeth an expression escaped from his expressionless state.