
Brown haired lady

Damien smiled at the lady walking up to him, dressed in the most stunning gown he ever laid his eyes upon.

Her brown colored hair flowing with the wind, her heels clicking gently till she walked to his front and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"hey babe" She greeted with a big smile on her face.

Damien stared into her light brown eyes with confusion in his blue circles. He opened his mouth to talk but closed it almost immediately.

"nessa,why did you dye your hair brown and start wearing brown lenses?" Damien asked shocked.

Her hair and eyes color look exactly like Robin's confusing him. Infact she didn't put on any heavy makeup like her usual self only some light touches here and there just like Robin although the latter doesn't put on any makeup just lip gloss.

"what! no compliment or comment on my new look" Vanessa said with annoyance in her tone" well am just trying this new look do you like it?"

She placed her around her hips and twisted slightly.

"I.. I..?" Damien got tongue tied.

How can he tell his girlfriend that she remind him a lot of his old flame with her new look.

' or is Vanessa intentionally trying to look like Robin? ' Damien thought 'nah, she isn't like some desperate girl'

"you look superb but I love your black hair better and I love the former color of your eyes just the way it is, this brown isn't really your color, I mean like you know this color and your skin color doesn't go well together....."

Damien kept rambling on not really knowing if his words make any sense.

"I get it you hate this color" Vanessa cut him.

She was secretly jumping for joy. Since the day she saw Damien and Robin in that garage she knew something is going on. The way Damien looks at Robin isn't one with disgust at all.

She has been with Damien for years now and know when he is hiding something behind that expression of his.

She thought he secretly was in love with Robin and did a little investigation. Although she couldn't get anything on Damien and very little of Robin, but she got one where Robin's main life revolves around a restaurant.

A little birdie of hers told her that there are frequent sightings or rather glimpses of Damien entering just a couple minutes before Robin does.

' I guess I was just worried for nothing. Aunty was wrong Damien just loves me not her' Vanessa smiled inwardly.

"I will get rid of this look tomorrow but our plan for today will go as planned" Vanessa smiled widely.

"good, it was until when you suggested that, that I suddenly remembered that you've never treated me before" Damien pouted.

"sorry baby but you always beat me to the treats but today is only my day" Vanessa caressed his cheek.

" so can you finally tell me where we are going? " Damien asked as he entered the car with Vanessa.

"it's a surprise" Vanessa giggled excitedly as she started the car and drove off.

After fifteen minutes of driving, she slowed down at a street.

"baby can you please blindfold yourself here,I want the place to be a surprise" Vanessa pleaded.

" anything for you" Damien picked up his handkerchief and used it to cover his eyes.

Vanessa smiled and proceeded st full speed to the restaurant.

" Damien you can remove the blindfold now" Vanessa ordered.

"this ought to be good" Damien muttered to himself.

Removing the blindfold earned him a great surprise.

Damien dropped his jaw staring at the name of the restaurant then to the restaurant building itself.

"what?!...." His eyes caught the sight of a brown haired lady walking into the building her hips swaying.

She greeted the security and teased some before entering the building.

' Vanessa probably knows that I intentionally hired Robin and got here the same time she knew Robin will get here,no wonder she insisted on this time and got me to blindfold one the way here's Damien quickly composed himself.

"ta-da!..I found this restaurant through some recommendation from a friend and decided we should try it together for the first time" Vanessa said sweetly and innocently that it's hard for anyone to view her as some crazy mastermind.

"well I heard from a colleague that this place is bad, their hospitality is zero and their food is just terrible" Damien lied without breaking a sweat.

'ha! am even bad mouthing my own restaurant' he laughed inwardly.

"no no, let's try it first please?" Vanessa held his hand.

"no,I just say let's not ruin this perfect date and go somewhere else somewhere better" Damien shook his head.

"well today is my day and I say we should stay here or are you hiding something or someone there?" Vanessa giggled trying to gauge his reaction.

Damien's back stiffened and cold sweat ran there. But his face still remained rigid and expressionless.

"fine we will go in there but if I see a sign of nonsense I will immediately take charge and we are out of there" Damien replied hoping and praying the staff there will not give out that he is the owner of the restaurant.

"yay!" Vanessa kissed him and asked the car at the parking lot.

She held his hand as they walked into the restaurant. Half running to the receptionist desk she got in front of Robin.

"good afternoon" Robin gave a wide smile that seem to reach her eyes not once did her eyes dart to Vanessa and Damien's intertwined fingers.

"I am Vanessa Peterson" Vanessa said" I already reserved a table"

Robin bent down to check her computer and looked up with a smile" yes, let me escort you to your table" Robin offered.

She walked up to the table at the very center of the dining room and pointed to it.

"have a lovely evening" she bowed a little and leave.

Damien glanced at Robin's back from the corner of his eyes.

'Robin will be cool about this right it's not like we are dating' Damien tried to convince himself' and when the hell did Vanessa reserved that I didn't know!'

"let's sit" Vanessa said.

"I feel uncomfortable in this table like we are literally the center of attraction" Damien said looking at the staff lurking around each of them ticking time bomb.

"I thought you love been the center of attraction" Vanessa joked and laughed" sorry sorry ,next time we would get the private room"

" how about next time we just fly out to paris for our date,it will be a little getaway" Damien suggested.

Vanessa nodded happily.

" babe I've been wanting to ask, isn't that brown haired Receptionist your enemy?" Vanessa asked.

" yes" Damien nodded.

" then why did you hire her?!"