

Damn! still need a synopsis after seeing the book cover?! Here you go… The story revolves around a man named Viz an Brokvar; A banished noble from the clan Brokvar of the Skillege Islands. Left with no other choice, he became a Witcher. But will he still remain a Witcher or will return back to Skillege…. will his actions have any effect on the Orignal timeline? ————— PS: first of all, the book covers not mine! PS: second, this novel will be a weekly update! Though wouldn’t mind adding a few more chapters if you guys hype me up! —————

ZED_LOGINTHAN · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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29 Chs

Kaer Morhen 4

"Attack me kid." Deglan spoke, as I was facing him on the empty ground just outside of the castle!

A little farther away from us, Reidrich was observing us, with notes in hands.

"Then I am going to punch with full force. "I warned Deglan, as I don't know how strong I was.

I braced my fist and threw it at Deglan's face… as fast as I could.


My fist was strong enough to make the sound as Deglan caught it! He didn't even take a step back. Heck, even his body's posture wasn't destroyed, though I could feel his hand trembling a little!

"Hahahaha….. nice punch kid," Deglan laughed, then threw a punch, which I dodged with a hair breath length from my face.

"That was my punch, kid!" Deglan smiled.

"Tell me before you threw it." I complained, this old man has no moral ethics!

Deglan threw a kick, "Here I come, kid."

I jumped back, dodged it and counter threw a horizontal kick!

We started a spar; actually it was a rough fight filled with blows and kicks, just like street fights with no techniques involved.

I was surprised that I could even fight Deglan equally!

You should know he is actually a senior Witcher even stronger than Vesemir!

"Old man, you don't seem to be strong." I mocked Deglan.

But the next second I knew how wrong I was!

"Hoo….!" Deglan Atmosphere changed!

It felt like I was facing a beast!


The next second, I was smashed to the ground. But, fuck man, though my back ached in pain, I din't even known how I was already on the ground!



I stood up as I cougher the air out!

"How did you do that?" I asked him.

Deglan Smiled, however I feel malice in that smile, "You are weak as toddler!"

"is that s…." I threw a surprise punch.


Fuck! I was on the ground, still I didn't give up.

"Deglan smiled with malice, "You are slow as snail!"

I threw a kick….


I was on the ground. I didn't give up.


on the ground.


on the ground.


on the ground.


on the ground.


on the ground.

I tried several times, but the result was same I was the only one who was on the ground! I couldn't even get a glimpse how this old man threw me to the ground.

This old man was fast! Fast enough that I couldn't even glimpse at his speed and I was completely wrong! This old man was powerful as hell! This old man was really a monster!

I had my ass kicked by him!

"Gave up already?" Deglan asked.

I nodded my head, as I wasn't a fool who couldn't see the power difference, and I grasped for breath, "How strong am I?"

"You are already strong as a Witcher! Fast as a Witcher! Though your reflexes seems little faster than a Witcher." Deglan explained.

Now I am confused, "How did I lose then?"

Deglan turned his back towards me and he gave me a wise sage like feel as he said, "Your guard is full of holes, you lack fighting experience and techniques, and a bit of strength."

I nodded my head, but when I saw Reidrich controlling himself from laughing.

I felt something amiss. Even if I lack experience, technique and bit strength, how could I still fail to see his movements?

At this time what I didn't know was that the old man Deglan cheated! he used a potion to increase his speed!

Not knowing why I lost, I decided to train techniques and learn swordmanship from Deglan!

On request, he trained me! It felt like a spartan training rather than a Witcher's one.

When it was time for spar, it was a blunder! I got crushed! The old man cheated, which I didn't know!

However, the old man didn't cheat when he taught me swordsmanship and fighting technique!

After 3 months of grilling, the old man said I learned everything about swordmanship and fighting technique he had to teach!

I felt dissatisfied. I felt I could still learn more from him!


(3rd P.O.V)

Today, Viz was back in the underground laboratory. He relaxed on the table, but this time he wasn't cuffed like the last time.

"Bone appetite, Mr Viz", Reidrich humored, as he passed the portion in a jug this time.

There were 9 jug filled with 3 different potions. One was the Porion of Grasses, made of virulent culture and mixture of Grasses. The other one was Elixir. As for the last one, it was dark liquid, and I knew it was a mixture of elder blood!

How did this mage Reidrich get his hands on Elder blood? All he need to do was find out a bastard child from Lara Dorren's lineage, also known as the children of destinies!

Ones again, Viz felt the heavenly, and felt the same burning sensation coursing through his body, which lasted few seconds.

Once more, he felt like powered up! However, unlike last time, there wasn't much physical change this time.

But, Tom's avatar become clear and just 3 more potion and it will be unlocked!

So, Viz said, "I can go on, Mr Reidrich, can I drink more?"

"Please do, Mr Viz.", Reidrich passed other 3 jugs.

Deglan's face twitched.

Once more Viz felt the burning sensation, but it wasn't the same this time, because it lasted for more than a minute, and a shocking phenomenon taken place, which made Reidrich drop his notes, and made both Deglan and Reidrich open their mouth!

Viz body grew in size, from 5 feet and 1 inch to 6 feet 2 and inch.

His muscle bulked, his figure turned like Geralt's at his peak stage!

Viz knew how Steve Rogers felt at this time!

If the previous Viz was a teenager with good muscles, then the present Viz was an adult with a steel hardened figure!

Viz also showed a dismayed expression, but it wasn't because of an increase in height, it was because of the information he suddenly gained when Tom's Avatar was completely unlocked!

Next chapter will be in 10 min. Enjoy reading!

You weren’t expecting Tom right! Muhahahah!

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