
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Tranh châm biếm
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65 Chs

Talk with Mu Bingyun!

The next day in the morning, Xiao Xianzhi woke up and looked at Xia Qingyue sleeping at his side. Remembering what happened last night, a smile appeared on his face as something rose under the blanket as he looked at the naked Xia Qingyue.

He caressed her cheeks with a gentle smile on his face and kissed her on her lips, he got up from the bed and wore clothes after cleaning himself.

'Hmm! I will make something nourishing for her, and then see the changes in my body.'

Xiao Xianzhi looked inside his Pearl and looked at the shelf that had hundreds of books. He took out the book from the cooking corner and opening it, he went to the nourishing page and took the ingredients from it.

'A soup would do for now.' Xiao Xianzhi said as he worked on the ingredients, and looking at Xia Qingyue, he thought of his virgin dragon seed, and remembered the fact that he would be Father in ten years, or a few years, depending on her choice.

'Though I could have just controlled it, at that time, the look on her face and her words her too hot, and in the flow, I knocked her. Hah! I should start thinking about the future instead of thinking of what happened.'

"Yue'er, wake up!" Xiao Xianzhi said as he looked at the almost ready soup and it was made from the ingredients from Yang Xin and Yun Yun's worlds.

Xia Qingyue, who had already woken up due to the smell got from the body and she appeared behind him. Hugging him from behind, she asked, "Husband, what are you making for me?"

"A nourishing soup did you forget about what happened yesterday?"

"Hmm?" Xia Qingyue said while rubbing her eyes and her expression changed as she remembered what happened in last night. Her face became red as she remembered how she kept on asking more and more, and she asked, "I am really going to be pregnant now?"

"Yeah, though you can choose the time from a few years to 10 years max. After all, I am a Dragon and they have a different time than humans." Xiao Xianzhi said with a smile on his face and Xia Qingyue also smiled as she sensed his happiness.

"What do you think I should choose?"

"Hehe, Me? To be honest, I want you to choose the period for ten years and in that time frame, I will make sure that I am strong enough so that our child will live in peace without any problems, or I will just create a world where he can live in peace." Xiao Xianzhi said as he thought of something and Xia Qingyue nodded at him.

"Okay, I will choose a gestation period of ten years."

As Xia Qingyue said, light appeared around her and she felt a life inside her. A seal appeared on her belly and Xiao Xianzhi looked at the seal with curious expression.

"I wonder what kind of seal is this." Xiao Xianzhi said as he touched the seal and he felt heat from it. His expression changed as he sensed life inside her, and then remembering Xia Qingyue's physique, he understood that it must have been related to it.

"Now we don't have to worry about the little guy for ten years. Though you won't be participating in any activity that can be threatening, do you understand?"

Xia Qingyue felt sweet as she heard his caring and strict tone, and she nodded like an obedient wife and said, "Yeah, I understand."

"Hmm, now drink this soup. Then we will absorb the essence in our bodies that we sealed last night."

"UmU!" Xia Qingyue nodded as she took the soup and drank it. When she was done, both of them sat on the bed and started to absorb the essence in the body while holding each other's hands.

Meanwhile, outside the bedroom, in the garden, Xiao Ling sat as she thought of the events last night.

"Now that they both have done, it won't be a problem if I entered the room, right?"

"No, It's their first time and they will take time. Why are you in a hurry, Don't you want your first time to be special too?" Mu Bingyun looked at Xiao Ling and asked. She thought that girls at her age should be thinking of their 'special' first time, not knowing that except for sex, they had already done everything.

"Heh!" Xiao Ling said and then moments later, she looked at Mu Bingyun and asked, "What about you? Miss Bingyun? When will you say everything and join the little group?"

"Huh?" Mu Bingyun asked as she heard her words.

"Hehe! Don't try to hide it, I can see that you also have feelings for Xian'er, and sooner or later, you will be asking him, or he will be asking you. After all, you are one of the women in his heart and he has some affection for you."

Hearing this, Mu Bingyun raised her brows, while she suppressed the joy she felt and a slight smile appeared on her face.

"Really? Well, Even if there is some affection between us, I will leave it for the future, and let everything happen naturally."

"Ohho! Is that so? Then what if more and more women started to appear around him? The only way you can stop it would be by stopping him from meeting anyone, but that won't happen. So, after knowing that more and more women will appear around him, will you still let it happen naturally?"

Mu Bingyun looked at Xiao Ling and she flicked her head.


"Girl, you don't need to ask questions like this. I can already sense your displeasure as you talk about more women appearing around him. Though I understand your feelings in this matter, I will tell you, feelings like these can cause cracks in the relationship."

"As for matters about women appearing around him, Have you seen him pursuing anyone, if he wants, he could bed any woman and the only reason why he stops and doesn't interact with others is because of you all, the women in his heart."

"If he interacts with women, they will fall for him and he will have to break their hearts and the relationship between them will change."

"If he interacts with men, they will fall for you all and it will damage the relationship between them."

"Only a few people in the world can be worthy or I should say, qualified to be his friends and he hasn't found a single one. Though it is good that he has someone like Yuanba with him."

"That's why even if I know that he has multiple women in his heart, I won't force anything and let it happen naturally."

Mu Bingyun said in a serious voice with a gentle expression on her face, Hearing all this, Xiao Ling and she started to ponder on Mu Bingyun's words.

Seeing this, Mu Bingyun nodded with a smile, and then she looked in a direction and said, "Looks like both of them have woken up. Let's go and meet them."

They both disappeared from the place and saw Xia Yuanba and Huan Caiyi opening their eyes at the same time.

Xia Yuanba's cultivation had broken through as Mu Bingyun had removed the seal placed on him, and his cultivation directly went from Peak Sovereign Profound to 1st Level of Divine Soul Realm. This is because of another partial awakening of his Divine Veins and he can awaken once more, and that would happen as his Heart of Emperor would become more stable and refined.

While inside his soul, a Golden pagoda appeared but it was different from others who cultivated the same Art.

Xia Yuanba's Pagoda had 7 floors with a single door and each floor represented each Realm.

There is no initial, or final stage but a single stage in which his body parts would be refined to peak.

As for Huan Caiyi, she had also broken through the Divine Origin Realm and reached the 2nd Level of the Divine Origin Realm after absorbing the Ice Phoenix and Dragon's blood.

Her lifespan had also increased and now the Golden Crow's flame didn't damage her body, because of the Dragon God's Blood, and Ice Phoenix's blood inside her.

"How are you two feeling?" Mu Bingyun asked as she appeared beside them, and hearing this, they both smiled and Huan Caiyi said, "Senior, Thank you for helping me. If it wasn't because of you, then I wouldn't be able to absorb the Bloods that easily."

Mu Bingyun nodded, accepting her gratitude and said, "You are welcome."

She then looked at Xia Yuanba, who was checking his body and then opening his eyes he said, "The Art that Brother gave to me is simply amazing. How did he even get something like that?"

"You don't know?"


"It seems he didn't add his name to it. This artwork was created by Zhi'er with the help of Rage God. It's an art that can help cultivators reach the True God Realm while cultivating their Divine Body." Mu Bingyun said with a smile on her face and hearing this, Xia Yuanba's expression changed, and he said, "Haha! As expected of brother, only he can do something like this and not add his name to it."

"Hmm, you are right." Xiao Ling, who was listening by her side said and then asked, "Yuanba, how strong are you now?"

"I don't know. I have never fought against anyone in Divine Realms, but I know that I can't defeat Senior while I can feel that I can defeat you."

Xiao Ling nodded at his words and then looked at Mu Bingyun. Seeing this, Mu Bingyun nodded and said, "Yuanba, get ready. I will put pressure on you and start increasing. Tell me how much you can handle."

Saying this, she looked at Xia Yuanba, who nodded, and she put pressure on him. She started with Divine Soul Realm and slowly, she increased the pressure on him.

Only when the pressure reached the 6th Level of Divine Soul Realm, Xia Yuanba's expression changed and when it reached the 10th Level, it became unbearable for him, but he didn't say anything and handled the pressure while gritting his teeth.

Seeing this, Mu Bingyun didn't take her pressure back and she increased to the 1st Level of Divine Tribulation Realm, and as she did, Xia Yuanba coughed blood but even then, he didn't say anything and kept on looking at her.

A smile appeared on Mu Bingyun's face as she saw this and she increased the pressure to the 2nd Level, and then When it reached to 4th Level, Xia Yuanba finally couldn't hold it any longer and he lost consciousness and fell.

Seeing this, Mu Bingyun stopped releasing her pressure and Huan Caiyi caught him. Before she could say anything, she heard Mu Bingyun's voice.

"Haha! Even in the Divine Realm, he can surpass a Great Realm and fight them. Not only that, but he also even took the opportunity to temper himself and stimulate his veins."

"Good work, Yuanba. Ling, heal him with your runes and put him on bed. He won't be waking up for a few hours." Mu Bingyun said while looking at the unconscious Xia Yuanba, who was held by Huan Caiyi.

She could see that Huan Caiyi wanted to say something, but she decided not to. As for Xiao Ling, she looked at Xia Yuanba, while she felt the urgency to cultivate or this little brother of hers would become arrogant in future because of his cultivation and she would lose her status as a big sister.

After putting the Healing Runes on his body, Xiao Ling asked Huan Caiyi to take him to the room, and she returned to the garden. As she returned, she saw Mu Bingyun sitting on her chair and looking in Xiao Xianzhi's room, and as she looked, she saw the room opening and a smile appeared on her face.


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