
I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence

Nothingness is the bane of Existence, and vice versa. Still, with enough amount of it, power reigns supreme over them all. Despite that, it seems that the governing force of Fate will always be the highest law among all laws. While that is the case, it also holds true that something unknown dictates it. Such is the universe, no one truly knows the truest peak. The Expanse; home of countless universes, realms, dimensions, and more. Such vast realm, governed by a God, once faced peril, rose again, and returned to its infancy. Will the God of Expanse be able to solve the problems that his dominion would face? Will the God be able to lead the entire dominion to the Fate that it is destined to walk on? Will He be able to learn the truth behind the fated Fate? (Due to it having little interactions and mentions to the characters of I.. Am God?, readers can start reading this despite not having read the first novel.)

WashingDishes_07 · Kỳ huyễn
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65 Chs

What The Old Man Saw

It seems to the representatives that the lands of Japheth had been too scared to go back, calling them "sinners of Heaven" and "belligerent children of God". Not having any patience with being called as such, the representatives could only shout at the men from beyond the waters, calling them "cowards" and "useless bunch".

Because of that exchange, a rift had already drifted the descendants of the three disciples apart. It is fate. Japheth's descendants had shunned Shem and Ham's. The West had shunned the East. The latter had no expectations with the nature-loving idiots while the former detests the barbarian men of the latter.

Back in Jerusalem, although it was still the Capital of Religion, Asshur's two decades of absence has made the people's focus lean more towards Shinar. Cainan, the nephew, together with his newborn son Eber, were the only direct descendants that were left to lead the city.

All this time, ever since Asshur entered the tower, he had been very weird in the eyes of many. Although he still had his character as a promising leader, he was becoming too secretive in the eyes of many. No one likes a secretive leader. Since life was still going well for the people, no one was really complaining that much. Until one fateful day…

"I-It's true! I saw it!" A disheveled man that obviously had seen too much and hadn't slept for an entire day stood in front of Cainan, shouting and screaming in a panic.

'What you're saying is something too impossible for me to believe, old man." Cainan shook his head, "Demons in the Tower? Simply preposterous. That tower is meant for God. Why would there be a demon in there?"

"That's what I've been saying! Why would a demon be there?!" The old man gripped his hair in a crazed manner, "But what I saw is what I saw! Demons!" He exclaimed like it was the end of the world. It was rightly so, though. If it was true, and that the demons have infiltrated the tower, that could only mean that God has no authority within the tower, which would mean that the tower isn't for God. This discovery, once it was known by the people, would surely undermine the trust that they had in Jerusalem, just like what had happened to the Shinar that lost its title as the Great City.

Cainan sat at the table, contemplating what must be done. A while later, he raised his head up and decided. "Old man, I want you to first reside here. My people will take care of you." He stood up, walked towards the old man and patted his shoulder, "As for me, I would have to take this matter into my own hands."

He then went to his quarters, where all of his tools were placed. Before the war against Nineveh, he had already began delving into the matters of the great metaphysical, understanding the language of the stars. Different from the rest that only focuses on what power the divine gives, he was a curious man who wants to know how it works. With that curiosity, coupled with the knowledge stored by humanity while they were in contact with the angels, he had gathered great knowledge about the universe.

He knows that the universe is all made from one that is infinite. Numerous but one and the same. No one but God can wield its powers. Although Cainan wasn't inspiring to become God, he was interested in harnessing the powers of that force. Therefore, he researched, and researched. He called it "The Aether".

He still hasn't reached the caliber of wielding it, but he now had the ability to read it. Because Aether is all and one and the same, everything knows what was happening everywhere. According through his theory, one can read existence even through a grain of sand, but for now, the easiest way for him to read existence is to utilize the energy of the stars, for they are the most powerful and closest to a divine existence. Its powers shine magnificently, casting its greatness throughout the land, seeing it all and seeing it clear. By reading its energy and harmonizing it with the energy of the mind, one would be able to see all.

In the balcony, Cainan looked at the stars in the night sky. Calming his senses, he harmonized with the powers of the stars closest to Shinar. There, he saw it clearly. The tower, already 83 floors tall, each floor being thirty meters high, stood rather arrogantly in the sky. Currently, the 84th floor was already being built. What terrified Cainan was the fact that… the old man was right.

There, numerous ghastly beings darted around. As they place the bricks and stones of the tower, they opened their mouths and breathed into it. When the bricks were touched by the ghastly being's breath, it gradually turned dark before returning to its previous shade. Still, the vibe that the brick was exuding feels mysterious.

A few minutes later, he then saw his uncle walking around. He knows that he was seeing these creatures yet it was as if he wasn't bothered by their presence. Looking closer, he then saw him talking to one of the beings. By sharpening his senses more, he was able to hear what they were saying.

"…Hurry this up. Once I fully awaken the dormant power within me, I Asshur, the god of the lands of Shinar, shall become the god of the entire world!" He spoke with a dominant and boastful voice.

"As you wish, Lord Asshur. The Anunnaki are all under your command." The ghastly being bowed and said to him respectfully.

Seeing them, Cainan's blood ran cold. Although the being proclaimed themselves as something else, Cainan knows full well that these "Anunnaki" are demons more powerful than any other demons they have faced. They are so powerful, in fact, that even the great emperor of the demonic empire might not even be able to hold a candle to them.

'What trouble have you gotten yourself into, Uncle?' Cainan shook his head before retracting his senses. He then looked at the corridor where the old man was staying. "Sorry." He muttered before walking somberly into the halls.