
I Am Energy In Dc

You have read Fanfics on how one lucky or unlucky guy would get picked by some random omnipotent being to relive his life in another world. Well what if you were that R.O.B only less omnipotent [For now] and more immortal. What happens when a man is reborn as Energy in the world of DC Capable of using said energy to do anything imaginable.

PcaNovels · Tranh châm biếm
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154 Chs

Chapter 97 His Soul Makes Me Sick

The swampy forest in the Louisiana Bayou which had just hosted a breathtaking battle was abnormally silent at the moment.

Everyone couldn't help but take a step or two back as the circular rune symbol appeared on the swamp water, glowing a dark yellow and exuding an aura that felt like it came straight from hell.

In fact..... it did.

The rune symbol glowed, forming a portal, and through that portal, a figure emerged out of it.

A baleful aura assaulted all of them as the cold, yet conflictingly hot rush of air caused goosebumps on their skin.

"What is he...".

Wally looked at the scene, feeling seriously frightened.

"This feeling.... Why do I feel like this?"

The Boy Wonder felt equally uneasy.

"This.... This Is unholy". The voice of Aqualad quickly drew their attention. They turned towards their leader only to find him sporting an extremely unsightly expression.

"I know what this is. This is Dark Magic".

Kaldur took in a deep breath.

"Dark... Dark what?" As a new believer in the mysteries of Magic who previously thought everything in the world could be explained by science, the word Dark Magic shook the young speedster the most.

"There is no information on Amari having magical abilities". Kaldur replied, his gaze fixed on the figure that just appeared from the portal.

Chalk white skin, Green Hair, blood-red lips, he wore a blue suit with orange and green inner clothing.

His green eyes shone with the gleam of a certified psychopath.

This..... Was....

"Joker... Meet, Joker".

Those words were enough for Kaldur to confirm his thoughts.

Robin's eyes grew wide.

"Is.... Is that another Joker?" He couldn't understand. Why was Amari bringing another Joker? Also, where the hell did this Joker come from? Clone?

To this, Aqualad didn't respond, but continued.

"I don't know how he did it... But I can be sure from the energy waves I feel, that what he just opened was a portal.... To hell".

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. Even the new Supergirl had knowledge of what hell was.

"You've got to be kidding, right? Hell can't exist..... It just... It just can't". Never before had the ginger haired speedster wanted to believe the reincarnation theory more than he did now.

The thought of hell literally existing put his hairs on end.


Seeing the situation wasn't right, Black Adam couldn't care less about what was happening and rushed towards his opponent with extreme speed.

As the former Wizard Shazam's champion, and the possessor of the powers of six Egyptian Gods, Black Adam was quite confident in his own abilities.

More importantly.... He didn't watch much TV, or he would have known what he was about to do was an enormous mistake.

With movements surpassing what Kidflash could achieve, he appeared before Amari and threw a lightning infused punch.


The sound of flesh colliding could be hard as Amari effortlessly blocked the attack.

Seeing this, Black Adam immediately threw a punch with his left.



Yellow lightning struck down from the sky, accurately landing on the charging ruler of Khandaq.

The next moment, he fell heavily into the swampy water.

Gone was the plain yet intimidating Champion of the Gods.

What remained was a plain-looking middle-aged man dressed in ancient clothing.

"... You... Shazam!" Seeing his situation, Teth-Adam hurriedly called out and raised his head towards the sky.


The awaited divine lightning never came and the former Khandaq slave had his face change drastically.

Seeing that lightning struck down no more, an expression of despair clouded his features.

"What have you done? You... You are not the wizard. How could you....".

He staggered backwards with his dark robes getting stained by the muddy swamp water.

"Isn't it obvious?" Looking at Teth-Adam, Amari raised an eyebrow and uttered with a frown appearing on his features.

Unlike the others, Amari's vision was different at the moment. What he could see before him wasn't the image of a man, but a mass of yellow aura put inside Teth-Adam's mortal body, serving as a container.

In simpler words..... His soul. It's just that... What he saw made his eyebrows tighten.

The soul of this man was dark... Like, muddy color dark. The swirling soul mass took on a darker shade of brown and gave off a sincerely repulsive feeling.

This color was particularly distinct among a specific set of people. Those who had done horrible things in their life. A soul stained with the souls of others, gone corrupt due to reaping countless lives with clear intent and no remorse.

The soul of a fallen, twisted murderer.

At that point, Amari's expression was cold.

"You're right. I'm not the Wizard you fear. I.... Am something much worse".

His eyes glowed as he said so.

Before Teth-Adam could fathom what was going on, he felt considerable discomfort in his internal organs.

Then.... Bang!

The mighty ruler of Khandaq exploded into bits and pieces. The only noticeable parts of him left were a finger, half the skin of his face and an eyeball.

Everything else was nothing but blood and meat paste.

"Now then....". And so, he turned his attention back to his original purpose.

"My hands…. My ..... My head…". The new Joker seemed to be in a daze. His eyes were fixed on his hands and the rest of his body as he explored it intently.

The twitching grin on his face never ceased as he stiffly turned his head around to examine his surroundings.

It was kinda creepy.

His eyes shone brightly when it fell on the Boy Wonder.

"You ..... You're here…. Which means I'm…. I'm not dead anymore".

With that, his stiff movements seemed to loosen up as he made several small movements.

"I'm alive. The air... It smells so fresh". The smell of the swamp was nothing fragrant, but the Joker felt like he was sniffing fresh perfume.

"It's so clean.... Misty..... No smell of rotting bones and ash..... Sulfur….".

His movements stopped..... Then he fixed his gaze on his resurector.

"You.... You did this".

"Hello Jackie. Miss me?" Amari looked at him with a smile. To which, the Madman took several steps back instinctively.

"Hey! What's wrong? didn't you like your vacation?"

"You...". The Joker resurrected seemed to have seen his worst enemy. His expression changed drastically, and he barred his teeth and retreated numerous steps.

"..... Get away from me".

And with that, he took out two hidden knives he always kept in his sleeves and stood at the ready, as if he was about to face a formidable enemy.

"You.... Sent me to that... Horrible place". Gone was his constant grin. What remained was an extremely unsightly expression that seemed to want to eat the person before him alive.

"Do you know how much I've suffered?"

"What? You mean hell?" Amari raised an eyebrow with obvious surprise. This was so ironic.

"Where did you think you were going to go after death? You're a monster in human skin. No one is more befitting for a VIP seat in the underworld. Honestly, you should thank me. Bringing you back from the dead isn't something the average Joe can accomplish. Luckily for you, Lucifer is no longer there, or I might have to pay a tax….".

Amari uttered irrelevant information. Honestly, he was really surprised.

The insufferable smile was gone, so was the casual, crazy banter. Plus the solemn expression and the unspeakable hatred in his eyes....

Looks like hell did a more significant number on this madman's soul than he realized.

"You killed me..... And you expect me to thank you. What kind of logic is that?" The Clown's face was filled with righteous indignation.

The outsiders watched what was going on with question marks hovering over their heads.

The Team, Poison Ivy, Ultra Humanite..... Count Vertigo..... They couldn't understand what was going on. Well.... They could, but it was for that reason that it made much less sense.

Amari resurrected the Joker? Then who the hell was this guy?

The Joker himself was confused.

"Oi!" Joker (clone) took out his knives as well and pointed at Amari with narrowed eyebrows.

"Someone explain what the hell is going on".

The eyes of the two clowns collided and as if smelling gunpowder, they uttered simultaneously.

"And who the hell is this freak?"

Seeing the scene, A small smirk appeared on Amari's face. Then he pointed towards the clone and said to the original.

"He... Is your replacement. Created by Lex Luthor to do your Job of killing Batman".

Both clowns had their eyes widen... Then narrow with unbridled psychotic rage appearing in their green irises.

One was angry because someone dared to create another version of himself to replace him.

And the other was angry because someone referred to him as a replacement.

But ultimately, both were outraged because of the last line.

Someone else was going to kill Batman.

At that moment, the terrifying obsession with The Dark Knight exploded in full force to form extreme anger and hostility.

Directed precisely at each other. When it came to Batman, nothing else mattered.

Joker, in his mind was unique.

There could only be one prince of crime. One man to star as Batman's mortal enemy, one ultimate comedian.... No one could steal his show, no one could bask in his limelight. This was clearly indicated by how no one in Gotham dared to use laughing gas in a crime.

The last person who tried it had his whole gang destroyed in The Joker's fit of rage.

There could only be One Joker... But now, there were two.

The two narrowed their eyes at each other and imaginary Sparks flew in the air.

"Well... Enough talk. I didn't bring you back from hell for the fun of it now, did I?" And so, Amari's voice cut through the tense atmosphere.

He looked at the original and smiled.

"It's just a vacation break. If I decide to, you can go back on vacation".

The image of the terrifying hellscape appeared in the Clown's mind.

During his time in hell, Jack Oswald White experienced the worst of tortures. Even when Amari blew up his arm, there was no comparison.

Everything he had never felt since the day he became Joker, he felt it all. Pain, fear, sadness, despair... Not to mention... The agony. His soul was burned constantly in hellfire for years. As one day in the Hellscape was equivalent to a minute in the DC world, more than a month had passed since his death.

Meaning, he had been tortured in hell for more than a century.

Truly, hell lived up to its legend.

The Mad clown had grown considerably less mad after years of solitude and torture.

Or to put it in another way, most of his madness had been burned away, leaving traces of reasoning.

The thought of having to go back to that damned place made him unconsciously shiver.

"So if you want to take a break from vacation a little longer, your Job is simple". And so, Amari looked at the Joker indifferently, transferring the knowledge of what he wanted him to do through a mind link.

And in the span of five seconds, the latter's face changed inexplicably.

From puzzlement, to doubt, to a look of narrowed eyebrows.

Then, he turned towards the clone and revealed a sinister smirk.

"Well... Looks like we'll start the carving with you, wannabe".

He twirled the knives in his hands and rushed forward.

The clone clown growled, seeing the other assaulting him and raised his weapons to defend himself.

Seeing this scene, the audience was even more confused. What the hell was going on?

Why were the two Joker's battling each other?

"Um.... Aqualad?" Seeing things unfolding in a very strange way, Wally couldn't help but call out to their leader.

"What do we do now?"

"I...". Aqualad was equally confused. Their mission was to stop the Injustice League at their headquarters while the Justice League battled the plant creatures.

Now..... The central plant that controlled the others was successfully destroyed, and the Injustice League were stopped.

But none of it was their doing. Poison ivy and count Vertigo were restrained, Black Adam was .... dead, same thing with Atomic skull. The Joker was fighting... Strangely enough, himself, Ultra Humanite was standing on place, unmoving or rather, not dating to move, as for Wotan.....


Aqualad's eyes widened in realization.

"Where's Wotan?"

It happened then... Numerous chains appeared from beneath there feet, wrapping each of the Proteges and binding their limbs.

"It's a trap!"

"Huh?" Amari was surprised at what was happening. But at that moment, a flash of orange light appeared behind him, materializing to form the figure of the sinister sorcerer.


In a split second, his figure was fully formed and he roared the final incantation of the magic spell he had been condensing for so long.

A magic circle appeared in front of them and behind them, at the same time releasing restricting energy.

At the same time, Wotan raised his palms and slapped it against Amari's back, pouring all his energy into this attack.


A shockwave emerged from the collision and spread a few meters in a nanosecond.

The next second, however, the shockwave was drawn back to the point of collision before being absorbed into Amari's body.

In the swamp, there was nothing but utter silence.

Seeing that his most powerful spell had no effect, Wotan was dumbfounded.

Amari turned around with narrowed eyebrows, his eyes gleaming with frighteningly cold murderous intent.

"Did you just try to swallow my soul?"

Seeing that things had gone wrong, the wizard immediately retreated, activating his transportation spell he had prepared in case this failed.


However, his throat was grasped before he could utter another word.

"Well well, I never thought anyone would be able to do anything to make me this upset".

Feeling the strong grip on his neck, the dark sorcerer choked. Fear griped his very beating heart and his right hand trying to free himself from Amari's grasp released and formed a magic circle.


Amari's eyes glowed.

The spell circle that had just formed cracked and shattered into pieces, but it didn't stop there.

Wotan's outstretched arm suddenly received unimaginable force.

The sound of cracking bones and tearing flesh resounded to the utter horror of everyone listening.


Wotan screamed in agony as his right hand was squeezed to meat paste.

Everything from his fingers to his shoulder blade was utterly destroyed.

"Any last words?"

"Amari stop!"

Wotan was defeated, he didn't have the energy to concentrate on holding the Proteges captive.

Seeing the way things were turning out, Aqualad called out instinctively.

Amari snapped his head to the young atlantean with hostile eyes.

"What did you just say?"

Aqualad froze. He instantly regretted opening his big mouth. But currently, all eyes were on him.

"This.... You don't have to do this". In the end, the young Atlantean could only bite the bullet and reply.

"Hehehe". Amari chuckled. His expression becoming increasingly cold.

"You don't qualify to tell me what I can or can't do".

"Then what about me".

The loud, sonorous voice startled all of them.

It sounded like someone speaking through a voice magnifier.

Raising their heads, a flying man with a golden yellow cape, gold helmet and a costume consisting of Gold and blue colors came into view.

His cape fluttered with the wind and his stature looked imposing.

More importantly, he was not alone.

Flying after him were Superman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, Hawkgirl and Green Lantern Jordan who carried Batman, Flash, Green Arrow, Aquaman.

Nine Leaguers..... Each with... unique abilities and some more useful than others. A formidable force nonetheless.

Who would think this was only a little less than half their original number.

Wonderwoman, Captain Atom, Stewart, Cyborg, the original Flash, Shazam who no longer had powers, Red Tornado, Black Canary who was disabled, Red arrow who wasn't brought along and Giovanni Zatara who at this point was the doctor Fate before him.

All of them landed in the muddy swamp.

"It's over". Said Superman.

Amari felt weird. The way Superman uttered those words in this situation made him look like a Supervillain who was finally caught.

Of course, he knew Clark wasn't referring to him when he uttered those words.

Seeing them surrounding him, Amari couldn't help but laugh.

"Do you really want to stop me?"

"Let him go, Amari". Batman took four steps forward and stretched out his hand.


"Oh!" Amari was surprised.

Did Batman actually just ask nicely.

"Not enough". Still, he shook his head.

"You don't have to kill him. You've caught him...". Clark uttered while his gaze fell on the horrifying arm.

"... And punished him. We can take him off your hands and promise this never happens again".

Clark uttered cautiously. He remembered the conversation he had with Amari some time ago.

"Let your villains keep their scheming to themselves".

"Really?" Amari tilted his head slightly.


There was silence.

The faces of everyone present weren't looking so good.

Except Batman, who didn't change his expression and doctor Fate whose face was covered with a helmet.

"You expect me to let someone who tried to devour my soul go?"

Amari looked incredulous.

Although he never cared, he found it very surprising. After all the damage these guys caused, they would just let them go?

"You didn't come for him". Batman said.

"Am I right?"

"You came for Joker.....". Bruce turned his head and his expressionless face fell on the two Jokers who had stopped moving, and were watching the scene intently.

The sight of Two clowns almost made his facade collapse.

Still, he managed to pull it in.

"Wotan wasn't in the picture until you attacked them".

"So literally, it's self-defense". Bruce never thought this day would come. He was actively speaking for a villain to prevent them from having to die.

If he knew this would happen, he and the Justice League would have delayed their arrival by a few minutes.

Batman didn't advocate killing, but he wasn't a saint.

He was simply wary of Amari and resisted him because of his power. If someone like him decided to go on a killing spree, no one could stop him, but something like that hadn't happened in months.

For him, killing the likes of Wotan wasn't unacceptable as long as he didn't start killing people left and right.

More importantly, as long as he wasn't there when it happened.

Of course, the situation was different now.

If Amari had killed Wotan before they got here, then everything could be swept under the rug.

The Justice League would most likely pretend as if this never happened. It was the same as when he killed the Joker.

But in this situation, they had to say something. Especially since they were in front of their Proteges.

If they just let Amari kill him in their presence, then it would set a bad example.

"My My, is this Batman?" Amari chuckled.

Bruce ignored his antics.

"We can lock him up in Belle Reve. Even he won't be able to escape".

In this point, Bruce was confident. Belle Reve was designed to hold even the likes of Superman.

With some magical enchantments, Wotan would be really imprisoned.

Bruce took a deep look at Amari and said seriously.

"You said you would rather not have any conflict with us, then do us this favor".

Amari was silent. Honestly, this was as sincere a request as he could get from the Justice League.

Seeing that the rest of them didn't utter a word and practically acquiesced, Amari didn't know if he should feel moved.

There was a bout of silence. Amari even considered releasing Wotan to their custody.

"True". After a while of thinking, he uttered.

"I didn't come here for him".

Then he turned his head to the dark sorcerer.

Seeing the way things were progressing, Wotan felt relieved. Looks like he wouldn't be dying today.

Inwardly, he felt a bit of gratitude to the Justice League.

Such righteous fellows are the favorites of Supervillains everywhere.

However, when he met eyes with Amari, a chill ran down his spine.

Those cold eyes didn't look like they had any intent of showing him mercy.

Amari wasn't looking at his features, hut something else.

"Unfortunately for him..... The sight of his soul makes me sick".

Seeing the pitch black soul color that was even worse than Black Adam's, Amari didn't hesitate a second longer.

Black flames engulfed his body and this medieval sorcerer that had lived for a thousand plus years was erased from existence, in both body and soul.


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