
I Am Energy In Dc

You have read Fanfics on how one lucky or unlucky guy would get picked by some random omnipotent being to relive his life in another world. Well what if you were that R.O.B only less omnipotent [For now] and more immortal. What happens when a man is reborn as Energy in the world of DC Capable of using said energy to do anything imaginable.

PcaNovels · Tranh châm biếm
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154 Chs

Chapter 112 Chronokinesis

A dazzling dark red orb appeared within the war council room, pulsating with dangerously high levels of energy readings.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. The God of Tyranny himself was no exception. His body quickly turned into a blur as he disappeared from his high throne.

Among the New Gods of Apokolips, Darkseid was the strongest, with no argument. In his true form, His speed, strength and comprehensive capabilities were far beyond anything any other God in Apokolips could match up to.

Hence, his speedy exit enabled him to escape his palace before it blew up to bits.

Others however..... Weren't so lucky.

The sphere of destructive energy shot out fast.

Beings like Kalibak and Stepphenwolf were fast and smart enough to flee as fast as they could.

All Granny Goodness and the others could see was a flash of pure red light before their bodies disintegrated to ash.


Granny wailed for nothing more than a moment before her voice was silenced by the deafening explosion.


It looked like someone had dropped a bomb on the capital.

Darkseid's Palace went up in a cloud of red, alarming the citizens of Apokolips. They looked towards the source of the disturbance, their face turning pale with fright.

Meanwhile... Amari turned his gaze away from the closing portal he had created. His eyes admiring the explosion in the distance.

"How Lovely". He muttered in a voice loud enough for Aurelie, who looked absolutely shocked, to here.

"You….". Aurelie snapped her head towards him with her mouth slightly agape.

This ... Did he just destroy Darkseid's palace?

"What? Shocked?" Amari asked with a smile.

"…." Aurélie was silent for a moment.

She turned her eyes to their surroundings that were littered with the corpses of countless dismembered Parademons and countless thoughts flashed past her mind before she opened her mouth once again and asked.

"Just how strong are you?"

"Strong enough". He said and turned to Kara who was recovering while taking deep breaths.

"You good?"


The screeches of Parademons that once filled the skies while hovering above them were gone. Kara held her ears and took deep breaths and remembered Clark's instructions on how to control her abilities.

Slowly, her senses shut off and the pain receded.

Kara let out a breath of relief. Her racing heartbeat returning to normal.

"..... I'm fine".

"Good". He turned his gaze to the distance, where he saw more incoming Parademons. The surrounding space swirled as his body was sucked into the void.

"I'll be off being a proper house guest. While I'm handling Darkseid, try not to die until I return".

He wasn't going to handle all of em.

Since Kara wanted to come along, then she'll have to share some of the burden

That was the last thing he said as he disappeared from their sight.

"That bastard". Kara uttered through gritted teeth, looking at the spot where Amari disappeared with obvious anger.

Then, she turned her attention to Aurelie who was looking at her with narrowed eyebrows.

"What are you….". Kara backed up several steps immediately.

Her eyes glowed red as she looked at the Female Fury warily.

Aurelie was silent. The words Amari said before disappearing continuously.

'... Deal with Darkseid....'.

Could he? Could he really?

"..... You better not try anything now that he's.....".


The sharp cries from the distance quickly cut her short.

Seeing the dark skies covered with am array of black bodies, both their expressions changed.

Aurelie's looking particularly unsightly.

"Well... Guess I have no other option".

She said while taking out her miniaturized spear which returned to original size when she did.

They were about to get busy.


Dark skies, never-ending fire, scorched black earth...

It all looked so horrid that even an explosion in Darkseid's palace wouldn't look out of place.

"Ugh!" The God of Tyranny grunted as he pushed off the debris that had swept towards him from the explosion.

It wasn't from pain though but obvious annoyance.

Clad in his Apokoliptian armor, his tall, burly frame examined the ruins that was once his palace.

His eyes couldn't help but narrow solemnly when he recalled the power within that tyrannical energy ball that sought to destroy everything it came across.

The moment Granny Goodness came into contact, her New God Physiology was as fragile as wet paper dropped in an ocean.

Quickly crumbling to ashes.

This power interested him. An energy of formidable force. Possibly strong enough to rival his Omega Effect.

Darkseid saw it. Granny Goodness, Virman Vundabur... even Desaad. They were all dead before they could get away.

He found it a pity. They were all such useful pawns.

This could be seen due to the fact that he had killed Desaad multiple times but resurrected him regardless.

Stepphenwolf and Kalibak were the same.

"Truly interesting anomaly you are".

Darkseid uttered. Seemingly talking to no one but thin air.

But was he really.

The space in the air behind him distorted, and a figure appeared, hovering above it all and spoke in a casual tone.

"..... I'll take that as a compliment".


The earth shook slightly as he landed on the ground.

Then, Amari turned his head to the large, gaping hole in the space where the iconic building once stood.

"Looks like two of your subordinates are still alive".

"Their existence is not crucial". He uttered words with no emotion. Indifferent, heartless, ruthless.

The God of Tyranny turned around to face Amari, who was floating above

And then, Amari saw Darkseid.

"Well.... If I had known better, I should have stayed in the air".

He wasn't kidding. He really should have stayed in the air a moment ago.

Because at this moment, he was looking up to the giant figure that was the ruler of Apokolips.

This creature was a giant.

Darkseid examined Amari with open scrutiny.

"So you are the soul that passed through the source wall".

His words caused Amari to frown. Recalling his conversation with Death... Recently, he had almost forgotten about it.

"I see..... So that's what this is about".

Amari said with a cold expression.

"What else could it be?" He replied plainly. There was no expression on his face to indicate sarcasm or mockery. Still, Amari felt it.

His face hardened, and he said to the tall behemoth.

"Didn't Yuga Khan ever teach you to mind your own business as a child, or you would get into serious trouble as a consequence?"

That successfully evoked a reaction from the expressionless being before him.

Darkseid's face crumpled at the mention of the person he feared the most. His father, Yuga Khan.

The displeasure was obvious as his tone grew to contain a growl.

"With your abilities, it was expected that my honor guards would be unable to successfully capture you.... But do not think that you can make light of me the same way you have done them. Your most foolish act..... Was stepping foot on Apokolips's soil".

"..... Oh! You mean the Furies? Yeah, I met them. Beat em to death's door by the way. But I wanna ask what the hell did you plan to achieve by capturing me?" Amari asked curiously.

"Everything you know". The Evil God spoke freely, seeing no need to withhold anything.

"The secret to what lays beyond the wall. Your new dimension within the Godsphere and a capable minion to aid my efforts".

Amari figured.

Darkseid had cosmic awareness.

Any changes within the multiverse weren't hidden from him in any way. The establishment of a new dimension somewhere within the Godsphere was something he discovered the day it happened.

All truly powerful beings would feel it. After all, the Godsphere housed unimaginable magic power. Any changes within would be felt by many.

"Thank you for satisfying my curiosity".

Amari smiled brightly.

"Now that that's out of the way...". He raised both hands together for dramatic effect and clapped.


The entire planet suddenly shook to its core.

The earth rumbled continuously, as if experiencing an earthquake.

"Damn! What's happening?"

The citizens of the planet stumbled as the ground shook.

At first, they thought this was it. But the rapid splitting open of the ground immediately caused worldwide panic.

Bursts of flames emerged in areas where the earth had cracked, shooting fiery energy into the atmosphere.

The earth moved and buildings began to collapse.

"What is this?" Feeling the trembling under his feet, Darkseid looked at Amari.

"What have you done?" His voice was deep and menacing. Almost to the point of being distorted.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm destroying your planet". Amari replied indifferently.

"From this day forth, Apokolips doesn't need to exist anymore. And as far as I'm concerned...". His eyes glowed a dazzling blue.

"..... Neither do you".

"Humph!" A cold snort rang out.

"Bold words. Ones you will pay for".

Darkseid's eyes narrowed.

"No matter. I'll pry all the answers I want out of you by studying your corpse".

The words fell, Darkseid activated the Omega Effect. Two Omega beams shot out of his eyes once again at the little figure before him with much stronger intensity than before.

It was obvious. The attack from earlier was obviously a probe. And now, The God Of Tyranny was going all out.

The Omega beams, similar to Cataclysm, had disintegrating effects. They could lock onto a target, ensuring that they never missed and could move at speeds that were almost impossible to dodge.

Few beings could survive after being hit. Not even a New God.

Darkseid had expected his opponent to counter his attack in some special way. Perhaps he would be destroyed upon fist touch, perhaps weakened greatly after bearing the brunt of it, perhaps he would use that strange energy to shield himself. Even dodging it wasn't out of the question.... But the next turn of events stunned him.

The Omega beams landed squarely on Amari. In full force without any of its power diminished. But that was as good as it could get.

The Omega beams that destroyed everything it came in touch with was halted..... No…. Not halted. Absorbed.

Amari stood in place, completely unmoving. Waves of energy were devoured endlessly, like a solar system being drawn to a black hole.

It lasted for less than ten seconds.

Darkseid was forced to stop his bombardment, seeing that it had no effect.

"Impossble". The exclamation made Amari chuckle deeply.

Darkseid probably never expected it. Someone could actually take his Omega beams without flinching.

How could someone absorb the Omega Effect?

"But Is it though?" This was the reply he received before a flash of red shot towards him. Too fast for the stunned New God to react to.


Darkseid was blasted away as he was hit in the face with his own Omega beams into the far distance.

The force was so strong that he crashed through a tall tower and broke right through the other end before descending.

His body crashed to the floor, causing his landing area to collapse into the earth with countless cracks.

Dust and debris was swept in all directions as a result.

"Well, like Barry once said... I am the impossible". The voice fell into Darkseid's ears, causing him to boil with rage.

The surrounding earth was flattened as he pushed out of his crash site. Raising his head, he saw the object he sought to capture floating above him in the sky.

"And honestly..... I'm unimpressed".


The earth cracked again. Darkseid clenched his fist in fury and rushed out at full speed.

Amari didn't hold back and reciprocated the action. Two fists, one large and one small, clashed against each other at full strength.


All the buildings within range shattered from the shockwave. Or it would have if not for Amari's peculiar characteristics.

The shockwave had barely expanded when it was forcibly sucked back to his body.

"So that's your power. Energy absorption". Seeing this, Darkseid realized.

One of his generals, Mantis, had a similar ability as well. However, the difference was clear.

No matter how strong Mantis was, he was never capable of absorbing the Omega Effect.

It wasn't so exaggerated. Or else, Mantis would have conspired to slay him years ago. No..... Not "would have". The bastard already tried.

Amari didn't answer. A vast telekinetic force was unleashed without restraint on the target.

One capable of squeezing a planet with ease.

Once again, Darkseid was knocked backwards towards the earth at a fast speed.

With a loud crash, his body created a giant hole before bouncing off it and repeating the same sequence three times.

After which, he was able to bring himself to a halt.

Darkseid raised his head. Once again, the Omega Effect was released towards his adversary in an attempt to look for a possible weak spot.

Once again, It had no effect, as Amari simply absorbed it all without a change in expression.

Darkseid's stone features crumpled slightly. One of his greatest strengths, the Omega Effect gained from absorbing the power of the old Gods had no effect.

At this point, Amari uttered.

"Knowing a part of my abilities won't make your situation any easier". Amari stretched out his hand and squeezed.

His blue eyes glowed brightly.

A circular area with Darkseid at the middle was swept away by telekinesis.

Everything within this range, be it rock, sand, or buildings were crushed to pieces. The ground was uprooted by the tremendous force and everything, Darkseid included was swept into the terrifying storm.


The whole planet shook again as a massive dust cloud rose into the air.

With one move, Amari had destroyed everything within ten miles with concentrated power.

Although the area was clouded with dust, Amari's vision remained unaffected as he peered through the clouds to see the result of unleashing his power.

A chasm!

The area surrounding the spot where Darkseid stood had a bottomless pit that drove straight to the core of the planet.

Almost like someone had placed a planet sized nail and drove it right through with a hammer of equal size.

For this feat.... Amari couldn't care less. His mind was focused on another fact.

Darkseid wasn't in the hole. Neither was he floating above it.

Was he dead? No. It was impossible for him to die that easily.

So where?

It happened then.

Amari felt the gravity around him suddenly increase by ten thousand-fold.

Gravity Manipulation.

"..... Foolish. While your ability is troublesome. It is not invincible…" Those words fell into his ears, and a dark shadow immediately enveloped him to form Darkseid's silhouette.

"You cannot defeat me. So...". Amari tried to move, but realised that he couldn't. Not even an inch.

Amari was immobilized.

His brain spun for a moment with new realization.

This wasn't just manipulating gravity. This was... Chronokinesis.

Darkseid was using gravity to warp time and space around him to lengthen his perception of time.

"..... Serve as fuel for my power". A dark force emerged from his hands and attempted to envelope Amari completely.

Darkseid didn't smile. His expressionless face carried no delight, but his eyes did.

As a multiversal being, Darkseid was able to absorb the power of the old Gods, thereby gaining the Omega Effect. An ability wielded by his father, Yuga Khan on a much grander scale.

Using the Omega Effect alone, he would be no match for his father. But if he were to absorb the power of this soul in front of him..... Things would change.

And so, dark red force emerged from his hands as the mighty Darkseid expelled an erosion blast which slammed against Amari's back. The dark red force stretched over to engulf Amari completely in an attempt to greatly weaken him.

Amari's body glowed with red light as an endless amount of Omega energy was bombarded against his body without restraint.

Only when the opponent was weak enough where his resistance was too weak to pose a threat could Darkseid absorb the opponent's essence.

Darkseid's plan was simple. Manipulating gravity would restrict Amari long enough for him to get close. Chronokinesis would distort his perception of time, giving Darkseid enough time to carry out his actions while keeping him immobilized.

And the large amount of Erosion blasts was the finishing touch.

Since he could absorb energy, then Darkseid would let him absorb as much as he wanted.

Like Mantis, Darkseid believed he knew Amari's weakness. No matter how powerful his energy absorption capability was, Amari would soon reach his limit under continued infusion of his Omega beams.

When that happened, the result was obvious.

Amari would explode, his body would be destroyed and he, Darkseid could successfully absorb the essence and gain Amari's power.

