
I Am Chaotic Destruction

Within a desert, an army stood while looking at the coffin that had appeared before them all. a coffin that was sent flying, and from within, a handsome young man stepped out of the coffin while looking around. "... Lord Help us all," Onoki said as horror swallowed him seeing the person who had stepped out of the Coffin. out of any Shinobi to be brought back to life... why him? Just why? Were they fated to lose? "I'm alive? This is funny, after going all out to kill me, you bring me back to life... Onoki, you brat. you have become so old." He said with a smirk while looking around, his eyes landing on the only person in the army he knew. Onoki, out of the hundreds of thousands of shinobi who went to war with him to kill him... Onoki was someone he remembered thanks to his skills. "R-run!" Onoki didn't think for a second and ordered everyone to run. this was a monster that badly injured those 2 powerhouses, a man who stood on a level of power that could destroy the world. they were lucky to kill him last time, but even then, he took out over 60k shinobi all by himself. this was a monster.

itachi1010 · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

I win

So, it was me vs the world, Kaguya, the twins, Madara, Hashirama, Naruto, Sasuke, Obito, Itachi, and the list went on. With a hand on my side, I looked at Kaguya who was forced to admit she had no skills in leading an army, and the role of doing so was given to those of the Nara clan, who were the best at making a strategy and adding the Yamanaka clan who linked everyone mind, they were united.

Might Guy who could have died stood against them, oddly he remained in his 8-gates awakened state, not dying at all.

'My father's power over reality is in a weakened state. I will clash with his attempts to warp reality, this would leave him free and open to all of your attacks." Hagoromo's voice entered everyone's heads, while he looked at me and back at his mother, before looking at his brother who was stronger than him.

'Hamura joins hands with Might Guy. Father had rewrote reality to make it so that the 8 gates would not kill him. You two would be our heavy hitters, I will give my Sage power to a few people... Madara, absorb the Divine Tree. Naruto, Sasuke, Minato, Obito. you all look for the openings. Sakura and Tsunade, you're the best healers we have, so stay back and heal everyone from the back. but move in when you see the time is right. Itachi, Ino, Nara clansman, and everyone else... overwhelm him with too much stuff to do.' Hagoromo said while Kaguya looked at him, wanting to know what she would do

'Mother... stay back for now.' Hagoromo said. although his mother was strong, she had the huge weakness of not being a master of her abilities. Plus, she might not even be needed here. With me not being able to use reality warping, and with such huge numbers against me, I was indeed going to face a hard time.

So, Hagoromo went on to give a few people Sage Power. Hashirama, Minato, Might Guy, Itachi, and Obito. he also helped Sasuke awaken the second rinnegan. why did he pick these few people to have Sage Power?

Hashirama was self-explained. the guy was a monster, and adding Sage Power, he would be a monster capable of facing the current Madara after he absorbed the God tree

Minato was a genius, and he was the master of the Flying Thunder God. With Sage Power, he could teleport all over the battlefield at blinding speed, helping everyone out.

Might Guy was self-explained. with the 8 gates, he was already about to defeat Madara, now with the Sage power, I would sweat bullet before his current power.

Itachi was self-explained... who was Itachi? He was Sasuke's elder brother. At the young age of 13, Itachi slaughtered his whole clan. With the help of Obito, but Obito only slaughtered the kids and those who were not fighters, Itachi handled everyone else. In just one night, Itachi slaughtered everyone. Itachi was a monster, sadly when he was alive he had an illness that killed him. now back to life, and in a weakened state, he was among the few powerhouses here. but thats not the only reason Hagoromo gave Itachi Sage power.

Itachi had the MS ability, Tsukuyomi. an illusion that traps a target in a world where Itachi is god. Only ever broken out by Sasuke, but only Itachi knows if he allowed Sasuke to break out of it or not.

He had the Susanoo, which everyone with an MS would have. but Itachi Susanoo had 2 unique weapons. the Totsuka blade and the Yata Mirror. Those who are stabbed by the sword are drawn into the jar and trapped in a genjutsu-like "world of drunken dreams" for all eternity. 

The Yata Mirror was a powerful shield, capable of protecting the user from anything, be it spiritual or physical. this made Itachi have the strongest defense and the strongest offense, now with him having Sage power, he awakened the rinnegan. what would Itachi rinnegan ability be?

On to Obito, although he was troubled he was now fighting for the good guys. with now having both of his MS eyes, he was at full strength. Obito's MS ability allowed him to tap into the Kamui dimension, with this, Obito's body parts are sent into the Kamui dimension to avoid all danger and harm for up to 5 minutes. and with his other eye, he could summon something like a black hole that sucks things he is looking at into the Kamui dimensions. Now, Obito had the rinnegan. now, what would his rinnegan ability be?


Might guy burst forward at blinding speed, speed so fast that space-time didn't even have the time to move out of the way, causing it to be crushed in his path. Seeing such blinding speed, My body moved, using the Reality Warping martial arts. My eyes narrowed, and my pupils moved to the side, looking at Hagoromo who was floating in the air using the creation of all things to clash with my attempts to warp reality. 

The creation of all things is a technique that Hagoromo created. with this jutsu, Hagoromo can turn his imagination into reality, but he can also turn reality into imagination. this jutsu was the far stronger version of Izanagi.

'Since when?' I thought as I was sent shooting backward while coughing up a mouthful of blood. Might Guy stumped his feet on the ground, and with such overwhelming might, the whole planet shook before he burst forward, quickly catching up to me.

Like a ping pong ball, He hit me, sending me shooting into the sky. Might Guy hit the air, disappearing and appearing in front of me and hitting me again. like this, I was sent shooting all over the place, before I was hit hard, and sent shooting down toward Hamura.

Hamura took a deep breath before his body exploded, chakra clothing covered his body, and his Byakugan transformed, becoming the Tenseigan.

'Since when?' I thought and was punched hard in the stomach, with such force that the night sky clouds disappeared.

'Damn... this hurt.' I thought feeling how that punch sent chakra into my body, destroying me from the inside out. but I quickly caught myself, just in time to dodge Might Guy's attack, and grabbed his foot. Might Guy's eyes widened, not expecting me to be able to react. even so, my hands burned at the fact I was touching his foot which was burning from his body heat.

With a cry, I spun my body and sent Might Guy shooting down at blinding speed. but Might Guy didn't even hit the ground before I moved, just in time to dodge Hamura's attack. From my body, an explosion of chakra came off me, sending him flying back.

'Hamura seems to have a more destructive type of gentle fist.' I thought calmly, The Gentle Fist is a form of hand-to-hand combat used by members of the Hyūga clan. It inflicts internal damage by attacking the body's Chakra Pathway System, subsequently injuring organs that are closely intertwined with the area of the network that has been struck. To do this, the user surgically injects a certain amount of their chakra into the opponent's chakra pathway system, causing damage to surrounding organs due to their proximity to the chakra circulatory system. Even the slightest tap can cause severe internal damage, hence the name "gentle" fist.

Hamura is using something like the Gentle Fist but in a heavier style. It had all of the benefits of the gentle palm but was countless times more dangerous and deadly.

'My reality-warping power is better than Hagoromo, but he beats me in skills... well, this is the first time I ever got the chance to truly use my reality-warping power. I need to stay alive long enough, or else I will die here.' I thought with a smirk. these were my children. Hamura took after my destructive power, meanwhile, Hagoromo took after my reality-warping power... all of this without their bloodline.

Just as I pushed Hamura away, I found myself shaking as if a hammer had slammed into it. at that split moment, it was all that was needed for everyone to move and attack me. Kunais filled the sky. at each Kunai, Minato, and Naruto appeared, all of them surrounding me.

Time seemed to freeze seeing the many ball-shaped attacks coming towards me. these were all Rasengans. different types of Rasengans, all rushing towards me... how the fuck was I going to defend against all of them?

"Haha!" With a laugh, a ball of flames gathered at my palm. The ball of flame exploded, it was like a nuclear bomb that swallowed everyone up. with heat so great that everything was burned, even atoms.

Itachi seeing this was the one to step forward. His Yata Mirror appeared in his hands. One should know that his shield didn't have form, it was a spiritual weapon, so it took on any form he wanted. So, with a thought, his shield surrounded the explosion. 

The Yata Mirror was an ethereal shield with no set form or properties and had the power to alter every one of its attributes. By doing so, it can be used to negate any attack. So even this overwhelming heat was negated, and Itachi didn't need to worry about the chakra cost since he was a reanimated shinobi.

with the dust clouds gone, everyone looked around, trying to find me. but no matter how much they looked, they couldn't find me.

"H-he is a monster!" Hagoromo's face turned pale, this was all he could say. how couldn't he when he saw clearly that I died in that explosion, but I was warping reality to just bring myself back to life? and without any distraction, I was able to flash with his reality warping, slowly breaking it down and learning from it to improve my own. Hagoromo had no choice but to let me bring myself back to life. 

But as soon as I came back, no one gave me a chance to even speak, making me curse at them. could I not act cool? But my body moved on its own, and this time I was on guard against Hagoromo. I was only hit by Might Guy because I didn't expect Hagoromo to suppress my reality-warping capability, which in return weakened my martial arts which was built off reality-warping.

Might Guy appeared before me, being the fastest person there, he was the course the first person to appear before me. I moved to clash with his fist which ripped apart space-time on pure speed alone. With a flash, Might Guy found himself flipped over and flying away behind me.

Before he could even react, I had controlled the ground, turning it into metal which shot into the sky to pierce through his heart. but Might Guy acted quickly, dodging the metal spear and landing on the ground while facing me.

No one gave me time to breathe, Sasuke in his Susanoo shot towards me, joined by Itachi. I moved to clash with Sasuke in the coming Susanoo's fist, but all of a sudden Sasuke Punched Itachi. I suddenly found myself switching places with Itachi, with his fist slamming hard into my side and sending me slamming hard into the ground.

I almost fainted from the pain, since when did things hurt this much? It was only after a second that I realized this was an illusion... no, my senses were under the control of someone, increasing my sensitivity to pain to a crippling amount.

'this might have been a bad idea... Am I too arrogant?' I thought, but I shook my head, it wasn't that I was too arrogant. I was too humble. Sighing, I went on to let my God Level of martial arts take this time to improve while I tried to understand what was happening there.

Sasuke Rinnegan's ability allowed him to switch things within a said range. Itachi seemed to take control of the 5 senses of anyone he made eye contact with, this means he could control what a person sees, smells, hears, touches, and tastes. I guess I got caught in his illusion when I looked at him.

Everyone moved, taking this chance to rain attacks on me. In a matter of seconds, I was coughing up blood and was sent flying all over the place. but to their annoyance, they found that with every attempt they made, my martial arts capability was just improving. As my martial arts improved, so did my reality-warping powers. They didn't grow stronger but grew more refined

But things soon fell into their palms as they went on to line me up perfectly for Itachi to come in, and run the Totsuka blade through my stomach. I coughed up a mouthful of blood, while my mind got heavy, as if I was drunk. it got harder for me to gather my chakra, and control my body. this was the world of Drunken Dream. As soon as one is stabbed through, the genjutsu takes effect, making one feel so drunk that controlling chakra was pretty much impossible 

Everyone watched as I was sealed away, allowing them to sigh in relief as they had won... well, thats what they thought before they looked over and saw me sitting on the ground, clapping my hands at the show.

"... when did you make a clone?" Hagoromo asked in shock, he made sure to keep the closest eye on everything I did, so indeed I had no time to make a clone.

"I didn't make a clone. But I did cough up a lot of blood. each drop of my blood turn into me, and I will be them. that you just sealed away was my main body. but it makes no difference which was or is the main body, we all share the same mind. perfect copies of the same body."  I said with a smile. this is something I learned while fighting them, I felt like a part of me was the blood, so after some tries and attempts, I found that the blood can become a second me... well, not a second me as our minds will be one, something like a hive mind. 

"So, all that blood ou coughed up..." Hagoromo asked with a heavy heart, to which I shook my head.

"Do I look like a bully? It's already unfair as I'm fighting you all. it would only be fair if it was a 0 vs you all. So Why would I increase my numbers?" I asked with a shake of my head, making everyone's face turn dark.

"Itachi!" Might Guy cried before shooting forward at blinding speed once more. but he suddenly fell to the ground, his body slowly turning to ash. everyone froze at this sight, all they could do was look at me,

"You thought while my other body was fighting I was doing nothing? I was studying my son's understanding of reality. What a nice jutsu you have there, the creation of all things..." I said while Hagoromo's face paled.

"All this time you were using skill, to defeat my brute force in reality warping. Now, My skills are above yours, and I have greater force." I said with a smile. My skills were above Hagoromo by light years... even I was amazed myself, I was truly a genius. Years of hard work Hagoromo spent studying, meanwhile I understood it all in a few dozen hours and improved upon it.

"But I have to think you, thanks to you I now know the many levels of reality warping," I said with a smile. the most basic level of reality warping is something like toon force, where one could grab the back of their shirt and pull themselves up, float in the air, and only fall when they look down, and so on.

Above this would be the power to alter reality, such as drawing a tunnel on a wall, and all of a sudden one can enter the said tunnel. at this level, one could turn thoughts into reality to a limited degree

Above this was mastery reality warping. this is where one could reach into their dreams, grab something and bring it into reality, rewrite the very rules of reality, and so on.

above this was pretty much a level one would be Nigh-Omnipotence. they would be able to do almost anything, this is the tier my reality-warping power was at. I could do anything with my reality warping, it's just limited to my current power level.

Of course, I also made a few techniques. the one I just used on Might Guy was Blink. with a simple Blink, one's reality shall come to an end. This could be of old age, you teleporting into nothingness, or you suffering from a heart attack that just kills you. the quickest and simplest way to meet your end shall befall you.

"Well... I win." I said with a smirk while looking at Hagoromo who slowly looked at the bone spear which was stabbed through his stomach. He slowly looked behind him at Kaguya, who was looking coldly at him. Hagoromo's mistake was forgetting Kaguya's mind was not in the right head space, that fruit she had eaten back there was the biggest cause for Kaguya turning dark and ruthless.

And now, watching her son who just told her to move aside as if she was useless, in her battle for the sake of her love, she grew displeased. seeing me getting knocked around only enraged her, after all, at the end of the day... who could hate me? I was the perfect dad, lover, and human. I had almost zero flaws... and that was a cold hard fact.