
I am back.

Mirtyunjay_Tharu · Thành thị
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5 Chs

chapter 2

*zip zap zup* *time machine sound*

"Man!! time traveling sure is very tiring." said Raph. "Yeah man, my head is spinning." added Dan. Mier said "Okay okay, first let's go and find a place to stay." They both agreed. *Mier hasn't told them about him being close to the king yet* "Guys, I'm going to look around this place from above till then you guys enjoy seeing the city." as he said this he left. After a while, when they were in the city they say some people beating a guy. Raph and Dan helped him, they saved him from those people and soon the guards arrived. But actually that man was a thief so now Raph and Dan were in a problem. They both were taken in the palace so that the king would decide their punishment. They somehow fled from the guards and they reached the palace. They thought of doing some mischief and jumped over the walls of the palace. They were walking around but then they were shocked as they saw Mier with the king. They saw Arthur talking to him and then Arthur left the room giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek. They both were left with their mouths wide open because what was going on.