

When i dream, i dream of you

Maybe one day dreams will come true ..Coz i really love you💕

Seher's pov

As i entered university Wafa is already waiting for me.. Yeah yeah my angry friend ...i went to her

"Assalamoalaikum Seher"she greeted me and smiles... Hmm soo she is not angry...

"wassalam ..Wafa why r you standing here"i ask her as she was standing outside clg gate.. Generally she doesn't stand there waiting for. Me..

"actually i forgot my assignment mile so" she said and i look at her who is smiling like an idiot..... Wait she forgot her file.. Like really today we r here in clg just for this assignment and this girl

"okay now stop smiling you didnt do a great work" i said and she giggle

"amm.. So who is coming to give you. Ur file" i ask her nd she looks at me i look here nd there....

"actually Bhai was coming" she said and my heart rsRsra but i control my feeling and looks at her who is looking at me

"but he is not coming he has an important meeting "she said and all my happiness died

"hmmmm" i just hummed..

"u want him to come"she ask me mischievously

Control ur feeling Seher...

"why would I " i said and she nodded

After 5 min  someone came nd gives her the file... Whole day we enjoyed in college. ...our assignment was awesome... After college Wafa takes me to her place.. Now the fight start..

I informed bhai about this..

"Assalamoalaikum Aunty" i said as i reached her place.. Aunty is just like my mama ..

"wassalam beta"she hugs me and kissed my forehead... It feels soo good to be in Wafa's place everyone is soo loving and caring just like my family

"huh. Mama i m also here" wafa pouts and me and aunty laughs she hugs her and then moves to kitchen me and wafa went to her room..

Today my heartbeat was uneven nd o knw why... Whenever i come to wafa's place i always feel this kind of things..

We both entered her room...

"amm wafa where is everyone.. " i ask her really Seher u r good for nothing..

She turns to me and raised her eyebrows

"every one means Arhaan bhai right"she said okay she is smart ..Seher control ur mouth infront of her....hey she is my best friend how can i..

Now what....

"no.. I mean Uncle and ur badi mama i really wanted to meet her where is she" i said nd mentally tapped my shoulder...

Very good seher..

"badi Maa is with Arhaan bhai.. He takes her hospital "she said

"hospital? Is. She okay? " i ask her and she smile

"regular checkup u knw"she said nd i nodded

After that we both offered our "Salah"

"Wafa hows Kashaf bhabhi u knw i m very excited... "she said nd i smile

"she is perfectly fine "i said nd we both talk about different topics or i should say gossips.    ....

It was now 6 of evening we both r sitted in lawn with Aunty nd Badi mama idk when she came but now she is with us.. I was talking with badi mama.. She was asking about bhabhi....she is really worried for her... My cute badi mama.. I really love her.. She knws me better than anyone actually she is like a frnd for me..

"wafa bring water for me"said aunty but yeah my Wafa is busy.. Busy in her phn.. Aunty glares at her nd me and badi mama laughs

"wait aunty i'll bring water for you" i said and aunty tanked me nd again glares at her who is now busy with badi mama..

I was going in kitchen lost in my own world when i bumped into something

"Allah whats this" i said rubbing my head whatever it is it was soo hard..

"correction..  Whos this" someone said and i opened my eyes... My eyes widened as Arhaan was standing in front of me my heart beat increased..

I bumped into himm

Reallyy??  Ohh wowww


Okay i m loving it

But my head is paining

Oh stop beating soo fast lil heart

I was lost in gazing him...he was looking soo handsome in his white tee and black pant... His hairs were spread on his forehead.. Perfect!!  ..i was again lost in him... He snapped his hand in front of me and i came back to reality

"where r u lost" he said and i lower my eyes

"i.. I m.. So.. Sorry" ohh Seher stop shuttering what he will think..

"its okay"he said..nd i nodded.. I turned to go when

"Seher" he said and i jumped on my place

He takes my name

Ya Allah it feela soo good whenever he calls me

I turned to him and he smiles

His smile... The most beautiful smile of this world.. Arhaan u r making me crazy..

"hows Kaif tell him i'll come tomorrow to meet him and hows uncle nd aunty i guess its been a month since they came here" he said and i smile on his words he is soo loving... He always visits my place to meet dad nd mama and Kaif bhai is his very good frnd

"they r fine nd i will tell bhai" i smile and he nodded .he leaves from there leaving me alone in thoughts... I was soo lost in thinking about him that i totally forget that why i came here.. Suddenly someone tapped my back nd i turns.. Wafa was standing there

"u okay Seher"she ask me nd i nodded

"then why r you standing here come with me"she said nd i nodded we take water with us nd moves to lawn. Wafa gives water to aunty nd badi mama.. Arhaan was not with them..

"Aunty i think i should leave now" i said as it was getting late

"okay beta wait ...Wafa go call ur bhai he will drop Seher it was late" Aunty said nd i was shocked.. Wafa turns to with with a smirk

"its okay aunty i will call bhai "i said as i really dnt want him to come... Okay i want him... But my heart.. Huhh

"no its okay Seher bhai will drop you "Wafa said and showed me her battisi i really wanted to punch her right now

"Wafa go nd call Arhaan"said badi mama i looks at her nd she blinks her eyes nd i nodded

I was standing there with aunty when Wafa came with Arhaan my breath stuks... He was looking soo adorable...that I forgot to blink....

"he is all yours" wafa wispered and i looks at her who is now laughing


No he is not mine

"wh.. What r you saying" i said nd lowers my head

"you knw what i m saying" she winks

Nd i blushed

"allah hafiz aunty nd badi mama" i said nd hugs both of them

Wafa takes me to the car Arhaan was already sitted in car... Wafa opens the front door dor me nd i settled down..

She waved me bye..

He started driving... My heart was compelling to look at him but i cant what he will think about me..

Look at him for once.... Said my heart

No Seher dnt do this stupidity... Said my brain

But just for once afterall you love him... My heart protested

Noo its wrong... Said my brain

I was listening to both of them

"Ohh shutup you both "

He was not saying anything i was also silent..

"Soo prepared for exams" he ask me and looked at him happily

Stop stop stop smiling idiot

"hmm i was preparing "i said nd he nodded

He stop the car as we reached to. My place..

"come "i said as i really want him to come

"i'll come tomorrow "he said nd i nodded

"thanku for dropping me"i said nd he smiles..

"no need of that now go its getting late"he said nd i moves from there

"Assalamoalaikum beautiful ladies "i said looking at my Mama and Bhabhi. Mama is cutting apples for bhabhi ..

"wassalam "they both said. I went to them. Nd sits near bhabhi

"soo bhabhi today craving for apples"i said and she smiles

"Arhaan came to drop you right.. Where is he" my heart jumps hearing his name...

"mama he said he'll come tomorrow "i said nd mana nodded

"Arhaan bhai dropped you"bhabhi said nd raised her eyebrows...i widened my hers and she laughs

Huhh she is another version of Wafa..

Mama was looking at both of us trying to understand something i looks at her and smiles

"appi when u came" i turns on yhe voice nd see Meher standing there with Kaif bhai she comes to me nd sits next to me bhai sits with Mama not forgetting to winks at bhabhi... Awee myy bhabhi nd bhabhi

"Seher go nd study ur exams r soo close" mama said nd i nodded

I went to my room.... I takes out my simple dress nd went to washroom...

Come on Seher studyy tymm!!!

I said to myself nd start studying... But todays moments were not leaving me...today he talks with me.. I bumped into him.. I blush thinking about all these


After sometime Mama called us for dinner we had our dinner with lots of chit chat.. I tell bhai that tomorrow he will come... Yeah Arhaan...

I came back to my room..i study till 1pm nd then drawn into my dreamland...


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